Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Introducing Baby Food Schedule

Cats love books and books that love wine.

The Gatti family is a family of readers: Lorenzo winter reads at least 1 hour and a half before dinner, after have pruned or after preparing the sprigs of willow will be used to clean that then prune; Renata law before and after dinner, and delights in words to search for the right, left, up and down in those crossword puzzles; Lino goes to books by Max pruning, viticulture, oenology, various guides, I read anything: from books to street signs, with train tickets.

Sunday we were one of four companies present at the Library of Lovat Villorba, companies selected by our distributor Les Caves de Pyrene. This
around the protagonist of the event was Lino, who was extricated with passion between a glass of Prosecco and a sur lie Raboso, welcoming the many visitors who were intrigued by the books is mixed with the bottles, which they passed in the vinyls background, that the producers explained that their passion with children.

The passion that Lovat's family for culture in all its forms is disarmingly always presentations of authors have created this kind of coffee, now wine bar, where you can sit, eat something and read a few books in peace. In short, is the place I love the addition of what I like: books + wine = my happiness.


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