Thursday, December 30, 2010

Requirements To Sit For Cpa Im Fl

The Pictures in December 2010

After the festivities placid stuga disposed in front of Gift Shop, pandori, panettone, leverpastej , tangerines, tortellini, etc. julmust , now the time is ripe for a hit and run in the city, right to buy the ingredients for tiramisu and update the blog with the latest photos of the Year, this time subject to an upgrade because of a certain quality that Canon has decided to outdo the SonyEricsson. All with the complicity of such a Jultomte .
Not spectacular, but in all a great feast of ice, snow, ice and snow, and shivering in the pines of the month shorter nights, where temperatures were around -26 degrees even on.

Meanwhile, the sea ice had widened since the early days of the month:

Delicate embroidery in light orange icing lunchtime:

you know who has done a bit 'of concept art for the film Avatar? No? Really? Look a bit 'here:

Not everything is black or gray at this heavy:

The inhabitants of the campaign are well aware and give lectures to the citizens sciapo architects, at least with regard to the illuminations of the Sabbath:

Winter Sports:

Marosi frozen:

and other views from the cape:

O from the forest:

where fast Fugitives roam the lands covered with snow:

Finally, he falls fast in the evening:

and ends on the day, and soon this year. Who
passa di qui, auguro che il prossimo sia migliore, e porti verso giorni piú luminosi, come una fine d'Inverno nell'Ultima Thule. Se a qualcuno andrá bene, ci si rivedrá su queste pagine il prossimo anno, dunque.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Goiter Causes In Shark

almost year old maid in English ongoing

Post di servizio, perchè non mi piacciono le persone stupide, e a quanto sembra ce n'è una che passa di qua, con vari nomi e lascia in giro i suoi commenti poco graditi.
Se fosse un blog mio, me ne fregherebbe poco: ho un altro blog in rete, mio personale e gli attacchi non mi fanno paura.
Però questo è il blog dell' azienda di mio padre, e le sue fatiche, i suoi piccoli successi, i suoi passi internauti per mano mia e di mio fratello non meritano frasi stupide dette da persone a cui io personalmente sto poco simpatica.
Detto questo, ne vedrete delle belle a giorni.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Can Using A Heater Trigger A Smoke Alarm?

Have You know that you can make it with the cycles and recycles

small steps I have resumed training.

Friday new jog with Andrew T., 14 km to 5 'and 20''Sanatorium, Valle, Astra and back.

Saturday 25 December, the traditional lap of the dead. Given the mud we cut away from Falamera uphill farm 4 winds, up to down and then return home Valmadonna Att. Mouth.
There we uncorked a bottle of sparkling wine and we listened to the traditional speech of the landlord who joking: "FROM WHICH THE KNOW you'll make it." Note
color: in the register of admissions starting in 1991 I saw my signature right away from that year.

Sunday. Because of the rain is gone to swim at Bellavita. I will have done 3 km? Boh.

Today: 50 km race bike with low gears and big toes on ice!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Problems With My Tech Deck

God Jul (board)!

Ed eccoci arrivati ancora una volta al Sospirato Julafton, La Madre dell'Inverno e Culmine dell'Attesa.
Attesa di cosa?
I Regali che erano sul tavolo sono stati impacchettati, non prima d'esser stati preventivamente innaffiati dal Mezzovikingo (magari ne crescono di piú, o aumentano di volume, non si sa mai). Le Provviste per la stuga son state acquistate. L'Albero addobbato e le case riempite di una splendida collezione degli kitsch items of the moment.
The daily tasks are passed, and for a while 'we can enjoy the pampering in the calm of a Mezzovikingo stuga, ierisera reached after a quick trip through the snowy forests and crystal clear air at -26 degrees. The nearly full moon illuminated a sea completely frozen and indistiguibile from the mainland.
Now, missing only to fill the belly, and I know that that is so vulgar, because we're good and we can afford, and this makes us forget that mica is taken for granted.
precisely because in-laws soon, which will prepare more or less the same things that I described last year in this post here .

Julbord This is not the only, or Christmas table, which is painful given the chance to participate. Just like the rest of the continent, and perhaps elsewhere, many employers offer some 'Viaticum of Christmas to its employees, and we escaped this fate as well of us. A local custom is that restaurants and taverns Swedish prepare a buffet of traditional recipes , said Julbord , or choose the most representative components and bundle them into a single dish, said perlappunto Jultallrik ( Christmas plate ).
Since this year my colleagues and I have had the opportunity to dine with a Julbord in a restaurant that serves only traditional ingredients of Norrland, post here some pictures of what was there.

has run started with the inevitable cold dishes of fish, herring in sour (sill), smoked salmon or marinated local, local cheeses, including the inevitable Västerbottenost, outlined in sauces based mustard or fish eggs :

Department meats offered us a few little things po'inaspettate, oltre ai soliti salami e salametti e korvucce di alce e renna:

Ebbene sí, c'era anche la salsiccetta di Orso!
Il tutto da gustare con l'accompagnamento, ovviamente dolce, di alcune salsette, come una senape di Nordmaling o un gelée di Kråkbär (Empetrum Nigrum), bacca parente dell'Erica, comune in queste zone, e che io non sospettavo fosse edibile:

Or even these marmellatine cranberry (Lingon) and cinnamon, or Havtorn ( Hippophae rhamnoides), tree berries rich in vitamin C, and grows readily along the coasts of the Gulf of Bothnia:

Of course there were the usual hot dishes, the Janssons Frestelse which he had already described the virtues last year, the boring Prinskorv (pompous name for a sausage microscopic and unsalted), and köttbullar good, but on this occasion also traditional elk:

Finally, a bit 'of godis , and testimony that Pepparkakor really eat up with moldy cheese (also produced locally). While some have chosen the Julmust watering their dishes, I note that my head has a favorite drink with the so-called Julmumma, an alcoholic beverage, in this case based on beer, flavored with cardamom, or kardemumma.

With this, the dinner was over. And with that I finish this post, and hope to all those who passed here, as much wealth, not only for food or snow, but most of all happiness and tranquility.

But now I have to recover their arms and baggage, for the Blota wait, and Viking is impatient.
to God Jul på!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Skin Peeling Healing Athlete's Foot

Ironing Board Cord Minder

Just started the cycle of 30 weeks to prepare for the Ironman France here that I caught the flu.
five days I was locked up at home and yet I have not recovered 100%.

The fact is that yesterday I started to run (1h dragging a 6 '/ km) and to swim today (2,000 little traffic in the planet).

Coming to recycle here's a nice cup won by our duatlheti to Manerba

But if we turn the cup marveling :-(

is to be say that there are still empty and the two sides on March 6 is the citadel of duathlon


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mary J Blige Hairstyle

worse than that is difficult

Yes, because today
not only is the Winter Solstice and the sun peeps out at 9:28 to 13:46 and then disappear;
not only have the privilege of enjoying a splendid Weather:

ma addirittura, dopo 400 anni che l'aspettavamo, stamane ci é pure capitata una bellissima Eclissi Totale di Luna.

Insomma, l'Apoteosi Totale dell'Oscuritá. 
Sulla rete, Seguaci di Credenze pagane annunciano Rituali di Rinascita.
A noi dell'Ultima Thule ci fa un baffo e una beffa, perché tanto il Meteo é (come s'é visto) quello che é, ma pensate a quei poveracci che vivono ancora piú a Nord di noi, tipo Kiruna, Abisko, Muodoslompolo o Övre Soppero: da loro, quando il Sole non sorge Mai, é la Luna a far da surrogato.
E qua ce la siamo persa. Peccato, perché proprio dalle latitudini Ultimathuliane there would have been allowed to vedercela all, and even human schedules (morning around 8-9).

Okay, tomorrow will be better. For six months or so.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

German Shepherd Poodle Mix

In the Land of the Donkeys and Pepparcachi

One of the pillars of Sweden, and the phenomenology of Christmas.
Phenomenology of Swedish Christmas is a complex structure, made of painted with the ancient rituals of the famous Retrieved Christian roots, and Buildings decorated with planting the side by side as one of the candles Julstake or the crown of St. Lucia.
an architecture mystical and important needs a building material appropriately.
This material is found in the Eastern dall'Olezzo Objects, which are also known in the local vernacular Pepparkakor .
At first glance, the Pepparkakor cookies are smooth and brown with different shapes. They range from Heart to Heart with Hole, Tree, in Swine, mannikin, a relative of the dress that I'm sure you bought your children. They have the same smell of Spekulatius or Spekulaas Belgian and teutolandici, but does not equal the implementation difficulties, or the intricate decorations.

The homemade aspect must not deceive, because a Pepparkaka is much more than that, and Sweden is the subject of a real phenomenon which opens the dance and gives meaning to the Christmas period.
First of all, to have Pepparkakor, you have to make a dough. Take because:
300 g butter 5 ounces of sugar
tablespoon ginger powder
a deciliter of dark syrup
two tablespoons of cinnamon
a tablespoon of ground cloves
two teaspoon ground cardamom
a tablespoon of baking powder 2 ounces of water
and a half liters of white flour.
a tablespoon green pepper. Eh, no, joke. Despite its name, there goes the pepper. It was used once, but not anymore. Disappointed?

auks, we work together butter, syrup and sugar with spices. You add water and baking soda, mixing the flour little by little. You will get a pat kakka brown color; this will be wrapped in plastic wrap (or not to do it dry, the refrigerator is not plagued coll'odore persistent cinnamon) and made to stand overnight in refrigerator. The next day, pulled a sheet of cookies and make it with the appropriate stencils. No recipe I will tell, but this dough sticks very happy on the work surface. Find intelligent solutions to this problem. If you put the cookies in the oven for about 5 'at 225 degrees, the work is completed.
The process is also much appreciated if you are at home to mask strong odors.

Version easier: buy the dough in the store, pull the dough! Make cookies and bake.
version even easier: buy them. Best of the kingdom, after careful tasting tests carried out by local newspapers, they are (needless to say), those from an obscure village in the Region Last Thule.

At this point, one might say, "Okay, we made cookies. Probably are also good, now I make a tea and I feel if they are to my liking. "
big mistake! Pepparkakor The items are worth a lot more sacral treatment. First of all, if you have children, take care to dress in the uniform of I had the shape shown in the previous post. Then, go buy glogg and gorgonzola or other blue cheese equivalent riddled with mold (not worth the pieces of dairy forgotten in the fridge for three months). Glogg is a wine akin to spicy Glühwein teutolandico, or even mulled wine from Friuli. Glogg The Phenomenology also presents its own socio-wine, now I omit not to digress.
So now that you have everything scaldate il Glögg, mettetelo in una tazza, metteteci a piacere mandorle e uvette, poi prendete il gorgonzola e spalmatelo sui Pepparkakor. Bevete e mangiate. Sí, anche il gorgonzola sui Pepparkakor, avete capito bene.
No, non vi piace? Rozzi zoticoni.
Per punizione allora, invece di mangiare i pepparkakor, dovrete affrontare delle prove d'Estetica, Architettura ed Ingegneria. Sí, perché in Svezia la pepparkaka é un ottimo Materiale da Costruzione, e con esso vengono eretti Castelli, Casette, Stughe, Catapecchie, Tamburi da batteristi. La regola é che le Opere debbano essere tutte in materiale teoricamente commestibile, perció le pareti vengono saldate con caramello di zucchero, (processo molto piú complex and painful to imagine what's fingers) and details inspired by several hundred pounds of godis of which I spoke to his time in this post , as well as generous flourishes of icing sugar.
If you feel a bit instead of 'geometry, and you do not want to waste your time and intellect in the creative process, there are starter kits to make the house Pepparkaka, like this:

If On the contrary, you are aware of having one manual and a fantasy that even Le Corbusier, then know that you may disclose to the world participate in contests for Builders of Homes Pepparkaka (CCCP), which may include the Last Thule held in a popular shopping center. The CCCP
Last Thule theoretically that national championship, but in reality, given that similar competitions are published elsewhere, here are just Ultimathulesi to participate. I can not imagine anyone who makes a grind from Blekinge, for more with this weather, only to have to explain its creation.
A couple of photos taken from the internet show them to you here, referring to CCCP than 3 years ago:

Other examples can be in the same site where I stole the two pictures, here or here . Other contributions last year you can see in this site Journal. Participants are divided into categories, which also include a representation of a specific profession. Last year, the politicians were involved. This year will be the turn of Architects: given the aesthetic standard of Modern Ultimathulese, I suspect that their contributions will have a look not unlike this:

When the Viking and I were still young and idlers (about four years ago), and we had to do with a terrorist who loves Mezzovikingo destroy everything that comes to hand, the Viking is delighted to design, build and refine the following wonder (who was confined in the apartment and not participate in any CCCP):

The marginal contribution of manpower that I gave at the time was still good enough to make me intolerant of Pepparkakor smell for years to come.

But in the end, if that makes it one of these wonders?
The answer is simple: they are demolished and eat for the Epiphany. All
, including godis . I still think that the Swedish pancreas is of a nature very resilient.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Brazilian Waxing And Hemmorhoids


In this period I suffer from genuine Block by Blogger. And not that of sporadic outages on the comments of Blogspot, the insertion of video or image, but that more serious omission of words, deeds, Post and impressions that you rarely blobbizzano in my brain, if there was one (provided that I have not yet occurred ).
We jumped in Advent, which is the condition -Northern-most-tell-e-Magic , but here I have exhausted all topics. Of Saint Lucia I talked about this and that other post already last year, there is the Illuminations menzione qua e ; col buffet tipico, o smorgåsbord , ho nauseato il server in un paio di altri post . In quanto ai mercatini, non vale certo la pena di bissare la descrizione dell'anno scorso, che ci entravano tutti e anche qualcosa in piú.
Il Mezzovikingo é cresciuto dall'anno scorso, ad ogni modo. Se una dozzina di mesi fa mi lanciavo in estatici e patetici apprezzamenti nel sentirlo comporre una frase di tre parole, suscitando probabilmente un po' di pietá, al momento attuale il nostro amabile Meticcio ci fa intravedere una lucrativa carriera come DeeJay, specialmente visto il picco d'attivitá e buonumore (suo) che si attesta around 23. In these times there is given the privilege of seeing performed ritual dances on our beds, while the entire repertoire of the Swedish child discography there is repeated several times, even with lyrics reworked at the moment: as we know, the best way to avoid the Alzheimer 'parents, is to stimulate active learning even in old age. The Viking thanks for swearing not to remember even one of the songs (a phenomenon variously interpreted as the Neuroscience Selective removal, or perlappunto, Alzheimer ).
sequences such as Baa Baa
life lamm
Imse VIMS spindel (we mysteriously Leppe Leppe spindel . It is not Finnish)
Lille snigel
Blink lilac Stjarna
I ett hus vid slut skogens
(texts and tunes them there google for yourself if they were interested)
therefore have ousted the CD of AC / DC, In Flames, or even the mildest Ultimathulese Lisa Miskowsky in our home hit parade. Of all this responsibility and to be given asylum.
my part, with my last vestiges of national pride (which always made to test the chronicles of the Italian newspaper), I try to convince the future heir of Pupo Ghinazzi to experiment with works like the weepy southernmost Lullaby Coffee Bean, Coffee of the Peppina (note the subliminal messages about the national drink of both states), not to mention how smelensitudini Goodnight and floret O'Ssole my . The latter may be the pride of any mother Neapolitan passion that puts Mezzovikingo executable.
phenomenon is well known that mothers dissatisfied with themselves, like myself, often try to show off through their children and their performance. Therefore, in view of the newly passed feast of Saint Lucia, where an exhibition of little children singing would have expected in Kindergarten, I tried to teach Mezzovikingo the first verse of the song of Saint Lucia in Italian, what with Christmas just did not nothing to do and instead describes the beauty of Naples and past of going boat. Since the Swedes do not know the real content of the stanza, the Mezzovikingo I would make a great impression.
The infant learns, with attached Neapolitan passion infused.
The offspring, and the nature Executioner, I punished for my vanity of Mother frustrated. In other words, a little child hath been caught solemn cold that day and leap for asylum.

not happy, I have tried to impose on Mezzovikingo customs of his homeland minority. What better way if not corrupt with the gifts? Braving my vision of the universe agnostic, I still used it because it tells the story from my side of St. Lucia who goes around with his ass and leave a nice little thought to all the children who were determined to provide a little 'food for the journey of the beast. So it was that on a cold night landing Dicembrino our guests a pot full of porridge, for the concerns of neighbors and their dog. In the morning there was this:

Nonostante la gentilezza fosse piú che altro un'iniziativa mia, il pacchetto non risultó indirizzato a me. E poi si parla di giustizia divina.

Siccome qua peró non siamo nel Veneto, bensí in Svezia, qualche concessione alle usanze locali dev'essere pur fatta. M'era giá capitato di raccontare di come il Fisico dei giovani Norrlandesi viene temprato, all'asilo, facendo far loro la siesta all'aperto, con piú o meno venti gradi sotto zero. 
La Tempra del carattere si fa invece imponendo loro di vestirsi nei modi piú improbabili all'approssimarsi delle festivitá natalizie. Del cappello da Asino of Stjärngossar to St Lucia I had already talked about last year. Reserve this year instead of the description of the Uniform Order for the children. From choosing apparel think we can, in many cases, to perceive the political sympathies of the family. I
who are openly Left I therefore opted for the red tunic from a small Soviet, said here Jultomte for diplomatic reasons political correctness (for the companion and partner):

Families moved by nostalgia for the brown shirts of the last century, should you prefer the following Alternative:

The official version says that this should represent no more tan dress that Pepparkakor , or gingerbread cookies, decorated with squiggles of frosting.

The Mezzovikingo, which are in the age of two terrible reinterpreted in their own way and therefore the charges parenting, decided to move away from the radical propaganda mother to find a solution Lagom his way between the ' Alternatively red and the pepparkak (k) . The result is this:

And now, while we think of Phenomenology of mica Pepparkakor I had happened to speak. The recipe and cultural info the next time, I guess.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Herpes Outbreak On My Stomach And Chest

The Deepening Crisis

12th International Meeting of Communist and Workers Parties `
3rd - 5th December 2010, Tshwane, South Africa

TSHWANE DECLARATION (complete text available on

The 12th International Meeting of Communist and Workers` Parties took place in Tshwane, South Africa from the 3rd to the 5th of December 2010 with theme "The deepening systemic crisis of capitalism. The tasks of Communists in defence of sovereignty, deepening social alliances, strengthening the anti-imperialist front in the struggle for peace, progress and Socialism".

102 delegates representing 51 participating Parties from 43 countries and from all continents of the world came together in order to take forward the work of our previous meetings, and to promote and develop common and convergent action around a shared perspective.


The international situation continues to be dominated by the persisting and deepening crisis of capitalism. This reality confirms the analyses outlined in the declarations of our 2008 Sao Paulo and 2009 New Delhi 10th and 11th International Meetings. The current global crisis of capitalism underlines its historical limitations and the need for its revolutionary overthrow. It shows the intensification of the basic contradiction of capitalism between the social character of production and the private capitalist appropriation.

The crisis is systemic - despite pre-2008 capitalist illusions to the contrary, capitalism cannot escape its in-built, systemic tendency to go through cycles of boom and bust. The current global crisis is a particularly severe manifestation of a capitalist downturn occasioned by capitalist over-production. Now, as in the past, there is no answer, within the logic of capitalism, to these periodic crises other than crisis itself, marked by the massive and socially irrational destruction of assets - including mass job lay-offs, factory closures, and the wholesale attack on wages, pensions, social security and erosion of people`s livelihoods. This is why, at our previous two meetings, we correctly asserted that the current crisis was not merely attributable to subjective failings, to the greed of bankers or financial speculators. It remains a crisis embedded in the systemic features of capitalism itself.

The persisting crisis is compounded by significant shifts in the international balance of forces. In particular, there is the on-going relative decline of US economic global hegemony, general productive stagnation in most advanced capitalist economies, and the emergence of new global economic powers, notably China. The crisis has intensified the competition between the imperialist centres and also between the established and emerging powers. This includes the US-led currency war; the concentration and centralization of economic and political power within the EU deepening its character as an imperialist block led by its main capitalist powers; a distinct sharpening of the inter-imperialist struggle for markets and access to

raw materials; expanding militarism, including the strengthening of aggressive alliances (for example, the NATO Lisbon Summit with its "new" dangerous strategic concept), the profusion of regional points of tension and aggression (notably in the Middle East, Asia and Africa), coups in Latin America, the intensification of neo-imperialist tendencies of fanning ethnic conflicts and the increasing militarization of Africa through, amongst other things, AFRICOM.

At the same time it has become clear that capitalism`s trajectory with its profit-maximising, headlong destruction of natural resources, and of the environment in general poses a grave threat to the sustainability of human civilization itself. The political elites in the dominant capitalist states with their various proposals for "green technologies" and carbon trading at best represent adjustments which increase the profitability of capital while deepening the commodification of nature, and the transfer of climate change crises onto less developed countries. The crisis of the capitalist system that we face as humankind is directly linked to capitalism`s inability to reproduce itself except through a voracious pursuit of compound growth. It is a crisis that can only be overcome through the abolition of capitalism itself.

Faced with these realities, everywhere capital fights back, seeking to preserve profits and to transfer the burden of its crisis onto the working class by intensifying exploitation based on gender and age, the urban and rural poor, and a wide range of middle strata. Exploitation is intensified, the state is used to rescue private bankers and financial houses while exposing future generations to unsustainable levels of debt, and there are intensified efforts to roll back social gains.

In the entire capitalist world, labour, social, economic, political and social security rights are being abolished. At the same time the political systems are being made more reactionary , restricting democratic and civil liberties, especially trade union rights. The retrenchments, including major spending cuts in the public sector are having a devastating impact on workers, especially women workers. There are also attempts to divert popular distress and insecurity into reactionary demagogy, racism and xenophobia, as well as to legitimise fascist forces. These are expressions of anti-democratic and authoritarian tendencies also marked by the escalation of anti-communist attacks and campaigns in many parts of the world. In Africa, Asia and Latin America we are witnessing the imposition on our peoples of new mechanisms of national and class oppression, including economic, financial, political and military means as well as the deployment of an array of pro-imperialist NGOs.

However, for the mass of peoples, in particular in Africa, Asia and Latin America, it is important to remember that, even before the current global economic crisis, life under capitalism was a continuing crisis, a daily struggle for bare survival. Even before the current global crisis, one billion people were living in squalid slums, and half of the world`s population was surviving on less than $2 a day. With the crisis these realities have been massively aggravated.

Most of these urban and rural poor, along with family members working as vulnerable migrants in foreign countries, are the displaced victims of the accelerated capitalist agrarian development under-way in Africa, Asia and Latin America. Global capitalism, spear-headed by the major corporates in the agro-industrial sector, has declared war on nearly one-half of humanity - the three billion remaining rural people in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

At the same time inhuman barriers are being set up against immigrants and refugees. There is an ever-increasing mushrooming of urban and semi-urban slums populated by desperate marginalised masses typically involved in a variety of activities for survival. The accelerated capitalist agrarian transformation in countries with a lower level of capitalist development has genocidal implications.