Thursday, March 10, 2011

How Do I Beat Funbrain

Exodus 1, 22


These are the names of the sons of Israel came into Egypt with Jacob, and everyone arrived with his family: Reuben, Simeon, Levi e Giuda, 3 Issacar, Zàbulon e Beniamino, Dan e Nèftali, Gad e Aser. Tutte le persone nate da Giacobbe erano settanta, Giuseppe si trovava già in Egitto.
Giuseppe poi morì e così tutti i suoi fratelli e tutta quella generazione. I figli d'Israele prolificarono e crebbero, divennero numerosi e molto potenti e il paese ne fu ripieno.
Allora sorse sull'Egitto un nuovo re, che non aveva conosciuto Giuseppe. E disse al suo popolo:
«Ecco che il popolo dei figli d'Israele è più numeroso e più forte di noi. Prendiamo provvedimenti nei suoi riguardi per impedire che aumenti, Otherwise, in case of war, will join our enemies, and fight against us and then leave the country. " Therefore they did set over them taskmasters to afflict them with hard labor for their claims, and they built for Pharaoh store-cities, ie Pitom and Ramses.
But the more they afflicted them, the more they multiplied and grew, they began to feel like a nightmare because of the children of Israel. why the Egyptians made the Israelites work treating them harshly. They made their love life by forcing them to manufacture clay bricks and all sorts of work in the fields and at all These works forced them harshly.
And the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of which was called Sifra and the other Puah: "When Jewish women at the delivery, when the baby is still observed between the two sides of seat for the delivery: whether it is a male, you will die if it is a female, can live. " But the midwives feared God did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, and let the children live. The king of Egypt called the midwives and said to them: "Why have you done this and have saved the men children alive?". The midwives said to Pharaoh, "The Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian are full of vitality: before it arrives at the midwife of them have already given birth. " Therefore God midwives. The people multiplied and became very strong. And because the midwives feared God, he gave them houses. Then Pharaoh commanded all his people: "Every child that is born to the Hebrews, threw him into the Nile, but let every daughter live."

read and reflect.

When I read these passages, my understanding of grace, opens the understanding of who God is, what he wants from us and how we should be in respect of the brothers also if foreign, but still her children. The Egyptians with their presumption to believe that the pharaoh was God not listening to those who brought to them the true Word of God, have created many disasters and suffering, suffering of those fears are typical of those who do not want to give what he has, even at other peoples. If we rebel to events that may seem strange, the Lord is still ahead with his project. In fact we see today do not know what in the name of God, Christians oppress, persecute you, but at the same time many Christians in interest or power oppress other people using them just as has happened to the Jews in Egypt. I know that man as long as there always will be clean, but then I wonder: what came to Christ? He taught us how to be as welcome as love, how to forgive and how to give. We all know that a nation must be able to control the movements of peoples that live within them surely even the mob, but to give to those who want to work a welcome worthy of a human being, not persecute them with unnerving procedures and giving them a decent work of a human being in this way bringing peace.
I also know that it is not easy, but a pleasant people know how to put peace in peace those who for various reasons, religious and political leaders do not know that peace comes to us first, and if we have the also give.
You see a moving world, which migrates with a supersonic speed, suffering people, hungry, thirsty, very poor due to national policies and abuse of power, but also that our economy does nothing to lend a hand, indeed, often due to lucrative profits, speculating on its poorest.

Scripture tells us that the years pass and the family of Joseph is gone now, but the Israelites who were afraid to put prolific pharaoh convinced of losing power and glory.
times do not change, man is always that.

But the nice thing about this reading is the figure of Midwives, which being Jewish, were well aware of their God, and have operated according to His will.
Here I am reminded of our society that kills children for birth control and to give the false freedom that leads to nothing but the destruction of the people.
In Italy we see that people are afraid of the children of foreigners, they are, are prolific and because of that will one day be a work force that we're losing because a society that is now old.
Se noi prendessimo nella mano sinistra il giornale e nella destra la Bibbia, leggendoli scopriremmo come i tempi ritornano e gli errori che l’uomo fa si ripetono. Ma un popolo cristiano non dovrebbe operare in modo diverso? Non dovrebbe proporre leggi per la vita, per la pace, per una giusta solidarietà?
La storia ci dovrebbe educare, si vede bene leggendo questo brano che gli Egiziani avevano perso la memoria storica di chi erano gli Ebrei e quale Dio adoravano. Però, nonostante la scelta di far morire tutti i bambini maschi del popolo Ebraico, Dio salvò Mosè, e tutti gli Israeliti alla fine furono ugualmente liberati ma la peggio l’hanno the Egyptians had with the 10 disasters.
This should give us pause.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How To Hookup 8 Wire Thermostat


I gave a rearranged the post labels.
Music obviously contains posts that it comes to music. In some cases it is not written by me, mostly things copiaincollate and a good dose of videos from youtube.
Literature contains prose and poetry, not mine, plus a few essays and articles on literature, only a small part of mine.
policy contains the post of political argument between which several are mine. Other
label is vague, contains a bit of everything, but it is often paired with another label.
Mi_presento contains posts written by me, on various topics, but not all my posts, some are under other labels, as policy.
Philosophy contains songs from works of philosophy or my thoughts on topics of philosophy.
The other labels are quite eloquent, and shall apply to a few posts.

Hacking Bluetooth Dongle

Postmodernism rejects any universalism and with that, necessarily, the idea of \u200b\u200ba human essence. From this perspective, then, the idea that in a society more or less ideal man to carry out its essence, is intended to be a consequence of a metaphysical approach and, as such, should be dismissed.

addition, it is impossible to define the conditions of happiness for man, because if nothing is universally valid, these conditions may also vary from one individual to another. We return, once again, relativism. With this in mind, however, it can be said that a slave can be exploited happy, even a prisoner, a person deprived of his liberty, a displaced person and so on. It is difficult, however, clearly support this hypothesis. And besides, if we admit that a slave exploited can be happy, there will be the question of as it may be, thus, they assume, against the principle of anti-universalist, the conditions under which even a slave, as man can be happy. It 's really difficult to do without a certain metaphysics.

postmodernist criticism, however, effectively bringing the question to reconsider more carefully the issue of possible human essence, some are hard to define ...

Females At The Red Rock Casino

The desire is scarce

The desire to train is proportional to the posts made lately ...

However, something I'm doing and I can say that although it is back to swimming and running and is a little overweight are still confident that the season is about to begin.

Last Saturday, after working in the dark to the previous post, I have syrup 4 h cycling (3 hours and 1 / 2 with Cross) + 1h 20 'jog.

Sunday, rest day. :-( (

Monday 60 km bike with Abraço, we had a hamster (Lu, Cuccaro, Camagna, Conzano, Lu).

Yesterday swimming (I of 3000 Facts 2300) and race (1 hour of slow repeated with two 6 'threshold in all unwillingly).


Monday, March 7, 2011

Symptoms Of A Chest Infection - Baby

1, Dua of the Citadel - Behind the scenes .... Along

Behind the big race there is always a great job ...

Is It Unsafe To Eat Protein Bars


Speech spiritual san Doroteo, abbot.
The reason for all anxiety is that nobody accuses himself.

Let us, brothers, especially to see what comes from the fact that when someone has heard a word troublesome, often goes away without any reaction, as if he had heard, and sometimes he just felt it disturbs and affects.
What, I wonder, the reason for this difference? This fact has one or more explanations? I realize that there are more explanations and reasons, but there is one that is in front of the other and that creates all others, such as said: "This comes from the particular situation in which someone comes to find sometimes.
he that is in prayer or contemplation, easily bear the brother who insults him, and remains undisturbed. Sometimes this happens when someone suffers from too much is driven to some brother. For this he affection he bore everything with patience.
This may also result from contempt. When one mocks or scorns those who wanted to annoy him, ashamed to look at or speak to him, or mention of talking to someone, to their insults and slander her, seeing it as the vilest of all.
From this can arise because, as I said, that someone not be troubled, nor grieve if not despised or consider the things that are said. Happens instead is that someone is upset or grieve for the words of a brother when it is in a critical condition or hates when that brother. However, there are also many other causes
of this same phenomenon that is otherwise presented. But la ragione prima di ogni turbamento, se facciamo una diligente indagine, la si trova nel fatto che ognuno non incolpa se stesso. Da qui scaturisce ogni cruccio e travaglio, qui sta la ragione per cui non abbiamo mai un po’ di pace; né ci dobbiamo meravigliare, poiché abbiamo appreso da santi uomini che non esiste per noi altra strada all’infuori di questa per giungere alla tranquillità. Che le cose stiano proprio così lo constatiamo in moltissimi casi. E noi, inoperosi e amanti della tranquillità, ci illudiamo e crediamo di aver intrapresa la via giusta allorché in tutte le cose siamo insofferenti, non accettando mai di incolpare noi stessi.
Così stanno le cose. Per quante Under the man possesses, be it innumerable and endless, if you away from this path will never peace, but will always be afflicted or afflict others, and affaticherà vain.

When I pray the chaplet of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, there is just a small step that makes us ask the Lord to make our hearts like his. A heart that is anxious, not crying in pain for the injuries received, but that can be molded to his.
Is it hard to imitate!
We are so taken by ourselves though often say to forgive his brother abides in us an inability to understand, because forgiveness is not complete. Many times we ask for the respect of opinions, our actions and behave differently towards them, because in this world there are a lot of screaming that stun and do not give us the much desired peace. In the words of St. Dorothy, peace must be first and foremost in our hearts. Prayer, live the gospel, follow the saints is good. Following Jesus is not easy, every one of us is called to holiness, but it is hard!
When I think the holy martyrs as was Bhatti, Maximilian Kolbe, but also girls who have given their lives to not abide the violence of the demons, so here I said, thinking of them, I feel small and fragile, still need the help of Jesus
Thank God there are these readings illuminating, and it is only through our Catholic Church can actually make those small steps towards the desired holiness.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Brazilian Wax Billerica Ma

Relativism Postmodernism and metaphysical values \u200b\u200band ethics and objectivity

Chi ritiene la tolleranza un valore, può tollerare l’intollerante? Se sì, allora ritiene che l’intolleranza possa essere un valore tanto quanto la tolleranza; se no, allora è intollerante.

a Democrat can accept the freedom of expression dell'antidemocratico (for example, the fascist)? If so, believes that his freedom of expression is too weak to undermine democracy, but if it becomes strong enough to do that, then the acceptance of that freedom would not really believe in democracy, but we believe a value as much as the non-democracy. If not, then it is not democratic.

In general, then it can be said to assume a value a certain thing, unless the contrary. They are tolerant because refusal intolerance. Be careful to profess relativists: they may well accept certain values \u200b\u200bas principles not contradict our own, but when it takes an adversarial principle, then our value is no longer a value, and nothing really has more value, either for me or for anyone else. A radical nihilism. It seems however, that it is untenable: we all believe that something is better (better, more just, more beautiful, more useful) to something else. We can, in words, do not admit it, but the fact of our behavior is always guided by certain beliefs.

I can say in words that there is no value for me, but I think wrong the Nazi extermination of Jews. If not, risk di essere nazista. Un qualche valore ci deve pur essere.

(Queste ultime riflessioni derivano in buona parte della lettura di Diego Marconi, Per la verità , Torino, Einaudi, 2007)

Emily Haines Sheet Music


; ; San Casimiro.

Queen Elizabeth of Austria had thirteen children, twelve of which encircled the royal crown and a Casimir fact, the much more glorious than the Saints. Casimiro was born in Krakow in 1458 by the King of Poland. When the Hungarians rose against their king, Matthias Corvinus, offered to thirteen Casimiro the crown prince. But they gave it up when he heard that the Pope had expressed opposition to the deposition of the ruling and the imposition by force of the young king. The prince had in fact how "ambition" to make the ascetic ideal of poverty and humility. He was diligent servant of his state, but not bowed to the reasons of state when he was brought by the father married the daughter of Frederick III, to broaden, with the marriage policy, already extended the boundaries of the kingdom. Prince Casimir did not want to fail in its ascetic ideal of purity for material advantages. Beautiful, admired and courted, he had reserved his heart only to the Virgin. After having predicted the day of his death, he fell asleep in the peace of God at the age of twenty-five 4 March 1484. Immediately after his death he had the unanimous support of all veneration ilo Polish people. In 1521 Pope Leo X included in the list of the saints, dichiarandolo patrono della Polonia e della Lituania.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Streaming Senketsu No Kizuna

Step 3 of Ten Points

That is, the one described recently in this post .
Living in technical stuga has disadvantages, such as having an Internet gasping and therefore can not answer how I want the last comment. Mezzovikingo a load of bubbles repugnant does not help improve the picture.
However there are big points in favor, as to have a great view of the sky is nearly clear, and therefore to be able to finally show for the first time since the birth of this blog, the explosion of the most mystical phenomenon of these Terre: the dance of green and white fire that has made us the honor of his view ierisera.
I nastri si son snodati, intersecati e succeduti ad intervalli regolari, partendo dal nord, per alcune ore.
Ecco dunque l'Aurora Boreale. La qualitá delle foto non é granché, anche perché non ho studiato a sufficienza la macchinetta nuova da poter prendere degli scatti notturni decenti. Se volete vedere qualche foto un po' piú accettabile, vi rimando al solito link del giornale locale.  

Nascosta un po' dalle nuvole, e sensibilitá troppo bassa:

here instead of sensitivity since there was too much, and the steadiness of my hand has ceased to exist:

When a tape passing overhead, a rain that sidereal crown takes us with its majesty:

Hopefully, next time, I learned a bit 'better conditions appropriate to take decent pictures. For now be content with these.