Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Streaming Senketsu No Kizuna

Step 3 of Ten Points

That is, the one described recently in this post .
Living in technical stuga has disadvantages, such as having an Internet gasping and therefore can not answer how I want the last comment. Mezzovikingo a load of bubbles repugnant does not help improve the picture.
However there are big points in favor, as to have a great view of the sky is nearly clear, and therefore to be able to finally show for the first time since the birth of this blog, the explosion of the most mystical phenomenon of these Terre: the dance of green and white fire that has made us the honor of his view ierisera.
I nastri si son snodati, intersecati e succeduti ad intervalli regolari, partendo dal nord, per alcune ore.
Ecco dunque l'Aurora Boreale. La qualitá delle foto non é granché, anche perché non ho studiato a sufficienza la macchinetta nuova da poter prendere degli scatti notturni decenti. Se volete vedere qualche foto un po' piú accettabile, vi rimando al solito link del giornale locale.  

Nascosta un po' dalle nuvole, e sensibilitá troppo bassa:

here instead of sensitivity since there was too much, and the steadiness of my hand has ceased to exist:

When a tape passing overhead, a rain that sidereal crown takes us with its majesty:

Hopefully, next time, I learned a bit 'better conditions appropriate to take decent pictures. For now be content with these.


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