Monday, February 28, 2011

Big Toe Hot Soak Infection Epsom

The Pictures in February 2006 Alone by Gloria

No, not a typo. And not one of those symptoms of premature aging that my gray matter still can not give up.
A bit 'bored by the perennial snow-white landscape Last Thule, I realize that the photos in February 2011 do not offer anything more than those of January 2011. I therefore decided to change the program, and post some pictures of another Febbraio, quello del 2006: occasione in cui il mio buon amico, Sua Immensitá Kruccofila Dulcamara, decise di farmi visita e verificare di persona come le distese nevose del Norrland siano differenti dalle ampiezze immacolate dell'Impero d'Asburgo, di cui lui é glorioso Ambasciatore, raffigurandone l'arte canora in un blog che egli cura personalmente.
Altri tempi, altra tecnologia: la qualitá delle immagini é quella che é.
Ecco dunque una piccola e molto incompleta testimonianza di un viaggio ai confini del Norrland: in treno fino a Kiruna, sede della Setta del Radiotjänst , e poi in auto fino ad Abisko. 
Un'altra mia amica, tedesca and lover of Scandinavia told me that you have read the book "South of Abisko," Klaus Böldl, and believing that a name so it was a fantasy un'invezione vaguely Tolkien, until she too experienced the same trip, and notes as Abisko invention is not mythological, but a handful of homes in the depths of the northernmost Lapland.

Since Last Thule train journey takes some eight hours. The course is seemingly monotonous, but if you make the case known as conifers become ever shorter and thinner. Near Kiruna, were replaced with low birch and suffering from air, and you'd never know that a small tree so lovely bear better than many other trade shows negative temperatures of the night in the North.
Four hundred miles south of Kiruna (or north of the Last Thule, if you prefer), the train slows down a little bit to allow the tourists like us to see the sign indicating the Arctic Circle:

After 4-5 hours by train, you get to Kiruna (or Pernice, language same), a place that probably would not exist if there were no riches of iron in its basement, and they certainly will no longer exist (at least as well as the seen in this photo), including a few years when the tunnels dug the mine will sink into the bowels of the Earth. Kiruna WILL BE translocated in some way, on a hill nearby. It is said that the project of New Kiruna is entrusted, among others, an expert in feng shui .

Among the buildings to be moved, it also includes the wooden church of the city: red building of incredible beauty, and the interior of which suggests ancestral spirituality even to hardened agnostic like myself. I regret not having better pictures, and not having the exterior. If Google, there's much more deserving.

Proseguendo nel viaggio verso Nord, e verso Abisko, si ammirano montagne vecchie come il mondo, modellate dal tempo, e mucchietti di case in mezzo al niente, che portano nomi esotici e fiabeschi tipo Nagireatnu . La strada e la ferrovia corrono sul ciglio del grande lago Torneträsk.

La grande valle ad U, detta Lapporten , o Porta della Lapponia, ammicca con la sua magnificenza. Il suo nome Same, Čuonjávággi, significa, molto piú prosaicamente, Valley Goose :

Go to Kiruna in the winter, and do not visit the nearby Ice Hotel in nearby Jukkasjärvi, on the banks of the river Torneälv, is a wasted opportunity. It must be noted that (at least at the time), the mode of transport for non Drivers are nothing short of disastrous and ill-designed with the hours of train to Kiruna. Indeed, let us say: the sights to be done on weekends (when you have time for a short trip), are going badly. Even the Ultima Thule, which has yet to learn how to welcome visitors effectively, unable to keep the museums open on Sundays. Kiruna not.
A good reason, rent a car then. In the street, some placid reindeer moved away as we passed:

The Ice Hotel is an ephemeral structure made entirely of solid water, created by skilled artists, unbelievably expensive, and the which comfort is certainly questionable.
you may decide to spend a night in a regular room, which is just a cubicle of ice. Alternatively, there are the suites, decorated with ice sculptures and other incredible suite to suite . However, the ultimate in convenience and a bed ice covered by a merciful reindeer skin, you put on a good sleeping bag. Kamasutra nothing, so if your program it was a romantic weekend.
Prices range from SEK 1150, up to 4500 per room night, depending on the room and the night when you go there.
If you prefer to sleep in the warm, do like us and pigliatevi a room in a hostel in Kiruna. The romance can always exercise in attendance will marry in the mystical and spartan chapel of the Hotel:

For some reason (the reindeer skins?) The church offers a strong odor animale di non specificata provenienza.

Continuando il percorso, dettagli di magia gelata catturano il visitatore, come questo capitello:

Mentre se volete scaldarvi un pelo, esiste un bar a base di una certa reclamizzatissima Vodka, a portata di mano. Anche il lampadario é di ghiaccio:

Infine, con le mani ormai cristallizzate dal gelo che emanava dalle pareti, ho avuto la forza di fare uno scatto ad una delle suites .


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