Saturday, February 19, 2011

Black Toilet Seat Phobia

Da veri Norrlandesi e non solo, ormai noialtri della Famiglia Mezzovikinga abbiamo deciso che i silenzi della stuga sono piú invitanti del famosissimo e vorticoso glamour cittadino ultimathulese, e perció ci siamo ritrovati di nuovo qui sulle rive del mare, con un collegamento internet moncheggiante e un Mezzovikingo che ne consente l'uso solo quando dorme (il pargolo non sa leggere, ma pretende comunque l'iPhone del padre per giocare con Wirly Words ).
La sottoscritta, illusa dalle speranze nutrite da certi articles, as well as other neighboring blog, so he brought out his ass ierisera in one of the coldest nights (-28 degrees, we learned this morning) in the history of the last Thule, all for the hope of seeing ; some shred of those light green curtains that these Norrsken They come up here, Northern Lights, or aurora borealis for scholars of Italian Studies.
Northern Lights The only son of the evening proved a huge moon and easy-going, an anachronism of a Christmas tree stuga across the bay, the mosaic of stars in the Milky Way and the reflections of moonlight on snow Gulf of Bothnia.

The night then got only a flowering of crystals of ice as wide as the petals on rowan and pine trees. The Sun, which has failed to cooperate with the Earth for its talent shows of light, dancing with the offset geometry of these Water Crystals (Diamond Dust in technical jargon), and gave us (no visual rare but unusual) surrounded by a halo Dogs Solar shades of pale rainbow, here joined by the Ring of the so-called 22 degrees:

Looking up a bit 'higher up, peeps even 46 degrees of the Ring:

All these degrees to which I refer are those of the angles of refraction of light . In order not to bore the reader, who is curious to refer to the technical details of Vikipedia voice that describes the Halos.
L ' SMHI, authorities of the Kingdom on everything that is meteorology, with a gross simple rules ensure that "22-graders När en halo Mr Visar det är - åtminstone Inom Sverige - 75% chans att det blir regn Inom 5 Timm. " see a halo (Halo ) promises 22 degrees of rain in 75% of cases within 5 hours (at least in Sweden).
Really? Okay now the sky is a bit 'hazy, but forecasts show that in the next 24 hours and beyond, will no longer warm to -17 degrees. Say it will rain the same?
However, it will still be a mockery if the Aurora decides to appear tonight.


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