Speech spiritual san Doroteo, abbot.
The reason for all anxiety is that nobody accuses himself.
Let us, brothers, especially to see what comes from the fact that when someone has heard a word troublesome, often goes away without any reaction, as if he had heard, and sometimes he just felt it disturbs and affects.
What, I wonder, the reason for this difference? This fact has one or more explanations? I realize that there are more explanations and reasons, but there is one that is in front of the other and that creates all others, such as said: "This comes from the particular situation in which someone comes to find sometimes.
he that is in prayer or contemplation, easily bear the brother who insults him, and remains undisturbed. Sometimes this happens when someone suffers from too much is driven to some brother. For this he affection he bore everything with patience.
This may also result from contempt. When one mocks or scorns those who wanted to annoy him, ashamed to look at or speak to him, or mention of talking to someone, to their insults and slander her, seeing it as the vilest of all.
From this can arise because, as I said, that someone not be troubled, nor grieve if not despised or consider the things that are said. Happens instead is that someone is upset or grieve for the words of a brother when it is in a critical condition or hates when that brother. However, there are also many other causes
of this same phenomenon that is otherwise presented. But la ragione prima di ogni turbamento, se facciamo una diligente indagine, la si trova nel fatto che ognuno non incolpa se stesso. Da qui scaturisce ogni cruccio e travaglio, qui sta la ragione per cui non abbiamo mai un po’ di pace; né ci dobbiamo meravigliare, poiché abbiamo appreso da santi uomini che non esiste per noi altra strada all’infuori di questa per giungere alla tranquillità. Che le cose stiano proprio così lo constatiamo in moltissimi casi. E noi, inoperosi e amanti della tranquillità, ci illudiamo e crediamo di aver intrapresa la via giusta allorché in tutte le cose siamo insofferenti, non accettando mai di incolpare noi stessi.
Così stanno le cose. Per quante Under the man possesses, be it innumerable and endless, if you away from this path will never peace, but will always be afflicted or afflict others, and affaticherà vain.
When I pray the chaplet of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, there is just a small step that makes us ask the Lord to make our hearts like his. A heart that is anxious, not crying in pain for the injuries received, but that can be molded to his.
Is it hard to imitate!
We are so taken by ourselves though often say to forgive his brother abides in us an inability to understand, because forgiveness is not complete. Many times we ask for the respect of opinions, our actions and behave differently towards them, because in this world there are a lot of screaming that stun and do not give us the much desired peace. In the words of St. Dorothy, peace must be first and foremost in our hearts. Prayer, live the gospel, follow the saints is good. Following Jesus is not easy, every one of us is called to holiness, but it is hard!
When I think the holy martyrs as was Bhatti, Maximilian Kolbe, but also girls who have given their lives to not abide the violence of the demons, so here I said, thinking of them, I feel small and fragile, still need the help of Jesus
Thank God there are these readings illuminating, and it is only through our Catholic Church can actually make those small steps towards the desired holiness.
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