I gave a rearranged the post labels.
Music obviously contains posts that it comes to music. In some cases it is not written by me, mostly things copiaincollate and a good dose of videos from youtube.
Literature contains prose and poetry, not mine, plus a few essays and articles on literature, only a small part of mine.
policy contains the post of political argument between which several are mine. Other
label is vague, contains a bit of everything, but it is often paired with another label.
Mi_presento contains posts written by me, on various topics, but not all my posts, some are under other labels, as policy.
Philosophy contains songs from works of philosophy or my thoughts on topics of philosophy.
The other labels are quite eloquent, and shall apply to a few posts.
Music obviously contains posts that it comes to music. In some cases it is not written by me, mostly things copiaincollate and a good dose of videos from youtube.
Literature contains prose and poetry, not mine, plus a few essays and articles on literature, only a small part of mine.
policy contains the post of political argument between which several are mine. Other
label is vague, contains a bit of everything, but it is often paired with another label.
Mi_presento contains posts written by me, on various topics, but not all my posts, some are under other labels, as policy.
Philosophy contains songs from works of philosophy or my thoughts on topics of philosophy.
The other labels are quite eloquent, and shall apply to a few posts.
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