Chi ritiene la tolleranza un valore, può tollerare l’intollerante? Se sì, allora ritiene che l’intolleranza possa essere un valore tanto quanto la tolleranza; se no, allora è intollerante.
a Democrat can accept the freedom of expression dell'antidemocratico (for example, the fascist)? If so, believes that his freedom of expression is too weak to undermine democracy, but if it becomes strong enough to do that, then the acceptance of that freedom would not really believe in democracy, but we believe a value as much as the non-democracy. If not, then it is not democratic.
In general, then it can be said to assume a value a certain thing, unless the contrary. They are tolerant because refusal intolerance. Be careful to profess relativists: they may well accept certain values \u200b\u200bas principles not contradict our own, but when it takes an adversarial principle, then our value is no longer a value, and nothing really has more value, either for me or for anyone else. A radical nihilism. It seems however, that it is untenable: we all believe that something is better (better, more just, more beautiful, more useful) to something else. We can, in words, do not admit it, but the fact of our behavior is always guided by certain beliefs.
I can say in words that there is no value for me, but I think wrong the Nazi extermination of Jews. If not, risk di essere nazista. Un qualche valore ci deve pur essere.
(Queste ultime riflessioni derivano in buona parte della lettura di Diego Marconi, Per la verità , Torino, Einaudi, 2007)
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