Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cost To Do A Bathtub Overlay

Chapter 20 - Church S. Maria Recommended (continued)

pag.143 A et seq. of the book "Apparatus Minor of the Province of Rome" RP Master F. Bonaventure Theuli Velletri - Year 1648 - it says: the Convent of
Canemorto. Chapter XIII. The Convent of
Canemorto is under the title of S. Maria de 'Recommended, off the ground, combined with the Walls of it, was Hospidale, was given to religion, and for it to PF by Massimo Pirchio Borghetto Diocese of Civita Ducale, but because it was for the Cardinal Bishop Sabinense a prestarvi il consenso, fu necessario ricorrere alla di lui benignità per ottenerlo, quale s’ottenne nel MDLXXXII (1582) dal sig. Alessandro Lana Vicario Generale dell’Eminentissimo Cardinal Gravellano Vescovo Sabinense, come apparisse per Breve, che comincia: Reverend in Christo Patribus Ministro Generali Ord. S. Franc. Conventualium, Provinciali Urbis, ac Custodi seu Guardiano, et Fratibus num existentibus in Ecclesia Santae Mariae de’ Raccomandatis extra Castrum Canis Mortui, Sabinensis Diocesis salutem in Domino sempiternam. Pro parte vestra nobis expositum fuit, quod alias, annis elupsis Communitas, et homines dicti Castri et Dat Romae ex Aedibus nostrae Residentae sub an. 1582. 9. Non presentib. DD Nicolao Scaglioni Canonico Sabinensi, Gomez et Domince Canon Turulen. Recorded by
Not. Porfirio corset Aspra, who still has the concession, and may date to that Eminent dell'istesso Vicar of giving, and grant Beneficij, Cure, Churches, Collegiate, and other things of the Bishop who seemed to them, in the last May MDLXXIX (1579).
With this power and the force of this short it again he seized possession by the community to 'over year as of December 15, which appears to infrascritto Deed. In
nominees Amen. Year Indictione et Pontificatus Sanctiss. DN Gregorij PpXij, eleventh year, day 15 Decembris true. Ego Dominicus de Fabris de Canemortuo Apostolic publicus auctoritate Notarius et vigore retroscrittarum literarum requisitus a’ R.PF. Maximo Pirchio de Burghetto Civitatis Ducalis in Regno Neapolitano Religionis Conventualium S. Francisci me una cum Marco Antonio Tiberijm Mattheo Francisci et Marco Francursii, mascarijs, ac testibus infrascriptis persolaniter contuli ad Ecclesiam S.Mariae de Raccomandatis sitam extra Castrum Canis Mortui predicti et aperta I anna dictae Ecclesiae Cum Damorum ipsius adiunctarum, emundem R.Patrem introducendo, et genuflexo, facta debita adoratione ad Altare, ut decet, ipsum nomine et pro sacra Religione S. Francisci Conventualium etc.. presentibus etc..- quali scritture in un sol foglio di Carta pergamena si conservano nel nostro Convento.
Si pigliò dunque il possesso non solamente the Church, but still of some goods to the adjoining stable.
The Church is great, with nice body, well maintained. There is an ancient image of Our Lady under the name of 'Recommended, whose feast is celebrated on the day of the Assumption of Our Mr.
Behind the altar there is a chapel decorated with' Dear Dumb with their burial in which are buried some of this noble family, the Dukes have been in this castle, and the whole Valley Mutia.
When entering the Church there, one on each side, the wall following two statements in marble. (No marble, stone, but perhaps botticino) (see Figure 3 on pag.16B pag.14C and description, and pag.16B in fig.4 and the description on page 14 of this B). This place is no small
Claustro, poor, however, lies in good site, enjoying it in the view of the whole Valley Muzia and all the Lands and Castles of the hills, there were fathers graduated, only P. Fra 'Francesco Zoppi good singer, who was Vicar for many years it' convents of Florence, Rome ed'Assisi, and living there is the P. Fra Domenico Iannelli Kotor.


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