Sunday, January 30, 2011

How To Beat The Forest World On Supertux

The Pictures in January 2011

started a year and ends a month. They start to appear in the photo of the month.
Again, for obvious reasons, the protagonist is a very simple molecoletta called in slang Water. However, the dance begins with a salute to the Christmas festivities, which with the Epiphany, or Trettondedag ( thirteenth day-by-Christmas) they leave. Also, one of Sweden during this period is undoubtedly the mighty inflorescence of ' Amaryllus , which we, of course, has now blossomed when the home was already long gone:

Flowers And then there's other, equally pretty, but certainly more ephemeral:

The next step the macroscopic world diventa il Fiocco di Neve. Quando essi raggiungono alcuni centimetri di diametro, vengono detti Lapphandskar , ovvero Guanti (di) Lappone :

L'Acqua, si legge, é incolore. Io direi anche bianca , almeno in certi casi:

La Luce del Sole, o quella della Luna per le anime piú dark , suggeriscono altre tavolozze:

Last summer, someone who has passed from here wrote to enjoy the sunsets. But I say that the sunrises are certain qualities of color, especially if the Aurora comes in the timetable as you start to work:

Or how to combine in a single image and the Beautiful Last Thule bad:

Shoveling snow from the roofs filled the light rush hour with a shower of diamonds (as well as to hide himself behind a beautiful landscape).

Si riconosce la Nevicata Fresca da quelli che io chiamo i Coni Positivi (durante il Disgelo, attorno agli stessi rametti cresceranno i corrispondenti Coni Negativi , ovverossia buchi conici nella neve):

Dopo aver inaugurato questo post con alcune forme di Vita Vegetale, mi par opportuno terminarlo con alcune Bestie che si possono scorgere alle presenti Latitudini, ad esempio un paio d'esemplari di Homo et Femina Norrlandicus che cercano di imitare le prestazioni sportive di un certo Profeta palestinese:

How absolute end there, however, leaves in the company of a flock of the prettiest birds from the same poetic name Sidensvans (literally tail of silk, Bombycilla garrulus or waxwing) , here portrayed as pillaging sorb before the stuga. Since the maximum zoom allowed these images are gray, it is possible that more will post a picture, painting, which can do justice to the delicate plumage of these birds. Senna, if you do not really want to see my horror, there's always Google.


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