(Lk 24, 13-29)
(Lk 24, 13-29)
Now that same day two of they were going to a village seven miles from Jerusalem called Emmaus, and talking about everything that had happened.
While they were talking and discussing, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. But their eyes were kept from recognizing him.
And he said unto them, What is this conversation between you that you are doing durante il cammino? ». Si fermarono, col volto triste; uno di loro, di nome Clèopa, gli disse: « Tu solo sei così forestiero in Gerusalemme da non sapere ciò che vi è accaduto in questi giorni? ».
Domandò: « Che cosa? ». Gli risposero: « Tutto ciò che riguarda Gesù Nazareno, che fu profeta potente in opere e in parole, davanti a Dio e a tutto il popolo; come i sommi sacerdoti e i nostri capi lo hanno consegnato per farlo condannare a morte e poi l' hanno crocifisso. Noi speravamo che fosse lui a liberare Israele; con tutto ciò sono passati tre giorni da quando queste cose sono accadute. Ma alcune donne, delle nostre, ci hanno sconvolti; recatesi al mattino to the tomb and did not find his body, they came and told us they had seen a vision of angels who declared he was alive.
Some of our friends went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said, but he did not 'have seen. " And he said unto them, O foolish and slow of heart to believe all the prophets have spoken! Not necessary that the Christ should suffer and enter into his glory? '. And beginning with Moses and the prophets he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself. As they approached the village where they were going, Jesus acted as if he were going farther. But they insisted: "Stay with us because it is evening and the day is almost over. " He went to stay with them.
I like to think about this song that shows us how to read the wisdom of the scriptures. Walk in the footsteps of Jesus in Jerusalem helped me to understand as we are always in need of his help in the right way to read the writing. While traveling from one place to another, the biblical scholar on the bus or out of a particular church, we explained the historical side but even more what Jesus wanted to teach in that song. I remember with much love sites like Emmaus, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jericho, where in this town as a reminder is again on the corner of a street a "sycamore". Returning to reflect the passage of "Emmaus" I want to make it clear that we must recognize this in writing.
Generally we do not realize that it represents the synthesis of our spiritual journey. Easily lose confidence in God and walk along the bitterly disappointed and of our existence. The evangelist says, "two of them, then two followers are not occasional, but two members of the community linked to Jesus, who shared with him the important moments of their lives. This is a situation that occurs frequently in the life of the Church, there are Christians who for years have worked hard in their community and a sudden drop the race. The road is a biblical image that represents the life of man, follow a straight line that leads to God and to full communion with Him
We all know that Jerusalem is the place where Jesus dies, rises and gives the Holy Spirit. In the spiritual life, therefore, to depart from Jerusalem means moving away from God and his promises, because they are far from Jerusalem you will lose the relationship with the Lord, the joy of prayer, and as a result, slowly abandon Christ and experiencing what it means be sucked into the world. I meditate and write, therefore, that the disciples have experienced their "night", but the risen Jesus puts in guardia e ordina categoricamente di “NON ALLONTANARSI DA GERUSALEMME, MA DI ATTENDERE CHE SI ADEMPISSE LA PROMESSA DEL PADRE”
Anche quando qualcuno si allontana da Lui, Egli non l’abbandona, ma prende l’iniziativa e scende a cercarlo, lo spinge a tornare ancora a Gerusalemme.
Gesù opera in noi solo se siamo docili all’ascolto, diversamente, da questa Gerusalemme ci allontaneremo sempre più seguendo solo il mondo il quale ci indica strade lontane da Dio.
Cristo domanda: "Che cosa?" (24,19)
To this question the disciples said: Everything about Jesus of Nazareth.
With this question of Jesus we see the cause that made them leave Jerusalem. Venting tell the life, preaching, miracles of Jesus, but also place emphasis on his crucifixion and death on Calvary and died also their hopes. They also know, however, the testimony of women who have found the tomb empty, but they had seen the Lord alive. To know more about the testimony of Simon and John, who had found the tomb empty, but they have not believed nor women, nor to the pillars of the Church. For this reason they are not andati al sepolcro a controllarne personalmente i fatti.
Tutto ciò mette in evidenza una cosa,la più importante: i due discepoli sono testimoni oculari della morte e cronisti della resurrezione.
Questo ci deve far riflettere, perché anche noi siamo testimoni quando parliamo di Gesù, ma se gli altri non ci danno credito è perché non testimoniamo la Sua presenza nel nostro cuore.
Se viviamo una cristianità, e il messaggio lo annunciamo con tristezza, amarezza, delusione e soprattutto dimostriamo poca fiducia in Cristo Salvatore, facciamo come i due discepoli che dissero: “ We were hoping it was going to redeem Israel, with all that's been three days since this happened. "
"We had hoped," says the flame of hope has been extinguished. They lost the most precious thing that a believer in God must have "hope"
The second attitude is wrong to build an image of God wrong, he wanted a political Messiah, and powerful warrior, in other words a Messiah winner.
Often in the Church tries to make a career, to be successful, receive applause, praise and thanksgiving, and if there is no For this purpose it breaks down.
This is precisely the interpretation given by Jesus to the disciples of Emmaus is not through the success that the Christ comes in his glory, but through the failure of the cross.
“Sciocchi e tardi di cuore” si trova spesso nella Bibbia e significa che non si ha il cuore per accogliere Dio, i suoi progetti d’amore e le sue parole. Nel cuore Dio si rivela e parla all’uomo proprio da questo organo, ma se esso è indurito, la sua Parola non può essere accolta. Pur essendo i discepoli di Emmaus Ebrei, educati al culto fin da piccoli, fedeli alle tradizioni e che sicuramente hanno partecipato alle funzioni religiose dove hanno ascoltato la parola dei profeti, in realtà, non l’hanno mai accolta nel cuore.
Questo è l’atteggiamento tipico di molti cattolici che partecipano alle celebrazioni Liturgy, hear the Word of God but do not receive it in your heart. In fact, many Catholics are active in parishes, work, are available, many are part of the ecclesial movements, but did not have confidence in God's Word
There is a song that Mark can make us understand the importance of this I'm saying.
(Mark: 6.20) "Herod feared John, knowing just and holy, and kept him, and though in listening remained puzzled, however, heard him gladly."
In this passage John is in prison and from his cell as a prophet of God condemns the sin of Herod: "It is not lawful to take your brother's wife" (Mk 6:18). But what strikes me most is that John likes listening to the words of the prophet, but has no desire to change.
Here then, as I said before, we too often hear the Word of God in church, but the will to change very often there. Here then is that the word can not bear fruit, we must open ourselves to it and putting it into practice not only live from listeners.
"And beginning with Moses and the prophets he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." (Luke 24:27)
Continuing with this wonderful story, I walk with Jesus and hear his voice. He has been a light to the minds of the disciples, I ask myself the grace of true understanding.
I shall focus on the phrase: "And beginning with Moses and the prophets he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself." (Luke 24:27)
When Jesus speaks to disciples and refers to "Moses and the prophets", indicate the Hebrew Bible, our TA. The Christ speaking to the two, does nothing but cover all of the books writing. Here we have a vital aspect of faith: the whole of Scripture speaks of Christ and Christ is at the same time. So I just point out that the Bible is not a book, but a person is the Son of the living God who became flesh and dwelt among us. (Jn 1:14).
In the way of the disciples of Emmaus is not a rabbi who speaks, but it is verb, the word of God himself. Therefore it is a balm to 10-11 km where the word of God heals the human heart from the depths of despair. E 'word "living and active", that heals the wounds hidden. Not for nothing that Jesus said: "I am the Truth and the life. " By analyzing these two little words "truth and life" we can say that the truth of Jesus is quite different from the truth of the world. All people who love the "Truth" love righteousness of God, which is innate in us, a gift from Him, but that makes us forget the lust, convincing the world that truth is the right one to obey. If there is so much injustice in the world, it means that the "Truth" do not know it.
instead meditating on the word "Life", we may well think that, not only the birth of life we \u200b\u200benjoy, but following the laws of God we can stay healthy in the soul and so beautiful and healthy body. Often in life with hard work we can remove those vices that destroy the lives (smoking, alcohol, drugs, sex, but also the gossip, deceit, etc...) Do not delude ourselves, all the vices shorten our lives by giving us suffering even in old age, turning instead into these vices virtues, there is the health of the body, but also a different relationship with the neighbor, a relationship that leads us to love more because the virtues are the way to paradise, so to enjoy the eternal life promised by Jesus, but without knowing the Word of God is difficult for us the path to perfection.
The book of Wisdom says: "I do not heal or an herb or an emollient, but your word, O Lord, who heals all." (Wis. 16:12). It 'also a word that makes our hearts burn with the fire that Christ came to bring upon the earth. (Lk 12, 49). This fire is called "Holy Spirit" author of all life.
The reading of the Word.
The Word of God instructs us to read his salvation, which is obtained through faith in Jesus Reading the Bible is not optional, but is critical because it is like the compass that guides your life men to safety. "Whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life." (Jn 5:24). Reading every day we become familiar, enlightens us, changes us, in short, makes us more human. The Bible is the best-selling book in the world, but few know it, and many will completely ignore the content, because instead of reading it, deepen it and be nourished by it, they prefer to watch programs on television trivial. You prefer to read newspapers and magazines that do not teach anything but that often lead our young people to pornography. Many parents do not like to meditate on the Bible as ignoring what the Lord asks us for our good. There are no books or newspapers, but also many television programs that raise doubts and confusion about Christianity and the Church, and I see many Christians who willingly follow all this, finding an excuse not to go to church.
Listening to the Word:
"Ezra the priest read the book on the square before the Water Gate from morning until midday, in the presence of men and women and all those old enough to understand: all the people listened attentively to the book of the law (Neh 8, 2-3).
The book of Nehemiah tells us that after the return from exile, the people of Israel to change attitude towards the Word of God In fact slavery and suffering they have cooked in a broth of bringing suffering to value and appreciate the scriptures. Here we see that all the people "give ear" to hear for five hours following the Word of God
The Lord speaks to men through His Word and He also like us that when we talk we like to be heard , so he is happy to see his children who hear it.
When I read the Bible and especially the prophets, who with their powerful voice have always addressed the people to read and follow the writing God, I come to mind also the efforts of our priests who so lovingly organize days of spirituality in order to give the community a time of listening and prayer, "a lamp to my feet is your word, O Lord!" (Psalm 119:105 )
The Word of God is a "lamp" that will illuminate the steps that need to be done. It 'necessary to pray with the Bible, turn to it with great faith, he felt as if God himself breathe. The Bible must be accompanied by prayer, because it establishes a dialogue between God and man when we pray we speak to him, and listen to him in reading.
The Word of God is a "lamp" that will illuminate the steps that need to be done. It 'necessary to pray with the Bible, turn to it with great faith, he felt as if God himself breathe. The Bible must be accompanied by prayer, because it establishes a dialogue between God and man when we pray we speak to him, and listen to him in reading.
The disciples on the road to Emmaus with Jesus spoke very definitely have had the opportunity to learn with him Evangelist says
"But they urged him to stay here us, for it fa sera e il giorno già volge al declino. Egli entrò per rimanere con loro”.
L’insistenza indica una richiesta perseverante che indica cioè, la volontà che il compagno rimanga; la preghiera insistente obbliga Cristo a rimanere con noi. E quando si “fa sera” e le ombre della notte ci avvolgono sotto forma di tristezza, scoraggiamento, amarezza, paura, depressione, solitudine, dobbiamo dirgli con tutto il cuore: “resta con noi”. Chiediamo a Dio ciò di cui abbiamo bisogno come fece Giacobbe che disse: “ Non ti lascerò andare se non mi avrai benedetto!” (Gen 32,27). Se preghiamo così, Dio rimane sempre con noi.
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