The table is expected to make 2,500 meters twice a week, but since the holiday I did a little 'peak around 3000 and I swam.
L ' pace was relatively painful as I would rather swim slow and the heart was quite high despite girassi to 1' 45''to 100 ....
Yesterday I responded to the planet.
Swimming short course is much easier and in fact in central work (12 * 100 style, rip . 20'') I turned to 1 '36''or so, much longer than the days precedente.รน
In the evening I went to the gym for the first time for 20 years now!
Twenty years ago I did three sessions.
We'll see if I'll do better.
For the record I did before the weight 30 ' hit and after 30' jog with my partner Traversa.
Following dinner Abrazo.
Below seat cover of a new book that tells me Dario Nardone and are curious to read.

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