One of the pillars of Sweden, and the phenomenology of Christmas.
Phenomenology of Swedish Christmas is a complex structure, made of painted with the ancient rituals of the famous Retrieved Christian roots, and Buildings decorated with planting the side by side as one of the candles Julstake or the crown of St. Lucia.
an architecture mystical and important needs a building material appropriately.
This material is found in the Eastern dall'Olezzo Objects, which are also known in the local vernacular Pepparkakor .
At first glance, the Pepparkakor cookies are smooth and brown with different shapes. They range from Heart to Heart with Hole, Tree, in Swine, mannikin, a relative of the dress that I'm sure you bought your children. They have the same smell of Spekulatius or Spekulaas Belgian and teutolandici, but does not equal the implementation difficulties, or the intricate decorations.
The homemade aspect must not deceive, because a Pepparkaka is much more than that, and Sweden is the subject of a real phenomenon which opens the dance and gives meaning to the Christmas period.
First of all, to have Pepparkakor, you have to make a dough. Take because:
300 g butter 5 ounces of sugar
tablespoon ginger powder
two tablespoons of cinnamon
a tablespoon of ground cloves
two teaspoon ground cardamom
a tablespoon of baking powder 2 ounces of water
and a half liters of white flour.
auks, we work together butter, syrup and sugar with spices. You add water and baking soda, mixing the flour little by little. You will get a pat kakka brown color; this will be wrapped in plastic wrap (or not to do it dry, the refrigerator is not plagued coll'odore persistent cinnamon) and made to stand overnight in refrigerator. The next day, pulled a sheet of cookies and make it with the appropriate stencils. No recipe I will tell, but this dough sticks very happy on the work surface. Find intelligent solutions to this problem. If you put the cookies in the oven for about 5 'at 225 degrees, the work is completed.
The process is also much appreciated if you are at home to mask strong odors.
The process is also much appreciated if you are at home to mask strong odors.
Version easier: buy the dough in the store, pull the dough! Make cookies and bake.
version even easier: buy them. Best of the kingdom, after careful tasting tests carried out by local newspapers, they are (needless to say), those from an obscure village in the Region Last Thule.
version even easier: buy them. Best of the kingdom, after careful tasting tests carried out by local newspapers, they are (needless to say), those from an obscure village in the Region Last Thule.
At this point, one might say, "Okay, we made cookies. Probably are also good, now I make a tea and I feel if they are to my liking. "
big mistake! Pepparkakor The items are worth a lot more sacral treatment. First of all, if you have children, take care to dress in the uniform of I had the shape shown in the previous post. Then, go buy glogg and gorgonzola or other blue cheese equivalent riddled with mold (not worth the pieces of dairy forgotten in the fridge for three months). Glogg is a wine akin to spicy Glühwein teutolandico, or even mulled wine from Friuli. Glogg The Phenomenology also presents its own socio-wine, now I omit not to digress.
So now that you have everything scaldate il Glögg, mettetelo in una tazza, metteteci a piacere mandorle e uvette, poi prendete il gorgonzola e spalmatelo sui Pepparkakor. Bevete e mangiate. Sí, anche il gorgonzola sui Pepparkakor, avete capito bene.
No, non vi piace? Rozzi zoticoni.
Per punizione allora, invece di mangiare i pepparkakor, dovrete affrontare delle prove d'Estetica, Architettura ed Ingegneria. Sí, perché in Svezia la pepparkaka é un ottimo Materiale da Costruzione, e con esso vengono eretti Castelli, Casette, Stughe, Catapecchie, Tamburi da batteristi. La regola é che le Opere debbano essere tutte in materiale teoricamente commestibile, perció le pareti vengono saldate con caramello di zucchero, (processo molto piú complex and painful to imagine what's fingers) and details inspired by several hundred pounds of godis of which I spoke to his time in this post , as well as generous flourishes of icing sugar.
If you feel a bit instead of 'geometry, and you do not want to waste your time and intellect in the creative process, there are starter kits to make the house Pepparkaka, like this:
If On the contrary, you are aware of having one manual and a fantasy that even Le Corbusier, then know that you may disclose to the world participate in contests for Builders of Homes Pepparkaka (CCCP), which may include the Last Thule held in a popular shopping center. The CCCP
Last Thule theoretically that national championship, but in reality, given that similar competitions are published elsewhere, here are just Ultimathulesi to participate. I can not imagine anyone who makes a grind from Blekinge, for more with this weather, only to have to explain its creation.
A couple of photos taken from the internet show them to you here, referring to CCCP than 3 years ago:
Other examples can be in the same site where I stole the two pictures, here or here . Other contributions last year you can see in this site Journal. Participants are divided into categories, which also include a representation of a specific profession. Last year, the politicians were involved. This year will be the turn of Architects: given the aesthetic standard of Modern Ultimathulese, I suspect that their contributions will have a look not unlike this:
When the Viking and I were still young and idlers (about four years ago), and we had to do with a terrorist who loves Mezzovikingo destroy everything that comes to hand, the Viking is delighted to design, build and refine the following wonder (who was confined in the apartment and not participate in any CCCP):
The marginal contribution of manpower that I gave at the time was still good enough to make me intolerant of Pepparkakor smell for years to come.
But in the end, if that makes it one of these wonders?
The answer is simple: they are demolished and eat for the Epiphany. All
, including godis . I still think that the Swedish pancreas is of a nature very resilient.
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