After the festivities placid stuga disposed in front of Gift Shop, pandori, panettone, leverpastej , tangerines, tortellini, etc. julmust , now the time is ripe for a hit and run in the city, right to buy the ingredients for tiramisu and update the blog with the latest photos of the Year, this time subject to an upgrade because of a certain quality that Canon has decided to outdo the SonyEricsson. All with the complicity of such a Jultomte .
Not spectacular, but in all a great feast of ice, snow, ice and snow, and shivering in the pines of the month shorter nights, where temperatures were around -26 degrees even on.
Meanwhile, the sea ice had widened since the early days of the month:
Delicate embroidery in light orange icing lunchtime:
you know who has done a bit 'of concept art for the film Avatar? No? Really? Look a bit 'here:
Not everything is black or gray at this heavy:
Winter Sports:
and other views from the cape:
O from the forest:
where fast Fugitives roam the lands covered with snow:
Finally, he falls fast in the evening:
and ends on the day, and soon this year. Who
passa di qui, auguro che il prossimo sia migliore, e porti verso giorni piú luminosi, come una fine d'Inverno nell'Ultima Thule. Se a qualcuno andrá bene, ci si rivedrá su queste pagine il prossimo anno, dunque.
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