In this period there is much talk of the end of Berlusconi if his government falls, probably will never be the President of the Italian government. Everyone has confidence in this, for all this is the only important thing. Berlusconi is defeated, no ifs, ands or buts. However, I am a "but" I would ask: Berlusconi is defeated, but what will come after him? Things really improve?
who rages against the current president - certainly a reason - usually listed among the problems of the country's conflict of interest, corruption, the link with the Mafia, etc. with the bitches. It 's all true. But the real problems of the citizens are others. The real problems are not what they tell the newspapers and television, and I believe well that the various Labor simply fulfilling the role of characters in the scene in the great Italian show. I believe that after Berlusconi Berlusconi will be as much as, if not who will be placed on the political agenda following the resolution of issues.
Firstly, it should be saved from destruction in the decades to pay welfare state. Western countries have become, merely, were security, with the sole purpose of ensuring public order, plus inventing social dangers (such as the League does it very well) do not exist. The welfare state must be saved and restored: it is necessary to ensure public safety on work and the work - (senza la sicurezza di un lavoro, come ci si può costruire una vita? Non pensi certo a sposarti o fare un figlio se non hai nemmeno la certezza di poter pagare l’affitto dell’alloggio) -, i beni essenziali come l’acqua e la sanità, l’istruzione e la ricerca andrebbero potenziati e resi accessibili davvero a tutti, la pensione dovrebbe essere assicurata, lo stipendio sociale per i disoccupati ecc. Inoltre, andrebbe considerata seriamente la questione ambientale, se non vogliamo che entro il prossimo secolo il nostro pianeta subisca uno sconvolgimento totale (e non si tratta di essere pessimisti, esistono dati scientifici).
Per ottenere tutto ciò, non bastano i buoni propositi, bensì occorre a structural reform of the system on which the current economy. First of all, it is necessary accountability and businesses. These are now conceived as a mere network of contracts and are subject only to the imperative of economistic "maximize profits". The company financialized (which is the current model) is totally indifferent to the relations between employers and workers, and the conditions of the latter: they totally commodified and dehumanized, they can be hired and fired on the spot, the production can be outsourced and the relationship between the business and civil society is in no way concerned, the environmental impact not a problem. All these things disrupt the financial performance, which is short-term profit. Who is controlling the financial market, capitalists are its officers and employees of their slaves. Not only the worker is regarded as a commodity, but a slave without rights (remember that the government attacks the Workers' Statute) and without the possibility of revenge when he is out of work or layoff. All this is presented as normal: it is normal that there is no steady job, he wants the economy, especially now that we are in crisis. This, Marx would say, is ideology. And 'the ideology of the ruling class that wants to pass off as natural and eternal le condizioni che essa stessa ha creato e che servono unicamente al suo sostentamento, a scapito di tutta quella larga banda di individui che non solo non ne traggono alcun giovamento, ma che sono completamente all’oscuro del reale funzionamento della realtà. Finché non si distrugge questo sfrenato neoliberismo e non si impongono forti tassazioni sui flussi di capitale (ad es. un imprenditore che acquista un’azione e che la rivende sul mercato azionario quando il suo valore è aumentato per intascare la plusvalenza, paga una tassa di gran lunga inferiore a quella che il salariato si vede imposta sullo stipendio e che inevitabilmente paga); finché non si comprende che l’uomo ha una dignità e che non può essere schiavizzato da a system that leads to the collapse of all that is truly human (including education and culture), beat Berlusconi will be completely useless. Needless to people who have real problems, that is what should be of interest.
should also be clear that job insecurity is just a necessary consequence of the financial activities of enterprises and that if there are no opportunities for young people (and more) of our country, is not the fault of immigrants, but the system itself. Immigrants are guilty of the fact that, thanks to the very intelligent safety laws are easily assume that within the black enslaves workers in worse shape, that remains outside the tax levy and that is contrary to the most universally shared principles of law? The alloy gear up for this: the work must remain to us, they do not have to steal it. But what work?
The reform of the University, against which thousands of students across Italy are appearing with parades in the streets, blocking city and dealing with the universities, is nothing straordianario: it is exactly in line with the principles of profit. According to the draft of the bill Gelmini, universities should go in the direction of individuals with expertise in finance. Individuals who may direct the universities to corporate interests, exploiting l’istruzione e privandola della sua libertà. La conoscenza, al contrario, dovrebbe essere del tutto indipendente da qualsiasi interesse per potersi sviluppare realmente.
Berlusconi and after will be a very important step in our history only if you explicitly go in the direction of a radical change of all the principles, once again on the man with the first dignity. Rethinking all 'homo sapiens the place of' homo economicus . A small step towards solving problems of far-reaching.
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