Put that, because of a tasting area the night before, you can host at your house a person known in the web, add that this person is one that "champagne is not really in my comfort zone ...." Put that creates a minievento ad hoc born here ... # colfondo1bis, or for a colfondo Ziliani (absent justified colfondo1 #).
Well yes, we've tried hard to "convert" the good Franco and indeed not even need much pushing.
Tuesday we found ourselves in company with cross-country cats for comfort and we organized a tasting of our prosecco. After the talk of knowledge, glass in hand we have recited, each with a wealth of detail, our wines and Franco noted.
I watched carefully and I must say very well that filled his notebook with stories of wine and men, kindly gave the go-to every producer and asked curiously, listening to stories of land, slope, height, grapes, yeast, processing and so on.
I'm not here to write to taste, it will do him in his new blog , I am interested to describe the clima della giornata, che è passata velocemente in maniera davvero inaspettata.
Ci siamo addentrati nelle degustazioni, questa volta 5 bicchieri a testa, così da comparare zone e vini… (si eravamo 8, però 3 non ce l’hanno fatta a venire e mi spiace tanto, però ci siamo accordati per un mini-tour dei mancanti appena ricapiterà in zona perché pareva brutto lasciargli le bottiglie degli assenti senza che avessero modo di spiegare le loro creature); per smezzare avevo fatto dei grissini di pane con il feccino di un travaso di proseco nuovo che pare siano stati molto apprezzati (leggere bruciati!!! Dalle bocche non dal fuoco per fortuna).
Alla fine della degustazione abbiamo avuto the pleasure of tasting a selection of deleted Zanotto, who with prosecco colfondo finish is exceptional and to make our chat tasting orange and the new creature and Costadilà Raboso ours.
What can I say? I think it was very successful, which we enjoyed in a fun way to good and that we have dispelled the idea that the Franco Prosecco is not in its strings: it is, and how! L ui thought that "all look alike and prosecco that resemble the classic sparkling wine as an aperitif ..." Nine! These are colfondo-prosecco-and-eat-drink!
Long live the people with the cross-country skiers, long live the territory, cheers our producers, the colfondo cheers!
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