Yes, I was in # colfondo1 and I glory: a beautiful day with beautiful people, good wine and good food ..
My guide below.
We had to Locanda Baggio at 10:30 am and immediately there was turmoil in preparing the last things: the bags with soil, tasting cards for those who were without moleskine paper, bottles for lunch.
At 11 and 15 are started dancing: the presentation of Davide Cocco of Studio Cru was followed by a description-interpretation of the terminology Colfondo made by St efano-vate-Caffarri . The Caf I did not know him, but I read it to be operated. Well, I see them walking with sti sheets in hand as a kind of slides explaining the terminology colfondo I must say that I was quite fascinated. Here you can see it thanks to the recovery of good Dan
After this presentation of the event we went to the presentation of the companies: we deployed 2 to 2, based on zona e giù a dire di noi.
Tra le cose da segnalare il fatto che Raffaele Follador di Casa Coste Piane abbia detto che tra noi col fondisti ci sono degli enologi, quindi persone che sanno scegliere come agire in cantina (se con lieviti selezionati o indigeni ed altre pratiche utili o meno) e delle persone che desiderano sperimentare; Silvano Follador ha invece spiegato bene cosa vuol dire il colfondo nel nostro territorio, ovvero tradizione da sempre: prima fermo, poi come risposta agli spumanti, per non tralasciare che in ogni casa delle 4 zone è pratica normale offrire un bicchiere di colfondo agli ospiti.
Finalmente verso le 11 e 30 abbiamo iniziato la degustazione: 3 Prosecco session, served in no particular order and served mixed. Now there have been comments and assimilation of the wines: writing impressions on all perfumes, on taste, texture and clarity on the perlage; a nice comparison between wines, launch areas and considerations on the methods of winemaking. Above all, the game-hunting you guess who it was that the wine, or the area.
samples served nel'ordine:
- Lorenzo Gatti (Piave) yes, ours. When they served, I immediately recognized a nose, then in her mouth I said it was too "bubbly" ... then I said to myself that the riassaggio no, it was in ours. He left chiusissimo, then over time it has opened showing how it is. What can I say, I am proud of my-our-children, though as it always does what he wants to be bottled in glass. Almond and persistence.
- Costadilà (Conegliano) . Can not miss: the color load, the taste of filtered fresh ... always a good glass, though personally I found the smell a bit milky 'too strong for my taste.
- Casa Coste Piane (Valdobbiadene) . The piacione, because I love it. Slightly less cloudy the first two, he fired an acacia spectacular, followed by flowers.
The second round started with:
- Biondo Jeo (Asolo) . Very similar to the one in the mouth is dry, full and warm.
- The Bassetta Donadi Maurizio (Piave) . Banana shot to the top, pineapple, nuts and tropical ... for a moment I thought it was done with selected yeasts and I also almost mistaken for the one after ..
- Bele Casel (Asolo) . I tasted 6 months fa e devo dire che è migliorato: sentori di banana, giusto equilibrio in bocca, forse un po’ troppo alto come gasatura.
La terza ed ultima tornata
- Frozza (Valdobbiadene) . Buon perlage, profumi di fiori, leggera banana, gusto pieno.
- Zanotto (Conegliano) . Anche qui banana, fiori, acacia, in bocca giusto equlibrio tra acidità e corpo
Che dire? Non c’è stata la proclamazione di un vino “più buono o vincitore”, c’è stato il riconoscimento delle 4 zone in maniera piuttosto net, has anyone played all'indovinachi and I feel a granfiga producers to have hit it 5 to 8 (and I do not you come and say I'm biased and I know the wines, is well known that the toys to have a Cippalippa is the wine).
Personally I had a persistent question in mind: they were all wine yeasts or not? I mean: banana shoot a thousand bananas were indigenous? Or bananas by yeasts? And the acidity? Were the result of nature and land, or was there something more?
My curiosity will be satisfied when I go to find the producers for a berm healthy glass of prosecco colfondo!
# colfondo1 on:
Bread made with yeast # colfondo with DanielaSenzaPanna
The lunch made the Locanda Baggio
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