Monday, November 29, 2010

Wound Care Nurse Job Description

Pictures of November (2010) Rudolf

Apparently yours truly does not care about the common sense of decency, and decided (in agreement with some of my gentle readers, both for the buck ) to continue with the horrid Photo of the Month. In spite of the number of comments last month-on-what brand of camera is better, Fortune seems to have mocked us, and the machine (most of dignity) of the Viking is no longer. A wave of optimism that ensures my wife has been forgotten in Spain.
So, once again, who goes from here will have to settle for the old cart on my Sony Ericsson K750i. Having a task to minimize the risk of Phone Loss for those who like me is totally incapable of handling more than a few items at a time.
As in November 2010, this time was climatically anomalous compared to previous years. Although you live in the Great Norrland, even up here is used to see so much snow and such low temperatures (-17 degrees happy about) so soon. The risk is that the column goes back sadistically and a heavy mulch and greyish company in that we do Christmas. For now, enjoy these landscapes worthy of January.
As many interested in solid and liquid water dynamics, a brief Riverside Story , week by week from mid-November:

The first signs:

a week later, we are almost at the completion of the Work:

to bring about some days ago. Also note the elegant, discreet and joyous shades of colors of the sky throughout the series.

course the Water ( marine? well, so to speak) that feed into the stuga have been subject to the same meticulous documentation.
here at the time of the first, innocent frost:

Here instead we are witnessing the birth of subtle ice in the bay:

On Sunday the 'Advanced is showed a bit 'more inevitable

more water, other forms. Here a road in Brine:

and flowers of the type Arctic


A AlberoDiNatale mignon :

Anthropomorphic Water: here comes the ' Hagamannen (nickname that was also a feared serial rapist Last Thule 3-4 years ago brought to justice. Unsuspecting father from little face clean)

municipal water: a Park in the center of the last Thule

A detail of the same , waiting to host the Children of Light of the nursery school, at the 'Ultima Thule Autumn Light Festival, which also told last year.

The Festival said in its 2010 edition was so tasteless and scadente che ho rinunciato a dedicarci un post, nonostante la mia buona volontá. Il tema del 2010 era l'Ammore: visti i risultati, sospetto che i Responsabili Municipali alla Cultura abbiano sostanziali carenze di Romanticismo, o pratichino il Masochismo in privato.
Ci sono privati che riescono a fare molto meglio di sto Festival giá solo con le Luminarie di Natale che hanno in casa.
Ad ogni modo, ed esclusivamente per ragioni sentimentali da tipica mamma italiana , riporto un pessimo scatto di quella a cui pure il Mezzovikingo ha contribuito:

Nonostante le Regole intimino di non esporre simboli natalizi prima della prima Domenica d'Avvento (detta Skyltsöndag , o Domenica delle Vetrine , indovinate perché), c'é qualcuno che fin dall'inizio del mese se n'é bellamente infischiato:

Infine, arrivano le solite Vedute dalla stuga, in una giornata eccezionalmente limpida qual era l'altroieri, prima domenica d'Avvento.

 Ora di pranzo:

Tramonto, subito dopo, alle 14:05. Niente di nuovo su questo blog, ma comunque un anticipo di atmosfera natalizia, finché dura .

Friday, November 26, 2010

Bus Tickit Templates Office 2003

But sometimes, as I walk the streets The change required

Talor, mentre cammino per le strade

della città tumultuosa solo,

mi dimentico il mio destino d’essere

uomo tra gli altri, e, come smemorato,

anzi tratto fuor di me stesso, guardo

la gente con aperti estranei occhi.

M’occupa allora un puerile, un vago

senso di sofferenza e d’ansietà

come per mano che mi opprima il cuore.

Fronti calve di vecchi, inconsapevoli

occhi di bimbi, facce consuete

di nati a faticare e a riprodursi,

volpina stupid faces blessed,

ambiguous faces of priests, painted faces

prostitutes within the brain

painfully impressed upon me.

And I know the trick by which they live,

the pain I put the fold

on their lips, always hopes


uselessness of their lives and their bitter fate Finally, the dark.

that each of them brings with it the condemnation of

exist, but are

forget that and all, each

dall'attimo busy passing,

distracted from his favorite vice.

I feel a discomfort similar to those who see

chasing butterflies

along the edge of a precipice, or a company

convicted of strange smile.

And if this little hard, I really

at that moment in m'impauro

to see that men are many.

(Camillo Sbarbaro)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Yacht Macgregor 26 Cena

Invite to dinner

Ohibó! Sto forse progettando un'occasione per cornificare il mio bel Vikingo? O si prospetta un'interessantissima serata con qualche noioso, o magari brillante, ospite accademico? 
Niente di tutto questo: le nostre cene continuano ad essere allietate da un Mezzovikingo che rivela la sua ereditá biologica, e si carica di adrenalina proprio mentre il Resto della Nazione dalle tre Corone si appresta a nascondersi sotto i piumini dell'Ikea. 
Nel restante scarso tempo libero, i due genitori contend with diplomacy the use of computers: one to mess with Photoshop and reveal to the world their ignorance through a blog, the other to keep updated on the events of the Last Thule with the help of Västerbottens Kuriren . It was on the latter that a few days ago, we happened to read the following news : the chain Lidl sells Siberian reindeer meat in its discount stores in Britain. At that, such a Justin Kerswell, a member of an association vegetarian, has expressed disgust about the barbaric news, that would destroy the magic of Christmas reindeer eating death (think ate them alive, I immediately thought of me). From these
parti, in luoghi molto piú vicini alla Vera Casa del signor Babbo Natale, il trafiletto ha lasciato per lo piú indifferenti, se non suscitato tiepidi sorrisi. Di renne morte, quassú, sono pieni i supermercati., mentre quelle vive se ne vanno a spasso per le strade in mezzo ai boschi. Non é esattamente il tipo di carne piú economico, ma é facile da trovare, e ogni tanto ce lo si puó concedere. 
Il problema della carne di renna, che é molto rossa e ha un sapore un po' dolciastro, é che é abbastanza dura, e perció il modo migliore di mangiarsela é a fettine sottili come nelle suovas, piatto tipico same che descrissi a suo tempo in questo post . Se avete fortuna, Sometimes you know someone who lives in Norrbotten and has contacts with some Same breeder, which could provide a leg of the Beast killed in a workmanlike manner and that is when not stressed . Totally ignores the concept of animal stress, but I was assured by a colleague, that the flesh of an animal is not stressed much more pastry and it tastes better. Sapevatelo, here on Channel Norrländsk.
Another way to eat the Reindeer to Santa Claus in the form of ham is usually smoked, which is a very common procedure in these parts. For me it was a big problem when I was pregnant with Mezzovikingo and I had the good fortune to attend a Julbord (pranzo di Natale) lavorativo in cui il pregiato salume era disponibile in diverse varianti: la carne é affumicata da cruda e fu un'autentica sofferenza non poterla assaggiare. 
(A tal proposito, alle gestanti nordiche fanno una testa cosí sul fatto di non dover bere alcol in attesa, e nel regolamento delle ostetriche compare addirittura la Domanda di Rito, da porsi a metá gravidanza: "ma ti sta pesando il fatto di non poterti fare un cicchetto?" Io risposi candidamente che l'astinenza da prosciutto crudo e di renna, da tiramisú e da salmone affumicato stava provocando danni psicologici ben peggiori. Mi guardarono quasi male).
Dunque, sto prosciutto é fatto con la carne della reindeer. It is not the only choice. If, for example, mood swings are a bit 'more gothic, or dark , or vampire, there will be rather difficult to choose a piece of smoked reindeer heart, to go into slices and eat just like the ham above . The taste is even sweeter, in my opinion. Where is the work of your dentist not to have problems, you groped your luck with a piece of dried meat than usual quadruped. If instead you want a healthier alternative to Korvo described in previous post, well, there is always the reindeer sausage. All this, as mentioned, there is no problems in supermarkets Last Thule (go down as in Stockholm or in Skåne, I do not know).

If you're still curious and would like the recipes a bit 'more gourmet when you sacrifice the poor Rudolf, I recommend you do a jump on a blog called, just happened The Reindeer in Kitchen , and browse through the preparations that standard under the heading reindeer, precisely.
At this point, however, I can not do without putting on my personal recipe, borrowed the tunnbrödrulle of reindeer meat and all that is theoretically inspired to examination ingredients that are found only here , but who could tell some curious culinary traditions of the North to the north. I hope there is some real indigenous to read and shudder.

slices of soft bread tunnbröd
Créme fraiche soft spreadable cheese or taste enhancers
ham smoked reindeer

Spread the bread with a thin layer of Gompa. Spread with another layer, more generous, creme fraiche. Complacent ham reindeer. Put on bread with gompa, rolling the whole, sliced \u200b\u200bcross. Hello.

however, and that is being Gompa ? Legitimate question. It is not something that you will find the essex. Let's say that when I arrived here I started to investigate the local food, and I figured an eye on a jar labeled with this name from cartoon, and full of green goo. The label read: made with herbs and Kvanne Removed , plus another I forgot. A survey dives on the Internet assured me that they are special examination, which promises to force and energy, and was used to ferment milk reindeer. Mixed with sour cream ( gräddfil ) with a sauce detta gompasås . Chiaro che dovevo provare.
Il problema é che questa salsetta dall'aspetto ridente é amarissima. Pensare di usarla come il pesto é una follia. Per cui mi sovvenne che sia il pane svedese, che la carne di renna sono abbastanza dolci. Da qui l'accostamento come sopra, dolce-amaro.
Niente di originale, il tunnbröd fatto con prosciutto di renna esiste giá nella tradizione culinaria svedese, ma in quest'ultimo la salsa usata é a base di pepparrot , o rafano.

Buon appetito, a tutti voi non deboli di cuore.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Milena Velba- Hole Bra

satisfaction # 2

Tuesday, November 23 I wrote:
scriveremo.momentaneamente soon we're a little full.

Today, December 15 Linko what you think of our Jamie Goode Raboso igt .
I think they are rewarding:)

ps: pictures of Jamie Goode

Special Characters Dont Show

Notice to Parents of bilingual children

Perché so che ce ne sono, tra chi capita su questo blog, non crediate che io non lo sappia, eh.

Bene, so che c'é un'usanza tra bloggers (specialmente donne, non so perché) di indire sul proprio sito iniziative in cui ci si scambiano regali, se ne dan via (piú o meno sponsorizzati), si dan via oggetti fatti da sé, e via dicendo, iniziative che prendono nomi accattivanti tipo candy , giveaway o altro.
Dopo un paio di esperienze fallimentari (un giveaway vinto ma ritrattato perché io da solita distrattona avevo sbagliato le regole, e un imbarazzante scambio di Natale in cui il contributo da me inviato era assolutamente skimpy than received), I decided to give up this world of Internet users and small courtesies give me the ascetic life of a writer of pure nonsense.
Then I saw this giveaway banned from Bilinguepergioco , and I thought it could not only be something for me (indeed, for Mezzovikingo), but could perhaps also be of interest to those who pass through here.
You win a bilingual book for their children. Good luck!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Incredible Hulk Cake Pan

In this period there is much talk of the end of Berlusconi if his government falls, probably will never be the President of the Italian government. Everyone has confidence in this, for all this is the only important thing. Berlusconi is defeated, no ifs, ands or buts. However, I am a "but" I would ask: Berlusconi is defeated, but what will come after him? Things really improve?

who rages against the current president - certainly a reason - usually listed among the problems of the country's conflict of interest, corruption, the link with the Mafia, etc. with the bitches. It 's all true. But the real problems of the citizens are others. The real problems are not what they tell the newspapers and television, and I believe well that the various Labor simply fulfilling the role of characters in the scene in the great Italian show. I believe that after Berlusconi Berlusconi will be as much as, if not who will be placed on the political agenda following the resolution of issues.

Firstly, it should be saved from destruction in the decades to pay welfare state. Western countries have become, merely, were security, with the sole purpose of ensuring public order, plus inventing social dangers (such as the League does it very well) do not exist. The welfare state must be saved and restored: it is necessary to ensure public safety on work and the work - (senza la sicurezza di un lavoro, come ci si può costruire una vita? Non pensi certo a sposarti o fare un figlio se non hai nemmeno la certezza di poter pagare l’affitto dell’alloggio) -, i beni essenziali come l’acqua e la sanità, l’istruzione e la ricerca andrebbero potenziati e resi accessibili davvero a tutti, la pensione dovrebbe essere assicurata, lo stipendio sociale per i disoccupati ecc. Inoltre, andrebbe considerata seriamente la questione ambientale, se non vogliamo che entro il prossimo secolo il nostro pianeta subisca uno sconvolgimento totale (e non si tratta di essere pessimisti, esistono dati scientifici).

Per ottenere tutto ciò, non bastano i buoni propositi, bensì occorre a structural reform of the system on which the current economy. First of all, it is necessary accountability and businesses. These are now conceived as a mere network of contracts and are subject only to the imperative of economistic "maximize profits". The company financialized (which is the current model) is totally indifferent to the relations between employers and workers, and the conditions of the latter: they totally commodified and dehumanized, they can be hired and fired on the spot, the production can be outsourced and the relationship between the business and civil society is in no way concerned, the environmental impact not a problem. All these things disrupt the financial performance, which is short-term profit. Who is controlling the financial market, capitalists are its officers and employees of their slaves. Not only the worker is regarded as a commodity, but a slave without rights (remember that the government attacks the Workers' Statute) and without the possibility of revenge when he is out of work or layoff. All this is presented as normal: it is normal that there is no steady job, he wants the economy, especially now that we are in crisis. This, Marx would say, is ideology. And 'the ideology of the ruling class that wants to pass off as natural and eternal le condizioni che essa stessa ha creato e che servono unicamente al suo sostentamento, a scapito di tutta quella larga banda di individui che non solo non ne traggono alcun giovamento, ma che sono completamente all’oscuro del reale funzionamento della realtà. Finché non si distrugge questo sfrenato neoliberismo e non si impongono forti tassazioni sui flussi di capitale (ad es. un imprenditore che acquista un’azione e che la rivende sul mercato azionario quando il suo valore è aumentato per intascare la plusvalenza, paga una tassa di gran lunga inferiore a quella che il salariato si vede imposta sullo stipendio e che inevitabilmente paga); finché non si comprende che l’uomo ha una dignità e che non può essere schiavizzato da a system that leads to the collapse of all that is truly human (including education and culture), beat Berlusconi will be completely useless. Needless to people who have real problems, that is what should be of interest.

should also be clear that job insecurity is just a necessary consequence of the financial activities of enterprises and that if there are no opportunities for young people (and more) of our country, is not the fault of immigrants, but the system itself. Immigrants are guilty of the fact that, thanks to the very intelligent safety laws are easily assume that within the black enslaves workers in worse shape, that remains outside the tax levy and that is contrary to the most universally shared principles of law? The alloy gear up for this: the work must remain to us, they do not have to steal it. But what work?

The reform of the University, against which thousands of students across Italy are appearing with parades in the streets, blocking city and dealing with the universities, is nothing straordianario: it is exactly in line with the principles of profit. According to the draft of the bill Gelmini, universities should go in the direction of individuals with expertise in finance. Individuals who may direct the universities to corporate interests, exploiting l’istruzione e privandola della sua libertà. La conoscenza, al contrario, dovrebbe essere del tutto indipendente da qualsiasi interesse per potersi sviluppare realmente.

Berlusconi and after will be a very important step in our history only if you explicitly go in the direction of a radical change of all the principles, once again on the man with the first dignity. Rethinking all 'homo sapiens the place of' homo economicus . A small step towards solving problems of far-reaching.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Erection Problem

A pleasant acquaintance. The flood

Put that, because of a tasting area the night before, you can host at your house a person known in the web, add that this person is one that "champagne is not really in my comfort zone ...." Put that creates a minievento ad hoc born here ... # colfondo1bis, or for a colfondo Ziliani (absent justified colfondo1 #).
Well yes, we've tried hard to "convert" the good Franco and indeed not even need much pushing.

Tuesday we found ourselves in company with cross-country cats for comfort and we organized a tasting of our prosecco. After the talk of knowledge, glass in hand we have recited, each with a wealth of detail, our wines and Franco noted.
I watched carefully and I must say very well that filled his notebook with stories of wine and men, kindly gave the go-to every producer and asked curiously, listening to stories of land, slope, height, grapes, yeast, processing and so on.
I'm not here to write to taste, it will do him in his new blog , I am interested to describe the clima della giornata, che è passata velocemente in maniera davvero inaspettata.

Ci siamo addentrati nelle degustazioni, questa volta 5 bicchieri a testa, così da comparare zone e vini… (si eravamo 8, però 3 non ce l’hanno fatta a venire e mi spiace tanto, però ci siamo accordati per un mini-tour dei mancanti appena ricapiterà in zona perché pareva brutto lasciargli le bottiglie degli assenti senza che avessero modo di spiegare le loro creature); per smezzare avevo fatto dei grissini di pane con il feccino di un travaso di proseco nuovo che pare siano stati molto apprezzati (leggere bruciati!!! Dalle bocche non dal fuoco per fortuna).
Alla fine della degustazione abbiamo avuto the pleasure of tasting a selection of deleted Zanotto, who with prosecco colfondo finish is exceptional and to make our chat tasting orange and the new creature and Costadilà Raboso ours.

What can I say? I think it was very successful, which we enjoyed in a fun way to good and that we have dispelled the idea that the Franco Prosecco is not in its strings: it is, and how! L ui thought that "all look alike and prosecco that resemble the classic sparkling wine as an aperitif ..." Nine! These are colfondo-prosecco-and-eat-drink!

Long live the people with the cross-country skiers, long live the territory, cheers our producers, the colfondo cheers!