Monday, February 28, 2011

Big Toe Hot Soak Infection Epsom

The Pictures in February 2006 Alone by Gloria

No, not a typo. And not one of those symptoms of premature aging that my gray matter still can not give up.
A bit 'bored by the perennial snow-white landscape Last Thule, I realize that the photos in February 2011 do not offer anything more than those of January 2011. I therefore decided to change the program, and post some pictures of another Febbraio, quello del 2006: occasione in cui il mio buon amico, Sua Immensitá Kruccofila Dulcamara, decise di farmi visita e verificare di persona come le distese nevose del Norrland siano differenti dalle ampiezze immacolate dell'Impero d'Asburgo, di cui lui é glorioso Ambasciatore, raffigurandone l'arte canora in un blog che egli cura personalmente.
Altri tempi, altra tecnologia: la qualitá delle immagini é quella che é.
Ecco dunque una piccola e molto incompleta testimonianza di un viaggio ai confini del Norrland: in treno fino a Kiruna, sede della Setta del Radiotjänst , e poi in auto fino ad Abisko. 
Un'altra mia amica, tedesca and lover of Scandinavia told me that you have read the book "South of Abisko," Klaus Böldl, and believing that a name so it was a fantasy un'invezione vaguely Tolkien, until she too experienced the same trip, and notes as Abisko invention is not mythological, but a handful of homes in the depths of the northernmost Lapland.

Since Last Thule train journey takes some eight hours. The course is seemingly monotonous, but if you make the case known as conifers become ever shorter and thinner. Near Kiruna, were replaced with low birch and suffering from air, and you'd never know that a small tree so lovely bear better than many other trade shows negative temperatures of the night in the North.
Four hundred miles south of Kiruna (or north of the Last Thule, if you prefer), the train slows down a little bit to allow the tourists like us to see the sign indicating the Arctic Circle:

After 4-5 hours by train, you get to Kiruna (or Pernice, language same), a place that probably would not exist if there were no riches of iron in its basement, and they certainly will no longer exist (at least as well as the seen in this photo), including a few years when the tunnels dug the mine will sink into the bowels of the Earth. Kiruna WILL BE translocated in some way, on a hill nearby. It is said that the project of New Kiruna is entrusted, among others, an expert in feng shui .

Among the buildings to be moved, it also includes the wooden church of the city: red building of incredible beauty, and the interior of which suggests ancestral spirituality even to hardened agnostic like myself. I regret not having better pictures, and not having the exterior. If Google, there's much more deserving.

Proseguendo nel viaggio verso Nord, e verso Abisko, si ammirano montagne vecchie come il mondo, modellate dal tempo, e mucchietti di case in mezzo al niente, che portano nomi esotici e fiabeschi tipo Nagireatnu . La strada e la ferrovia corrono sul ciglio del grande lago Torneträsk.

La grande valle ad U, detta Lapporten , o Porta della Lapponia, ammicca con la sua magnificenza. Il suo nome Same, Čuonjávággi, significa, molto piú prosaicamente, Valley Goose :

Go to Kiruna in the winter, and do not visit the nearby Ice Hotel in nearby Jukkasjärvi, on the banks of the river Torneälv, is a wasted opportunity. It must be noted that (at least at the time), the mode of transport for non Drivers are nothing short of disastrous and ill-designed with the hours of train to Kiruna. Indeed, let us say: the sights to be done on weekends (when you have time for a short trip), are going badly. Even the Ultima Thule, which has yet to learn how to welcome visitors effectively, unable to keep the museums open on Sundays. Kiruna not.
A good reason, rent a car then. In the street, some placid reindeer moved away as we passed:

The Ice Hotel is an ephemeral structure made entirely of solid water, created by skilled artists, unbelievably expensive, and the which comfort is certainly questionable.
you may decide to spend a night in a regular room, which is just a cubicle of ice. Alternatively, there are the suites, decorated with ice sculptures and other incredible suite to suite . However, the ultimate in convenience and a bed ice covered by a merciful reindeer skin, you put on a good sleeping bag. Kamasutra nothing, so if your program it was a romantic weekend.
Prices range from SEK 1150, up to 4500 per room night, depending on the room and the night when you go there.
If you prefer to sleep in the warm, do like us and pigliatevi a room in a hostel in Kiruna. The romance can always exercise in attendance will marry in the mystical and spartan chapel of the Hotel:

For some reason (the reindeer skins?) The church offers a strong odor animale di non specificata provenienza.

Continuando il percorso, dettagli di magia gelata catturano il visitatore, come questo capitello:

Mentre se volete scaldarvi un pelo, esiste un bar a base di una certa reclamizzatissima Vodka, a portata di mano. Anche il lampadario é di ghiaccio:

Infine, con le mani ormai cristallizzate dal gelo che emanava dalle pareti, ho avuto la forza di fare uno scatto ad una delle suites .

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Are Reits A Good Investment In 2010

colfondo # 2

È finito anche Colfondo#2 ed un po’ mi spiace, perché è stata una bella giornata, con bella gente, buon vino e buon cibo e buoni propositi.

Devo dunque ringraziare Stefano Caffarri che l’ha organizzata nella bella cornice dell’' Acetaia San Giacomo di Andrea Bezzecchi a Novellara , as well as all the staff who welcomed us and Cocola for the entire day.

We arrived at 10 and a half, a little 'running' after we had made an unexpected stop, and have got everything ready: tables, chairs, cups, napkins, people ready to welcome .

After the greetings of the case we are also able to make a short visit to acetaia.

Here, I pause a moment here because I had never seen a vinegar before yesterday to see all these barrels in line, sniffing the air that smelled of vinegar, but vinegar! Fragrances smell strange for my wine, good, from the licorice candy, from apple to pear ... and then silence, is required for a magical transformation that makes the wine and vinegar that makes my thoughts turn into action ... a unique experience, certainly be repeated with much more calm.

At 11 you are open presentations, tastings and discussions, and Stefano presented the event which consisted of two phases:

  • Phase 1: a blind tasting of samples, possibly without guessing by saying his friend next (otherwise there sbacchettava first and then we closed in prison J )
  • Phase 2 sampling of specimens discovered on the samples tasted in comparison with phase 1, or blind.

During the blind (1), the order was:

  • Sample # 1: The Basset
  • Sample # 2: Zanotto
  • Sample # 3: Lorenzo Gatti
  • Sample 4: Bele Casel
  • Sample 5: Costadilà
  • Sample 6: Nicos
  • Sample number 7: "The Intruder" Nature Mauzac

[Nicos is a manufacturer of Colbertaldo of Vidor, Valdobbiadene area, while the intruder was a colfondo French.]

In Phase 2, but the order was:

  • Champion numero 1: Nicos
  • Campione numero 2: Zanotto
  • Campione numero 3: Gatti Lorenzo
  • Campione numero 4: Bele Casel
  • Campione numero 5: La Bassetta
  • Campione numero 6: Costadilà
  • Campione numero 7: “L’intruso” Mauzac Nature

Dopo le due degustazioni sono iniziati i commenti, e devo dire che ho fatto davvero fatica a riconoscere il nostro vino dagli altri: forse era una bottiglia un po’ particular, or perhaps I was too distracted me, the fact is that I have "discovered" at the very last and the comparison sample found it gave me confidence.

Anyway it was nice to see the guests "brew" their impressions of each saying and asking questions when all of us producers explained the way they work in the vineyard and winery in the area, the land, etc..

After all that drinking, around 1:30 p.m. we were refreshed with a number of products Emilia:

  • antipasto misto: where the mixture was cut into the delicious mortadella abundance of fantastic erbazzone made by holy hands, the crackling of the grain from the hood and deftly brushed with balsamic vinegar, the vinegar St. James.
  • Tortelli stuffed with herb butter and parmesan cheese: even those made by holy hands that probably grind to handcuff tortelli
  • creamy onion risotto with balsamic vinegar: cooked by important culinary experience of Stephen, as we say "na stuff granda! "

At There are about 16 were the greetings, so in the end we stayed with our sport more Vittorio Tirebuchon with the intent to make a miniriunione ... transformed into a large and dense saber by any means (knives, glasses and other means of fortune) and Any package (even a bottle cork O_O) by an overwhelming Ernesto.

At 18 we finally took the road home, where I proposed to Riccardo Zanotto to eat a pizza.

We had an interesting exchange of ideas, opinions and impressions and there are already the basis for a Colfondo 3

... so be careful, the Colfondisti are active!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Why Was The Razr2 Discontinued

I am persuaded more and more of that truth rather guess that there are no absolute values \u200b\u200bto which to refer in the field of ethics, politics, religion etc.. It is said that there is no truth in these areas, but certainly it is impossible to access it and even if he had access would be impossible to recognize it, having to consider that a value held true, even if true, would not be universally recognized as such, so it would not be as adjectives objective. In fact - as Gramsci notes in a passage of the Prison Notebooks - the concept of "objectivity" is a metaphysical concept: it is an objective that is assessed in the same way by all subjects, this does not mean that this would also for a Martian, or a man in a 'different time from ours.

However I think that these considerations should not be extended to the whole knowable, generating skepticism rather untenable. As Wittgenstein says in the Tractatus in the world there are facts and these can be speak up and determine if the propositions they are true or false. Unfortunately, there are no ethical facts , the values \u200b\u200bare not facts: they are "things" that are not in the world and therefore we can not determine (verify) if a proposition about them is true or false. And so much of philosophy has to do with questions undecidable, unresolvable. I do not think, however, that disparages the value of the survey and I do not think that, as Wittgenstein suggests, these matters should be "silenced" the man of course raises some questions about such issues and indeed the whole of society, for better or worse, is based on attempts to respond to them. Of course it can not be never say you have made a discovery in ethics, only scientists can do, and must keep in mind that could be wrong, but there may well be some principles that appear reasonable, especially useful. Protagoras says: an agreement on profit can be found among men, exploiting the artful sophistry can persuade. Anyone scrap a proposal for ethical (or political, religious, etc..) Strives to objectify his thesis, just to make it persuasive, so that to be valid universally, or nearly so.

Think of Marx: he does not talk about ethics, it says it is "unfair" the capitalist system and that the proletariat has to fight because it achieves something "good." But this is the premise of his whole investigation and proposal that would sense his views if they do not start from the observation (ethics) of an injustice? Yet he replaces the words ethical claims with a scientific, objective, just to make them seem more solid and true, what an ethical precept, by itself, can not be. Marx then says that in capitalist society there are "contradictions", he elaborates a philosophy of history which sees the revolution of the proletariat an unavoidable step of development, leading to the creation of man in società comunista non già perché ciò sia più giusto, ma perché solo così si potrà stabilire una società priva di conflitti e contraddizioni (la filosofia che si fa mondo). E' chiaro, però, come tutti questi tentativi di oggettivazione si siano rilevati fallimentari e ciò che resta oggi di Marx è sì la sua analisi del mondo reale, ma soprattutto la constatazione che l’uomo nella società capitalistica è alienato, mercificato, privato della sua dignità, non realizzato nella sua essenza; resta che è ingiusto lo sfruttamento del lavoratore (secondo le modalità da lui descritte); resta la critica dell’economia politica e dell’ideologia borghese, ma tutti gli aspetti di necessità oggettiva si sono frantumati nell’evidenza storica che ha smentito i suoi nobili tentativi.

Ma oggi c’è una questione che pone l’etica di fronte ad un problema oggettivo, a un fatto : la distruzione ambientale. Certo, c’è molto da interpretare, ma ci sono dati fattuali che dimostrano come l’accrescimento della temperatura globale proceda parallelo all’aumento delle emissioni di anidride carbonica; che i ghiacci si sciolgano e i laghi di Ciad evaporino e le risorse non rinnovabili siano vicine al loro “definitivo” (almeno in tempi umani) esaurimento sono fatti . Si potrà discutere sui metodi per affrontarli e risolverli, ma non si può eludere il problema e la relativa discussione. Allora oggi una proposta politica e etica dovrà tener conto di questo fattore e, anzi, potrà sfruttarlo come dato oggettivo da considerare come movente di una scelta. Questo potrebbe essere un punto di forza per una critica del modo attuale di produzione (non necessariamente rivoluzionaria o che) e per la proposta di un’alternativa. Certo è che la scelta di cambiamento potrà essere fatta basandosi unicamente su esigenze materiali, ma tanto basterebbe: l’azione non sarà etica, ma se il risultato sarà “buono”, utile, tanto bene lo stesso, e viva Protagora.

Riprendo ora una riflessione che feci al tempo della lettura sulla Critica della ragion pratica di Kant e della sua legge morale. Anch’egli riteneva di dover oggettivare l’etica, di dare una legge morale che valesse universalmente. Ma, a mio avviso, anche il suo tentativo fallì miseramente. Davvero è impossibile oggettivare l’etica, se non persuadendo della validità di certe tesi facendo perno archimedeo su dati fattuali. Segue, allora, questa mia “datata” riflessione.

Kant afferma, nel corollario e nello scolio della legge fondamentale della ragion pura pratica, che “la ragion pura è per sé sola pratica, e dà (all’uomo) una legge universale che noi chiamiamo legge morale ” e che “occorre only analyze the opinion that people do on the conformity of their actions to the law. " Whatever the view, and "whatever inclination may say to the contrary, the reason will always remain" steadfast in the utmost desire of pure will, that is the single, according to reason, will not act against the moral law.

The adequacy of moral action and is dependent on the man who, by reason of it. But this view is always subjective. It seems to me that Kant, wanting to assert the universality of his moral law, suppose that the practice is universal pure reason and the law that imposes on itself comes to be, in my view, a universal law yes, but not moral in an absolute sense, because the morality of an action is subjective, depending on the individual in respect of each assessment, because the reason is not universal, there is no reason absolute, to which reference is necessarily acting in a certain way.

"The moral law - read Kant - is therefore an imperative which commands categorically, because the law is unconditional." But the imperative (moral) depends on the idea of \u200b\u200bsubjective morality, for which a specific action could be performed by a person in a conscious and considered consistent with the Basic Law, while another person may consider this action in the opposite manner. Moreover, I believe, everyone feels more or less consciously, to maintain correct behavior, or rather to act in the best way possible, while recognizing in himself the faults. This is because, if you believe you live in an incorrect manner, would seek to change, because a person can not live happily (the goal of all) if it is in conflict with itself. So, or be totally indifferent to any morality (but this is a choice that will be deemed correct), or will strive to live in the best and will be convinced of acting and thinking, if not in the best way, in a still commendable. Now, a person convinced of this, think that his actions, if carried out in accordance with the own right, will also be moral actions , that respect the categorical imperative of pure practical reason, where, assuming, as the law of pure practical reason a moral law, morality and pure practical reason are to coincide. So much so that precisely Kant says that "this principle does not prescribe to all rational beings the same rules of thumb, though in truth they are all under a common title, namely that of happiness." But this is where the problem is not requiring universal rules of thumb, a law is vague and therefore not objective, that is the law in doing so each will behave in ways even antithetical. In fact, it is true that they are all under the title of happiness, because the will of man is directed to that end, but - and Kant says - "it is impossible to consider this problem [of happiness] as a law, because this objective as should contain, in all cases and for all rational beings the same reason determining the will . For although the concept of happiness is everywhere based practice object of the report with the facoltà di desiderare, pure esso è solo il carattere comune dei motivi determinanti soggettivi, e non determina niente in modo specifico.”

Per ricapitolare, la legge morale universale non impone regole pratiche universali, ma soltanto un principio, seguendo il quale l’uomo agirebbe moralmente. L’azione pratica morale, poi, come qualsiasi altra azione è dettata dalla volontà, la quale ha come fine la felicità. Il principio però è interpretabile soggettivamente proprio perchè la felicità “si riferisce a un sentimento soggettivo di piacere o dispiacere”. Se il fine è soggettivo, sarà soggettivo anche il mezzo. E allora, come può veramente direct human action this law, and what is it?

Maybe if Kant had maintained in the Critique of Practical Reason, the three moral laws proposed in the Prolegomena, he maintained, in conjunction therewith, the very practical aspect of pure practical reason, losing, however, in universality.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Black Toilet Seat Phobia

Da veri Norrlandesi e non solo, ormai noialtri della Famiglia Mezzovikinga abbiamo deciso che i silenzi della stuga sono piú invitanti del famosissimo e vorticoso glamour cittadino ultimathulese, e perció ci siamo ritrovati di nuovo qui sulle rive del mare, con un collegamento internet moncheggiante e un Mezzovikingo che ne consente l'uso solo quando dorme (il pargolo non sa leggere, ma pretende comunque l'iPhone del padre per giocare con Wirly Words ).
La sottoscritta, illusa dalle speranze nutrite da certi articles, as well as other neighboring blog, so he brought out his ass ierisera in one of the coldest nights (-28 degrees, we learned this morning) in the history of the last Thule, all for the hope of seeing ; some shred of those light green curtains that these Norrsken They come up here, Northern Lights, or aurora borealis for scholars of Italian Studies.
Northern Lights The only son of the evening proved a huge moon and easy-going, an anachronism of a Christmas tree stuga across the bay, the mosaic of stars in the Milky Way and the reflections of moonlight on snow Gulf of Bothnia.

The night then got only a flowering of crystals of ice as wide as the petals on rowan and pine trees. The Sun, which has failed to cooperate with the Earth for its talent shows of light, dancing with the offset geometry of these Water Crystals (Diamond Dust in technical jargon), and gave us (no visual rare but unusual) surrounded by a halo Dogs Solar shades of pale rainbow, here joined by the Ring of the so-called 22 degrees:

Looking up a bit 'higher up, peeps even 46 degrees of the Ring:

All these degrees to which I refer are those of the angles of refraction of light . In order not to bore the reader, who is curious to refer to the technical details of Vikipedia voice that describes the Halos.
L ' SMHI, authorities of the Kingdom on everything that is meteorology, with a gross simple rules ensure that "22-graders När en halo Mr Visar det är - åtminstone Inom Sverige - 75% chans att det blir regn Inom 5 Timm. " see a halo (Halo ) promises 22 degrees of rain in 75% of cases within 5 hours (at least in Sweden).
Really? Okay now the sky is a bit 'hazy, but forecasts show that in the next 24 hours and beyond, will no longer warm to -17 degrees. Say it will rain the same?
However, it will still be a mockery if the Aurora decides to appear tonight.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Do Creative Webcams Have Effects

Advertisement and / or insults to eighteen below zero

And one day, was the month of February
was cold outside the home
it again
You know that life is good Winter
as Spring?

It is just so.
especially if the difference between Spring and Winter shows its marginal. While the laws
migrate south in search of warmth forgotten, the Ultima Thule and its vast surroundings bask again in the days that reach and pass over the twenty degrees below zero.
When this happens, also occur following two facts:

- The blanket of snow does not melt for some time to come.
- the weather is fine (so the more heat escapes at night and day) and there is no threat of new snow in sight

In this way, the Dweller Ultimathulese know that I can rely with confidence on one of its most interesting resources: a snowpack and immaculate appearance of the same, or nearly so.
What can I do with a snowpack and immaculate immutante? If this is right below a popular bridge for pedestrians and bicycles, can be well exploited in order to inform our citizens that something is important to us, as in the case of this anonymous / a, which has much thought to propagate the following message ( which will also be written with his feet but the handwriting is excellent ):

There is the name of a local blogs (which have nothing to do with anything), and the inscription " bog," an epithet that is not noble, though now is not too pejorative to denote male homosexuals (I must say that despite the opening mental in the Nordic countries, some meandering and unnecessary prejudices survive).
The purpose of this inscription is not clear to me, so I have three hypotheses:

1) The bloggers would be so unusual and effective advertising. Someone wanted to mock the intent, and has ridiculed the initiative with the same system. (Weak case for me, given the similarity of the writing)
2) The bloggers wanted to advertise so unusual and effective, and added the epithet affixed to attract even more attention.
3) A Zebedee someone is on the blog and / or their bloggers, and chose a very public and let the world know your opinion.

What is your hypothesis?

Whatever it is, the effect advertising has still prevailed in me, because I could not resist from going to look at the site: I thought it was something about winter sports (the words vinter me confused), rather was only in glamorous fashion ultimathulese. Nothing for me, in fact.

In the next installment, more interesting ways di usare la neve a scopi sociali, questa volta per la gioia del Mezzovikingo.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Starter Motor Lifespan

Luciano Berio: Rooms (2003)-Broski

From channel TheWelleszCompany

Luciano Berio (1925-2003): rooms, for baritone, male chorus and orchestra 3 (2003).

I. Tenebrae (Paul Celan)
II. Ceremonious leave of the traveler (Giorgio Caproni)
III. (Edoardo Sanguineti)
IV. (Alfred Brendel)
V. The Schlacht (Dan Pagis)

Dietrich Henschel, baritono

Orchestre de Parisdiretta da Christoph Eschenbach.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Honey X Honey Drops Scans


Accettano le scritture come fonte unica della rivelazione cristiana, rifiutando tutto il patrimonio dottrinale della Tradizione e del Magistero ecclesiastico.
Dal nr dei libri ispirati della Sacra Scrittura escludono alcuni libri del AT. Altre sette protestanti escludono del NT la lettera agli Ebrei, lettera di Giacomo. la II lettera di Pietro, la II e la III lett. Di Giovanni.
Rifiutando il Magistero della Chiesa (per magistero si intende il Papa ed i vescovi in qualità di Maestri della Parola di Dio e pastori del gregge (Atti 20,28), affidano al libero esame individuale la comprensione della Sacra Scrittura che essi pongono nelle mani dei fedeli senza le necessarie note illustrative dei punti più difficili e oscuri, creando confusione e discordie senza fine anche sui punti più importanti della dottrina cristiana.

Per la maggior parte dei protestanti il peccato originale è una corruzione essenziale della nostra natura; è immedesimato con la nostra natura e corrompe ogni nostra opera che perciò nulla può giovarci alla salvezza. La fede sola giustifica (= ci rende giusti, ci santifica): il battesimo è solo un rito simbolico di iscrizione al cristianesimo. L’immersione è l’unico battesimo valido.

The merits of Jesus Christ the Redeemer are applied to man through faith, but does not provide any real justification (sanctification) inside. The sins are covered, but not deleted.
Protestants ignore it the supernatural and grace.
The good works are a natural manifestation of the Faith, but they do not need to deserve eternal life due to us only for the merits of Christ who gives it to those who believe in Him works of penance are unnecessary and were never commanded by Christ.

Christ and the Holy Trinity ': many Protestant sects belonging to the modern liberal deny the divinity of Jesus Christ, and considering it as Master of truth and holiness, but not the Redeemer men in the Catholic sense. The work of Christ is called redemption by them in the sense that Christ has raised humanity with its sublime teachings. Therefore deny the Holy Trinity. They ignore the Holy Spirit is called "spirit of God" confuse it with the Father as the only person who acknowledge God.

primacy and infallibility ':
unanimously deny that Christ has made a real record of el'infallibilità jurisdiction (which they confuse with the flawless) to S. Peter and his direct and legitimate successors, the popes.

Hierarchy and celibacy
Many Protestants, especially the adherents of many liberal sects, deny that Christ has established in his Church a hierarchy and un sacerdozio speciale. Altri affermano che siamo tutti sacerdoti.

Negando l’efficacia di tutti i sacramenti, insegnano che Gesù nell’ultima Cena ha istituito un rito semplicemente commemorativo della sua Passione; negando quindi la presenza reale di Gesù nella SS. Eucarestia; negano pure la realtà del Sacrificio Eucaristico come superfluo dopo quello della croce; affermano anzi che la messa dei cattolici è un insulto a Dio ed una violazione delle scritture.

auricular confession of sins:
unanimously deny the necessity of confession to the priest, saying it is not of Biblical origin, but later invention of the Catholic Church. Admit a general confession of their sins to God to do for the sins committed against him and his brothers of the same faith for the wrongs committed against them. Also deny the distinction between mortal and venial sin.

hell, and purgatory:
Many Protestants deny the eternity of hell, preferring to believe that the evil of punishment for their sins are completely destroyed. Some of them also deny the immortality of the soul. Unanimously deny the existence of purgatory and the utility of prayers for the dead, thus denying the reality and usefulness of indulgences.

saying that Mary is the Mother of Christ, but they say it can not be awarded the title of Mother of God against this divine grandeur of Mary hurtle especially those sects modern liberals who deny the mystery of the Holy Trinity, and consequently the divinity of Christ.
deny the perpetual virginity of Mary, saying that if she was the mother, could not be a virgin, most Protestants deny the reality in historical fact or even the possibility of miracles. By Scripture, they believe they can also get that Maria SS. had other children besides Jesus
not recognize the doctrine (faith = truth) nor that of the Immaculate Conception of Mary of the Assumption into heaven. For them, Mary was a lucky woman, but common.

superstitious and say it is insulting towards any of God forma di culto alla Vergine e ai santi. Dicono idolatrica la venerazione che i cattolici hanno per le reliquie dei Santi.

I protestanti negano il valore delle note caratteristiche che Cristo diede all’unica vera Chiesa da Lui fondata per renderla riconoscibile ai credenti tra tante false chiese. Negano cioè, che la vera Chiesa di Cristo sia Una, Santa, Cattolica ed Apostolica. Negano ciò perché le loro chiese non hanno queste caratteristiche e quindi non sono la vera chiesa di Cristo.



La Bibbia è una sola. Non vi sono più Bibbie. Essa è una raccolta di scritti o libri composti da vari autori lungo un arco di tempo di più di mille anni.

L’unica Bibbia è divisa in due parti. La prima chiamata Antico Testamento, è stata scritta prima di Gesù Cristo quasi tutta in lingua Ebraica. La seconda parte, a cui si dà il nome di Nuovo Testamento, comprende gli scritti the first disciples of Christ (the apostles and Evangelists). It was composed in Greek during the first century of the Christian era.

the only Bible many translations exist. The part of the Hebrew Bible was translated or AT for the first time in Greek during the third and second centuries BC. It 'called Alexandrian is supposed to be the place where the translation was made, ie Alexandria, Egypt. It 'also known as the Septuagint (which is denoted by nr. Romano LXX) the number of translators that an ancient tradition says they were seventy learned Jews living outside Palestine or purposely went from Jerusalem to Alexandria.
In epoca cristiana, a cominciare dal secondo secolo, si l’AT che il NT, furono tradotti in altre lingue, quelle vive e parlate (Latino, Siriaco, Slavo, ecc.) per renderli accessibili ai popoli convertiti al cristianesimo.
In tempi a noi più vicini si cominciò a tradurre la Bibbia nelle lingue moderne (tedesco, inglese, spagnolo, italiano, francese ecc.). oggi ci sono centinaia di traduzioni della Bibbia in quasi tutte le lingue parlate, anche quelle meno diffuse e conosciute.

2)    La Bibbia sola è guida sufficiente?
One of the many slogans or phrases for effect frequently mentioned by the Protestant says: "The Bible is the only rule of faith. Where the Bible speaks we speak, where it is silent, taciamo too. "
To recognize the Bible as the one and only rule of faith, not only is contrary to the teaching of Holy Scripture, but is also contrary to the most elementary common sense. Indeed the guidance established by Jesus to make known to all men the doctrine should be:
a) reliable and comprehensive
b) accessible and understandable to all.
c) Fit to resolve any dispute regarding religious

A) The Bible is not reliable and comprehensive guide.
fact to say that it is the only sure guide to know the revealed truth, we must first know that it is a book inspired by God or not.

Certainty of divine inspiration of a book there can be given by the book itself because any fool can tell exalted fact that the books written by him to have been dictated (or inspired) by God

Moreover, the Bible contains only part of the divine revelation, so much so that in Acts 20.35 is preserved a saying of Jesus that is not mentioned by any of the Gospels: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Again, the Apostle Saint John in his Gospel says: "Jesus did many other signs in the presence of his disciples, but were not written in questo libro” (Gv 20,30); “Vi sono ancora altre molte cose compiute da Gesù che, se fossero scritte una per una, penso che il mondo stesso non basterebbe a contenere i libri che si dovrebbero scrivere”. (Gv 21,25).

B) Le Sacre Scritture non erano accessibili ai primi cristiani perché non furono complete se non dopo parecchi anni che esisteva il cristianesimo; la stampa poi fu inventata nel 1440 e perciò fino ad allora era materialmente impossibile procurarne una copia ad ogni singolo fedele. Ed ancora oggi come ieri per parecchi cristiani rimane un libro sigillato perché non sanno leggere.
  La Bible is not understandable at all, because there are many difficult and obscure passages, not just for the simple people, but also for the educated. St. Peter himself warns us that in the letters of St. Paul there are "things hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable include pain, as do other parts of Scripture to their own destruction" (2 Peter 3:16).
St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, says that the Ethiopian as he was bringing in the carriage was reading the book of Isaiah. Questioned by Philip if he understood the meaning of what he was reading, he replied: "How can I understand if nobody I give the explanation? " (Acts 8, 30-31)

C) The Bible alone can not give us the opportunity to resolve all disputes in religious matters. Tests are the contradiction they fall into the same fact that Protestants are divided among themselves into many sects, though based on the Bible itself.

So the Bible is not the only rule of faith established by God to make known to men the truth to believe and precepts to be observed, but is required Tradition divina apostolica, tradizione, nel concetto cattolico, è la Parola di Dio non scritta, ma tramandata dagli Apostoli fino a noi, sotto l’influenza dello Spirito Santo. E’ una regola di fede distinta dalla Sacra Scrittura, ma ha lo stesso valore.

Se era infatti volontà di Gesù che il suo insegnamento si propagasse unicamento per mezzo della Sacra Scrittura, Egli stesso avrebbe scritto di suo pugno un trattato completo della sua dottrina; invece Egli nulla scrisse, né comandò agli Apostoli di scrivere. Insegnò e diede agli Apostoli la missione di insegnare assicurando loro una continua assistenza

Could Jesus have to say more clear and precise than these? "All power was given to me in heaven and on earth. Go and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you always, until the end of the world "(Mt 28.18).

The Apostles understood very well that their mission was to preach the truth of Christ to the world, and, in turn, to order that their successors would continue the mission until the end of time. St. Paul in this regard is clear:
"What you heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, confidale a trusted men, able to teach others" (2 Timothy 2:2), "command and teach these things" (1 Timothy 2:2), "Teach these things and Command" (1 Timothy 4:11). "Therefore, brethren, stand fast and hold firm to the teachings you have received with both the discourse, either by means of our letter" (2 Thessalonians 2:14). And St. John writes in his third letter: "I would have so many things to write, but I wanted to write with pen and inchiostreo, because I hope to see you soon and then we speak face to face" (3 Jn 1:13-14).

From all this it is clear that the Gospel was entrusted primarily to the preaching, the Church, faithful guardian of the Word of God, has the right to seek not only to the Bible, but also in other writings and practice of Christians lived in the centuries closer to the apostolic preaching. Appealing to these Christians, we consider them as witnesses to divine revelation.

The main instruments through which preserves the tradition are the professions of faith, the sacred liturgy, the writings of the Fathers, the Acts Martyrs, the Church's practice, the archaeological monuments.

Sacred Scripture and Tradition, therefore, are two organs of the same religious reality that complement each other, are two expressions (one written and oral) of the same Truth and a life that is Christ and the Holy Spirit, which only originates from the Revelation. Want to separate the Sacred Scripture and Church tradition, is to build the confusion of ideas which Protestants give us sad spectacle.

And, after all, what do the Protestants se non abolire la Tradizione che c’è sempre stata nella Chiesa Cattolica e sostituirla con un’altra tradizione che hanno fondato loro o i loro capi?

Gesù stesso potrebbe dire loro: “così avete annullato la Parola di Dio in nome della vostra tradizione. Ipocriti! Bene ha profetato di voi Isaia dicendo: invano essi mi rendono culto, insegnando dottrine che sono precetti di uomini” (Mt 15, 6-9).

San Paolo medesimo aveva gia avvertito i cristiani di non rendersi schiavi, lasciandosi sedurre da una tradizione umana: “State attenti che nessuno vi faccia sua preda con sottili ragionamenti filosofici e con vane astuzie basate sulla tradizione degli uomini, ma non su Cristo” (Colossesi 2,8).

Come il lettore avrà osservato leggendo l’elenco dei libri della Bibbia, essi vengono tradizionalmente raggruppati in libri storici, didattici e profetici.
Questa divisione è stata fatta perché alcuni libri della Bibbia intendono riferire fatti storici, veramente accaduti; altri intendono solo dare un insegnamento; altri ancora vogliono annunciare eventi futuri.
The division, however, is not rigid: some books, "historic" containing parts "educational" or "prophetic" and vice versa. Sometimes history is taught through a poem (like the story of creation in Genesis 1 and 2) or symbolic (such as original sin in Genesis 2)

However when it is clear that the 'sacred author intends to tell the historical facts there is no reason to doubt their historicity. This is particularly evident in the Gospel narratives, written by eyewitnesses or their contemporaries worthy of the utmost faith, and never contradicted even by the enemies of Christ.

If you add the perfect correlation between the events narrated in the Bible and those of profane history (see in this regard: Werner Keller, the Bible was right), the exact description of the places, the perfect knowledge the customs and mentality of the time, and especially the extraordinary claim that the Gospels have enjoyed among his contemporaries, to push them to give their lives to bear witness to the truth, then we understand that everything that is told in the Gospels is that the narrative faithful to what has historically happened.

is also essential to bear in mind that the whole of Sacred Scripture was written under the inspiration of God, and therefore has God as the author. For the believer, in fact, the Bible is not only a document of literary history, but also and especially the message of God to humanity. The Jewish people and then Jesus himself with the Apostles and the Church, have always considered the Bible the Word of God, and God himself its true author.

This is because it "God, for the composition of the sacred books ... .. chose the men in whom he acted the same ... .... that would write, come veri autori, tutte e soltanto quelle cose che  Egli voleva fossero scritte” (vedere Dei Verbum). Questa speciale assistenza di Dio è chiamata “ispirazione”.
Ne consegue che per sapere con esattezza quali cose Dio ci ha voluto rivelare e per interpretare correttamente la Bibbia dobbiamo tener conto:
a) del “genere letterario” (storico, poetico, didattico, profetico) nel quale l’autore sacro ha voluto esprimersi;
b) dell’ ”analogia della fede”, cioè del fatto that every step of the Bible should be in harmony and not in contradiction with the rest of divine revelation: God can not contradict it;
C) the "final approval of the Church" , which alone has the divine mandate from Jesus Christ and the ministry to preserve and interpret the Word of God, as stated in more detail later.

Besides these three basic rules, it goes without saying that for the correct interpretation of a text (also valid for profane sciences, and accepted even by atheists) is ignored by some Protestant sects, notably the Jehovah's Witnesses. Citing verses from the Bible, regardless of their context, do not tell us what the Bible really says, but what they want to say to the Bible.

as the Holy Scripture or Bible indicates the sacred books of all 73 which it is composed: the Old Testament 46 and 27 of the New Testament. The criterion for discerning the books inspired by God is not inspired from the acceptance of them by the Apostles and their legitimate successors, to whom Jesus entrusted the task of teaching the truth.
This can be clearly inferred from Scripture:
- "As the Father has sent me, 'I send you "(John 20:21);
- "Go and make disciples of all nations ... .. teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Mt 28, 19-20);
- "He who hears you hears me, he who rejects you rejects me" (Luke 10:16).

In fact, the legitimate successors of the Apostles, that the early popes and bishops loyal to the first command of Jesus to teach the truth, condemned as books are not inspired by God the Apocrypha. They also indicate the list (or canon) of all individual and the inspired books of the Bible as early as the Synod of Rome in 382 and that of Carthage in 397, that is 1300 years before the birth of Protestantism.
Nevertheless, the heads of Protestantism, of the 73 books of the Bible have accepted only 66 refusing to seven: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, First and Second Maccabees, and some Protestant sects, the letter St. James, distributing it to the Christian people an incomplete Bible.

But the fakes on the book of God, the Lord says in Revelation: "Who you add something, God unto him the plagues described in this book, and those who take away a word of this book, God will deprive the tree of life "(Revelation 22: 18-19)

The Bible of the Protestants, also are without clarifying notes, and they, therefore, encourage misinterpretation, not a few passages from the Bible, then, have resulted in inaccurate and tendentious way.

Just because the Bible can be correctly understood by the faithful, the church has determined that there are developed in circolazione le Bibbie senza l’Imprimatur della competente autorità ecclesiastica e senza note che spieghino ai lettori i passi più difficili;
per tali motivi la Chiesa Cattolica ritiene che non è lecito leggere la Bibbia senza le note chiarificatrici e l’Imprimatur della Chiesa Romana. E’ secondo la scrittura questo modo di fare? Si, certamente! Infatti san Pietro scrive nella Parola di Dio “Ci sono alcune cose difficili da comprendere e gli ignoranti e gli instabili le travisano, al pario delle altre Scritture, per loro propria rovina”. (2 Pietro 3, 15-16)
ma c’è di più! Nella medesima lettera (Chapter 1, verse 20) Peter says: "... .. no prophecy of Scripture (and this is all prophecy in the Word of God and the proclamation of Christ) is subject to private interpretation.

Going against this clear admonition of the Bible, Luther (the founder of Protestantism) laid the foundation of his teaching the principle of free examination of Scripture, according to which everyone has the right to drawn from the Bible (according to his own private interpretation) the doctrine to be believed (and the freedom to start their own sect or Church).

Leaving everyone the freedom to interpret the Bible as it wants, it does not help in the way of salvation, becomes a stumbling block but, since everyone can interpret it according to their own convenience or caprice. So you can have the case of some people who know the Bible by heart, but it does not understand anything.

E 'Jesus himself said that. He says that his listeners (who knew the Bible) to search the Scriptures have in them the eternal life, and yet they did not understand anything, because they rejected Him and His Gospel, that the same scriptures had foretold for centuries ! (John 5, 39-40).

Protestantism, moreover, does involve the Evangelization of Peoples in distributing Bibles without the necessary support of the Magisterium c clesiastico, without the right interpretation of the Word of God which is given by the legitimate pastors of the Church.
But what use then distribute Bibles if anyone can interpret it as you want? How do you know who will play in the right way? And Jesus said, distributed Bibles and discuss, because the free exchange of interpretations, the truth will sprout. He said instead: "make disciples ... .. ... ... bat rebaptized. Taught" (Matthew 28: 18-20) and was told that the Twelve.

the principle of authority '
Protestants collectively rejected the principle of authority and freedom to profess the interpretation of the Bible. As this is contrary to the Sacred Scripture as we have seen. But it is also the reason that is not only against the Protestants and the Bible. In fact, if a state were left open to interpretation and application of the code of the laws would reign of chaos. For this reason, all states have the Constitutional Court gives the right interpretation of code of laws and its decisions are indisputable and regulations for judges. Among Protestants, there being a supreme religious authority, were born hundreds of sects (and there are always fresh), so that everyone feels entitled to give its own interpretation of the Bible. The only exceptions are the major Protestant groups, in which the principle of authority, kicked the door, came back from the window. For they have replaced the authority of the Pope el'infallibilità with that of Luther, Calvin and other Protestant leaders. This suggests many things to those who want to understand ... ....

But Jesus has put on his one true Church an infallible authority, established in S. Peter, the first pope and the apostolic college (and not Luther, Calvin and other Protestants). This
understood it so well that when the Apostles first arose among Christians doubt on matters of faith (on circumcision and the prohibition against eating meat sacrificed to idols), they gathered in Jerusalem and 51 to determine how they should behave the Christians (Acts ch. 15).
The same St. Paul repeatedly went to Jerusalem to compare his doctrine with that of Peter and the Apostles is not frustrated by his preaching as he says (Galatians 2:2).

Chapter IV
I deuterocanonical

1) differences Bibles
There is also a quantitative difference, mathematics, including the Bible of the Catholics and the Protestants, which is the number of books, in fact, the Bible of the Protestants, in its first part, or AT, has seven books in less than of Catholics. They are: Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus (or Sirach), the first and Second Book of Maccabees, Baruch, Letter of Jeremiah.

These seven books missing in the Protestant Bible and in the present instead of Catholics are called Deuterocanonical. Therefore, the Bible of the Catholics, the first part or AT, contains 46 books, while only 39 Protestant. The difference of the two Bibles is clear mathematics.
Among the Deuterocanonical, there is also the second book of Maccabees, and since this book is a solid basis for the Catholic doctrine of Purgatory (2 Maccabees 12.39 to 45), we recall briefly the reasons why the Catholic Church considers as inspired and therefore essential part of the Bible also the seven Deuterocanonical books.

Deuterocanonical The word derives from the greek deutero (= second) and Kanon (= rule, rule, canon).
Calling the seven Deuterocanonical books listed above is not to say that they are seconds, which is lower than the other books of the Bible, in terms of dignity, that is inspiration. In this respect they are like other 39 books. Just want to say that the Catholic Church recognized them come ispirati in un secondo tempo rispetto agli altri. In altre parole, poiché vi erano alcuni dubbi nei loro riguardi, la Chiesa volle prima accertarsi come esorta l’Apostolo (1 Tessalonicesi 5,21) sull’origine dei dèuterocanònici. Quando poi ha avuto prove sicure sulla loro natura o dignità di libri ispirati, li dichiarò parte del canone o regola della fede.


La ragione fondamentale è il fatto che i dèuterocanònici sono inclusi nella Bibbia detta dei Settanta, ora tale Bibbia fu largamente usata dai primi cristiani, dagli Apostoli and Evangelists, and is quoted extensively in the inspired books, declared them part of the canon or rule of faith.

version of the LXX (Septuagint), spread among all the Jews of the Greek-Roman world, was in the hands of the preachers of the Gospel an effective instrument of conquest, first among the Jews themselves, then among pagans. The Septuagint was the ally of the Gospel. Of the 350 citations in the New Testament it is estimated that about 300 correspond to the Septuagint. The Septuagint is the main source of these quotes.

From this undeniable historical fact can and must dedurre almeno due conclusioni:

La prima. Se la Chiesa del tempo degli Apostoli ha fatto largo uso della Bibbia dei settanta, che conteneva anche i libri detti in seguito dèuterocanònici, è segno evidente che questi libri erano ritenuti dagli Apostoli ed Evangelisti come ispirati, cioè come Parola di Dio. La vera Chiesa di Cristo di ogni tempo può e deve fare altrettanto.

La seconda. I Giudei, ai quali gli Apostoli ed Evangelisti annunciavano il Vangelo, non avevano nessuna difficoltà ad accettare la Bibbia dei settanta tutta intera, considerando come ispirati anche i dèuterocanònici. Questo è segno evidente che anche tra i Giudei vi era la convinzione che i dèuterocanònici potevano essere considerati parte integrante della Bibbia. La Chiesa, che è il vero popolo di Dio (Galati 6,16), può continuare a fare lo stesso.

Un po’ di storia circa l’origine della Bibbia dei Settanta può far maggior luce sulla questione che stiamo trattando.
La Bibbia detta dei Settanta, è la prima traduzione in lingua diversa (la lingua greca) dei libri tenuti sacri dagli Ebrei and almost all written in Hebrew. It was made in Alexandria in Egypt between the third and second centuries BC, and is therefore also known as Alexandrian.
At the time of this translation, the list of sacred books of the Jews was not so determined and closed as it was after. The experts believe that there were at least three editions of the Hebrew Scriptures. One of these (Canon Long) also contained the Deuterocanonical; in another (short canon) were absent. Behind the translation of the Septuagint is the fee along.

E 'historically well established that the translators of the Septuagint, in doing the work of translation, did not act independently of religious authorities in Jerusalem. It seems indeed that the very religious authorities have the mandate of Palestine in Alexandria, some learned Rabbi of the Jews living outside Palestine. A
things done, it appears that the religious authorities in Jerusalem have never disputed the translation of the Septuagint, which also contained the Deuterocanonical as part of the Bible. Between the two communities, that of Palestine and that of Alexandria, intercorsero good relations, especially on holy books. Common belief was if not the country, even the common source of faith, although the number of different books considered sacred. These good relations would not could be explained if the Alexandrians were considered sacred by some books repudiated Jerusalem. In terms of writing the Jews were quite rigid and uncompromising.

Two historical records confirm what was said so far.
a) At the time of Jesus and the early Church, there was a synagogue in Jerusalem for the Jewish Alexandrians (Acts 6:9). Now it is known that in the synagogues, in the center of the cult there was the reading of the Bible (Luke 4:16-21). the synagogue in Jerusalem for Alexandrians was certainly read and explained the Septuagint, which also contained the Deuterocanonical. Not that the religious authorities in Jerusalem have banned or challenged this interpretation.

b) A news that we read in the Gospel of John, clearly indicates that the Jews of Palestine, not least those in the Diaspora, the Deuterocanonical not ignored, rather they were based on their religion . In the tenth chapter of John's Gospel, verse 22, is that which occurs in those days, the Feast of Dedication. This festival was celebrated, then as now, by the Jewish community around the world. E 'in Hebrew called "festival of Hanukkah." However, the institution of this feast is spoken only in the Deuterocanonical and precisamente in 1 Maccabei 4,36-59, e 2 Maccabei 1,1-2. 19; 10,1-8. Durante questa festa era letto tutto intero il primo libro dei Maccabei. E' difficile spiegare questo fatto senza ammettere che ai tempi di Gesù tutti gli Ebrei ritenevano come sacri anche i dèuterocanònici.

Possiamo concludere dicendo che ci fu un tempo in cui i sette libri detti dèuterocanònici facevano parte delle Sacre Scritture. Che cosa avvenne dopo?

4. Origine della Bibbia ebraica

Oltre alla Bibbia dei Settanta, abbiamo oggi la Bibbia in ebraico, quella a cui generalmente si riferiscono le traduzioni moderne del Vecchio Testamento quando si qualificano come traduzioni dai testi originali. Come ha avuto origine la Bibbia ebraica? A che epoca risale la sua edizione?
Come gia abbimo accennato al tempo in cui fu fatta la traduzione dei Settanta il canone o l'elenco ufficiale delle Scritture ebraiche non era ancora determinato e chiuso come avvenne dopo. Vi erano più edizioni o elenchi (o canoni) di libri che gli Ebrei ritenevano sacri. Vi era cioè una certa elasticità circa il numero di libri ispirati. Ma questo atteggiamento subì un mutamento verso la fine del primo secolo dopo Cristo. Perchè?

Com'è risaputo, nel 70 dopo Cristo Gerusalemme fu occupata ed in parte distrutta dai Romani. Israele in quanto nazione cessò di esistere. Rimaneva solo la religione come eredità comune e vincolo di un popolo disperso. Per conservare e saldare sempre più questa unità, i rabbini o capi religiosi degli Ebrei, che godevano grande autorità verso il popolo, decisero di stabilire in modo preciso e definitivo quali fossero i libri sacri o scritture e quali no. Usando criteri a noi purtroppo ignoti, dei manoscritti allora esistenti ne scelsero alcuni e ne distrussero le copie non conformi ad essi. Diedero così luogo a quello che si suole chiamare un textus receptus (= testo accettato) ossia alla Bibbia ebraica oggi in nostro possesso, escludendo altre tradizioni o edizioni che consideravano meno autorevoli.

Questa sorte toccò ai dèuterocanònici. Perchè

Tra i criteri non certamente critico-scientifici gli studiosi di storia biblica ne enumerano soprattutto tre.

a) Il primo sembra essere stato il fatto che i dèuterocanònici erano in composizione recente e non rispecchiavano perciò appieno le "tradizioni dei padri".

b) Il secondo perchè non scritti in lingua ebraica.

c) il terzo perchè erano inclusi nella Bibbia dei Settanta usata largamente dai cristiani. Il rifiuto della Bibbia dei Settanta in odio ai cristiani che se l'erano appropriata, trascinò con se il rifiuto definitivo dei dèuterocanònici.


Protestant thought
to - the only source of revelation is the Bible.
b – unica via per conoscere la Rivelazione divina: lettura e libero esame delle Sacre Scritture.

a - John 20.31: "These things are written that you may believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and believing you may have life in his name. "
Mark 7.13: "You invalidating the Word of God through the tradition that you taught."

B - John 5.39: "search the Scriptures"
2 Timothy 3.15: "The Holy Scriptures have the power to give you the wisdom that will lead you to salvation through faith in Jesus Christ." So God calls each of us to read the Bible because it has the power to lead to the salvation of everyone who read it with faith.


a - even the Catholics, faithful executors of the passages quoted, reject every tradition purely human that is inconsistent with the teachings of Christ. But they fully accept the Word of God and that He has given to men in writing, or where it has been handed down orally by a divine tradition whose existence is also clearly stated in the Bible.

b - The words of Jesus reported by John (5.39) were not in such an imperious tone, in fact, the full verse says: "You search the Scriptures, thinking you have in them eternal life; now they just make me witness, and yet you refuse to come to me for life. " These words would seem that the Jews read the Scriptures regularly, but just as Protestants or Jehovah's Witnesses, do not understand the meaning and placed themselves in contradiction with them. Jesus himself says: "Your accuser is Moses, in which store all hope" (John 5.459.

In the passage quoted from St. Paul's letter to Timothy recommends the Holy Scriptures, the meaning of which Timothy had been lit by Paul: "But you remain firm in what you have learned and you are convinced, knowing from whom you learned "(3:14).

Paul himself was then repeated as necessary the work of teachers and licensed products for the correct interpretation of the Word of God: "'God himself has established some as pastors and maestri……. Questo affinché non siamo più come fanciulli sballottati dalle onde e portati qua e là da qualsiasi vento di dottrina, secondo l’inganno degli uomini, con quella loro astuzia che tende a trarre nell’errore” (Efesini 4, 11.14).

Nella fede cristiana non sono dunque ammessi gli autodidatti. Se è sempre pericoloso affidare ad un giovane i libri di testo scolastici affinché sopra di quelli e senza l’aiuto di un sicuro maestro egli si prepari agli esami, ciò sarebbe particolarmente impossibile quando il libro fosse la Bibbia.
Difficile per la sublimità delle dottrine che essa contiene, la Bibbia è resa poi di difficile interpretazione dalla diversità di tempo, di lingua e di ambiente in cui essa fu scritta e tramandata a noi da vari secoli che ne rendono ancora più oscura la dottrina. La Provvidenza divina ha provveduto a questa nostra perplessità, col donarci un Magistero vivente ed infallibile per l’interpretazione delle Sacre Scritture. Escluso o negato questo Magistero, noi vediamo come le dottrine più contrarie siano sostenute o difese facendo appello ai medesimi testi biblici: così è nata la torre di Babele del Protestantesimo che, per colmo di irragionevolezza,
accepts all the most contradictory interpretations, but excludes a priori principle and Catholic!
To give a definite interpretation of the divine thought to his children, the Church desires that all editions of the Bible are full of notes, this is not to restrict the freedom of the reader. Indeed! The texts of the Italian poets are given in the hands of our students, but full of notes just to help them in the proper understanding of the thought of our great writers. What would you say to a teacher editions given to students free of clarifying notes and rely on their interpretation of those fancy free works?

1 - Bible and the Magisterium of the Church

Catholics and Protestants agree that there are a number of sacred books containing the Word of God and called the Bible, that book par excellence. Fundamental problem for all is to know which path humanity may come to determine how many and what are the books that contain the divine revelation and that of the Bible.
: It

a - the same books held sacred can not show their divine origin, and anyone who could write a book attributing divine authority, and thus take seriously mislead readers (eg the Koran);

b - even ilo historical fact that over the centuries these books were regarded as sacred argument can be sure that these books are truly of divine origin, even the ancients might have done wrong without some guidance:

c - nor can it be left to the opinion of the individual to accept or reject some of these books, because whether or not suited to their ideas or beliefs.

If God therefore gave to humanity books containing his Word that must guide us to eternal life, as well as to us half of what we can know with absolute certainty how many and what these holy books.

also need also to understand this form in its right sense of the Bible, often difficult and obscure. Said as S. Peter: ".... In the records there are some things hard to understand that the ignorant and unstable distort, as also the other scriptures, to their destruction" (2 Peter 3: 15-16). And the same St. Peter writes: "Know this: no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation" (2 Letter of Peter 1:20).

In Acts 8, 30-31 by Deacon Philip asked the Ethiopian if she understood she was reading the Scriptures, said, "How can I understand if no one explains to me?". Only Protestants have this privilege!
vain God would give us the Scriptures if we could not know for sure that the books contain much less understand the correct meaning. So God has given us a living teaching, perpetual and infallible (1, explanation follows) to take away from the impossibility of knowing and understanding his divine word.

1) Per Magistero si intende il Papa ed i Vescovi in qualità di maestri della Parola di Dio. Sono ministri della Parola e pastori del gregge (Atti 20,28). E’ detto Magistero vivo nel senso che tali ministri e pastori, per volontà di Cristo, sono presenti nella sua Chiesa in ogni epoca della storia. Sono suoi rappresentanti (Luca 10,16) per far conoscere agli uomini di tutti i tempi il suo insegnamento dato una volta per sempre (Lettera di Giuda 3). Non il proprio insegnamento ma l’insegnamento di Cristo. Il Papa e i Vescovi insegnano solo ciò che Cristo ha insegnato senza aggiungere o togliere nulla. Ciò che essi insegnano è contenuto nel deposito della fede 81 Timoteo 5,20). Lo Spirito Santo li guida nella knowledge of all truth (John 14:26).

From those same books, indisputable historical value, which is recognized by Catholics and Protestants, written by eyewitnesses of absolute truth, from which we know the mission and the doctrine of the Man-God, it is also clear that he he founded a Church which has given an authoritative Magisterium, perpetual and infallible. I try the following steps of the New Testament.

a) authoritative Magisterium

Matthew 28.18-19, "Jesus said, approaching them, I was given all authority in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations ... .. "
Mark 16:15:" Then he said to them, go around the world and preach the gospel to every creature. "
John 20.21: "Jesus then said: Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you. "
10.3-5 2 Corinthians: "For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but by God the power to demolish strongholds, destroying arguments and every pretension that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and making every thought to the obedience of Christ. "
1 Thessalonians 2.13: "We thank God continually because you accepting the Word of God heard from us, you have accepted, as the word of men, but, as is really the Word of Dio, la quale mostra la sua efficacia in voi che credete”.
       Luca 10,16: “Chi ascolta voi ascolta me, chi disprezza voi disprezza me”.

IMMIMMAGINI AND RELICS: They say that it is superstitious and insulting towards any form of worship of God to the Virgin and the saints. They say the idolatrous veneration that Catholics have for the relics of saints.

THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST: The Protestants deny the value of the characteristic that Christ gave to the one true Church founded by him to make believers to recognize among many false churches. They deny that is to say, that the true Church of Christ is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Deny this because their churches do not have these characteristics and are therefore not the true church of Christ.
AND RELICS: They say that is insulting and superstitious in re
RDI of God every form of worship to the Virgin and the saints. They say the idolatrous veneration that Catholics have for the relics of saints.

THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST: The Protestants deny the value of the characteristic that Christ gave to the one true Church founded by him to make it recognizable to those who believe among many false churches. They deny that is to say, that the true Church of Christ is one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. They deny this because their churches do not have these characteristics and are therefore not the true church of Christ.

IMAGES AND RELICS: They say that it is superstitious and insulting towards any form of worship of God to the Virgin and the saints. They say the idolatrous veneration that Catholics have for the relics of saints.

THE TRUE CHURCH OF CHRIST: The Protestants deny the value of the characteristic that Christ gave to the one true C HURCH he founded to make it recognizable to those who believe among many false churches. They deny that is to say, that the true Church of Christ is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. They deny this because their churches do not have these characteristics and are therefore not the true church of Christ.