Monday, October 25, 2010

Mother Abused In The Train

not pick mushrooms, but English.

È tempo di travasi, di castagne, e di funghi, io allieto le mie giornate solo con i primi, perché dei secondi non vi è traccia. Si sa che casa nostra non è zona di castagne, però di funghi una volta si, adesso non ne trovo, che sia qualcuno che se ne allieta?
Bando alle ciance.Tra i vari travasi c’è stata la degustazione alle Ombre Rosse a San Trovaso con Fortezza Bastiani, ovvero l’agenzia a cui ci appoggiamo in veneto, e una visita in azienda.
La degustazione è andata bene: c’è stato un bel flusso sia di ristoratori che di appassionati degustatori, e noi abbiamo fatto innamorare Roberto, che prossimamente aprirà un locale a Desenzano e vuole che il nostro Prosecco diventi il “Vino del Cuore”! Bella l’idea del vino del cuore, ma molto di più quella di avere sole donne a gestire il locale.

Venerdì invece c’è stata la visita a group of managers and leaders of as many as 6 local sommelier English!
I must say I was excited to have our first visit to serious business, or from producer to buyer, because I do not speak English well (good reason to do an evening course this winter). In short, between an explanation in the field of What is it and how it is made a Bellussera, as we fix the branches of fruit trees with the branches of willow and how it's done picking up the ground, we made 60% of the visit, then there was the time in the cellar , where we showed the technological means at our disposal and the analysis of wines (I had no reason to hide them as they were on display on the desktop!). But the bang we scored when we've made them wait in the basement for him to taste our wines, coupled with typical dishes of our land and fast: between a dish of polenta, mushrooms, sausage and radicchio and cheese imbriago, a taste of grilled polenta and gorgonzola cheese melted over a nice plate of roots and let fasioi Raboso and Prosecco!

Raboso Give a glass half-empty stomach so it made no sense: it would not be appreciated for the thoroughbred it is, but combined with food that could visually see and taste it and relive the premises made his shot.

So between a narrative of the history between the wars, made by his father, Lorenzo, a vision of how we do Imbriago made by my brother Lino and Renata mother's cooking class we spent three hours together getting to know and being really good.
Needless to say, the best compliment was to know that the stretch-Casamia aereoportodiTreviso and Treviso-London flight has spoken of the family Gatti Gatti and wines, especially the Raboso!

Colfondo1 # Now we wait!

PS: There are no photos because I helped my mother to cook .... :)


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