Thursday, October 28, 2010

Josh Hutcherson Boxers

Passaggi a Sud

is an evening of Oct. Ultima Thule. Some would say that it is only late afternoon, but the darkness is total, and a leaden duvet over the city does not help discern the evening of the day. The air, however, begins to lighten up, becoming white with snow swirling.
Given the geographic location of the Last Thule, is not normal for the family Mezzavikinga catch a plane at this time. Usually need in an entire day to make ends meet times and destinations, and we prefer the nearest star to bless us in our travels. This time, however, only go down in Stockholm. The
Mezzovikingo solemnly announced to the rest of the passengers as he is for "Ae-eo aka" and then " Then, hires his personal battle with seat belts, while the Viking starting to get nervous and ask "Why not come to clean the snow from the wings." Then he realizes to be, irreparably, parent, and tries to give a safe and impassive demeanor. A few minutes later he was satisfied, and a mechanical creature, shining a viscous liquid spray with extreme care on ' Ae-eo .
-Uh, what if you have not sprayed everywhere and gadgets wing fit together well and have forgotten the antifreeze liquid, and this liquid will freeze instantly, e. ..
-Viking, stop. Be rational. It's for decades that the planes land and take off Ultima Thule, even at minus 20 degrees and snow well beyond this sprinkle Christmas. Is' good and relaxed.
-HKA aka pliuplan you! Mezzovikingo repeats his father, perhaps aware that the parent has some difficulty with the word Ae-eo . The Mezzovikingo use this kind policy more and more often: it says something to me in my Italian, and then hastens to repeat, already published, the father, knowing that the latter italics are not familiar.
L ' Ae-eo rises higher up in the clouds, while the light wing s'agit million glittering crystals. The glitter of diamonds will cease only after a long while, when the horizon will show a moon, wonderful, a fiery sunset, and the line of the Finnish coast to our left.

Finally, we come. It is not the first time that we are Ultimathuliani in Stockholm. Used in a small town in which all architects are clearly graduates in the GDR, we look at the watermarks of the old buildings with a mixture of envy and resignation. The regularity of the leaks in the bathroom of our hotel are mulling the Viking "Last Thule missing manufacturers capable."
There is, for our comfort, a scientific explanation for all this: some time ago, the head of the parliamentary group of the Moderate Party, Mrs. Anna Kinberg Batra, inform that the United "The Stoccolmesi are more intelligent peasants" . If the people of Gothenburg and Lund could question the definition of peasants, which obviously includes them not being stoccolmesi , the inhabitants of the Last Thule must succumb and resign themselves to the bitter truth.
And walking through the center of the city, built on different levels, interspersed with bridges, canals, tunnels, underground buildings and mighty, come to mind are the stories of a taxi driver, who tells us how the foundation of Stockholm are pitted as Emmentaler, and hide interlaced tunnels and burrows, most secret, usable by the highest authorities of the country per svignarsela fuori dalla luce del Sole in caso di necessitá.

Sia come sia, abbiamo le nostre ragioni per venire nella Capitale. Il Vikingo fa esattamente il contrario dei genitori che si portano sale e pepe in Spagna, e deputa allo shopping la maggior parte del tempo libero che passa al di fuori dell'Ultima Thule. 
La sottoscritta invece é andata, come giá annunciato , alla Blogfesten 2010. E, come la volta precedente, anche questa é stata una bellissima occasione per reincotrarsi tra noialtri bloggers italici persi tra le brume del Regno di Svezia. Mi ha fatto tantissimo piacere rivedere vecchie conoscenze e farne di nuove, tipo Carin or Serena genitoricrescono or Stefano with his daughters, or even Fattaturchina (which I thought I had my own hair color). The Viking has promptly reviewed the Little Richard Vikings. Other small prospective Vikings from various sources lurked hidden among some participants. More daring, those who have gone this far even from Italy, as Orma or Carlo.
Finally, the list of bloggers could have been much longer, and it is a pity that there were not all, what it's like a shame that the nightlife stoccolmese is not affordable for a family with infant piccolo, perché altrimenti avremmo potuto continuare a frequentare l'allegra compagnia e ad esempio chiaccherare un po' di piú con Orma (che il Mezzovikingo ringrazia!), che é arrivata piú tardi.
Non metto tutti i links perché sono tremendamente pigra a fare tutti questi copiaincolla, ma posso ben dire di aspettare la prossima occasione con piacere!

PS per Orma e Piccolivichinghi: non é possibile alcun proseguimento del progetto di cui parlavo, ogni tanto capitano degli intoppi. Ma sará per un'altra volta!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mother Abused In The Train

not pick mushrooms, but English.

È tempo di travasi, di castagne, e di funghi, io allieto le mie giornate solo con i primi, perché dei secondi non vi è traccia. Si sa che casa nostra non è zona di castagne, però di funghi una volta si, adesso non ne trovo, che sia qualcuno che se ne allieta?
Bando alle ciance.Tra i vari travasi c’è stata la degustazione alle Ombre Rosse a San Trovaso con Fortezza Bastiani, ovvero l’agenzia a cui ci appoggiamo in veneto, e una visita in azienda.
La degustazione è andata bene: c’è stato un bel flusso sia di ristoratori che di appassionati degustatori, e noi abbiamo fatto innamorare Roberto, che prossimamente aprirà un locale a Desenzano e vuole che il nostro Prosecco diventi il “Vino del Cuore”! Bella l’idea del vino del cuore, ma molto di più quella di avere sole donne a gestire il locale.

Venerdì invece c’è stata la visita a group of managers and leaders of as many as 6 local sommelier English!
I must say I was excited to have our first visit to serious business, or from producer to buyer, because I do not speak English well (good reason to do an evening course this winter). In short, between an explanation in the field of What is it and how it is made a Bellussera, as we fix the branches of fruit trees with the branches of willow and how it's done picking up the ground, we made 60% of the visit, then there was the time in the cellar , where we showed the technological means at our disposal and the analysis of wines (I had no reason to hide them as they were on display on the desktop!). But the bang we scored when we've made them wait in the basement for him to taste our wines, coupled with typical dishes of our land and fast: between a dish of polenta, mushrooms, sausage and radicchio and cheese imbriago, a taste of grilled polenta and gorgonzola cheese melted over a nice plate of roots and let fasioi Raboso and Prosecco!

Raboso Give a glass half-empty stomach so it made no sense: it would not be appreciated for the thoroughbred it is, but combined with food that could visually see and taste it and relive the premises made his shot.

So between a narrative of the history between the wars, made by his father, Lorenzo, a vision of how we do Imbriago made by my brother Lino and Renata mother's cooking class we spent three hours together getting to know and being really good.
Needless to say, the best compliment was to know that the stretch-Casamia aereoportodiTreviso and Treviso-London flight has spoken of the family Gatti Gatti and wines, especially the Raboso!

Colfondo1 # Now we wait!

PS: There are no photos because I helped my mother to cook .... :)

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bb Gun Desert Eagle For Sale For £20

Il Bello del Norrland

Bene, I'm realizing that, by dint of wanting to make a funny guy, so I'm going on with sarcastic sti Norrlandesi poor Swedes and all, from Acid and be even more intolerant of even the idiosyncrasies of these innocent poor people, see the last post, so to speak.

Fortunately, arrived Letizia bilingual game to give me a better chance to redeem himself. A habit of many bloggers (especially women, I noticed), is' yes you do run premium between us to help you earn readers and strengthen their motivation to continue writing (a significant percentage of bloggers , including myself, has that of a narcissist).
That's how I got by Letizia, with gratitude of course, the happiness Award, which, to be conquered law provides that the award winners, list ten things that cause them joy and happiness.
So at first I jotted down the usual things a little 'personal kind I'm glad to be healthy, or Vikings have more or less whole and cash around, or chocolate or listen to Loreena McKennitt's harp, or even a nice CD of In Flames so on.
Then I thought better. I thought that soon there Blogfesten the previous edition and all looked at me compassion because of my Ultima Thule home. I thought then, that Ultima Thule has some serious handicap in any occasion for promoting tourism, and would it be worth help. And then m'è also grant, in fact, that here I always do a lot of sarcasm idiot about this place so much that the more you will stay bored and wondering, legitimately, what remains for us to do up here.
So, Ten Points needed to do 'my interpretation, and become:

Ten Reasons for pleasure and happiness in living Ultima Thule

1) L' air is clean, dry and sparkling. Anyone who has lived a few years to, say, or equivalent Padova, I understand.
2) It is a place not too large, which allows you to not have to do an hour's drive to bring your children to kindergarten / go to work / attain a shopping mall.
3) on certain nights you can look at the clear sky and find a magnificent Northern Lights over the nose, in your head while you awake Primordial Echoes and would like to call a shaman Same (cute, if possible).
4) Even more rarely, on some days and crystalline ice, the sky will surprise again with a Jewel of Clouds nacre.
5) There Vikings are not bad, not bad .
6) You can go around mushrooms and berries in summer and eat them in place without fear of the dreaded peck echinococcus
7) is an open city with little crime statistics, a proper respect for the rest of us immigrants ( from other countries or from other places in Sweden)
8) The silence surrounding the immensity can put you at peace with yourself.
9) there is snow for Christmas, the real one, not the greyish melmaccia have there in Skåne.
10) Here is (say), the faster broadband in the United, in a country the world's fastest (and luckily, otherwise you feel like here)
11) could also continue, but here I stop. In fact, updating the post today in Corriere online I find this news . (Oh my God, is not that the thieves here are all so noble of mind, however, let us have no illusions)

the prize rules now plans to pass the baton to other bloggers (ten), which I leaves terrible embarrassment for me, the perfect transplanted Swedish, not want to do wrong to none. Not to mention the fact that blogs that I read and I like that there are many more than ten.
So faccio cosí: passo il greve compito a chiunque passa di qua e avrá voglia di propagarlo. Magari potreste scriverci quello che vi rende felici del Posto in cui vi trovate, ad esempio. O sennó fate a modo vostro. Mi lasciate un commento per avvisarmi e vi vengo a leggere, se vi va.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Whalen Furniture Brookhaven Computer Return Desk

Cathedral. In the desert?

Scrivo 'sto post per annotare l'allenamento di mercoledì.
La tabella scaricata Pauline from Internet and that he is refusing to do an awful (!??!) provided 4 * threshold in 3000.

We have sacrificed me and Andrea T.
These are my times:

- 12 '04''
- 12' 30''
- 12 '35''
- 12' 25''

heating 3 km ,
DEFA 3km

doing two calculations Andrea was very smooth running over 4 'and 23'', I 4' 08''.
Bell'allenamento, even if it was two days off.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Used Desert Eagle For Sale

Eros and the Other

"Sometimes, I dreamed of a system of knowledge based on human ' erotic : a theory of contact, in which the mystery and dignity consists precisely in offering to our I this landmark of a different world. In this philosophy, the pleasure would be a more complete form, but even more marked in touch with the 'Other , a technique more in the service of not I . Even in relationships more alien to the senses, emotion is or is implemented in its contact: the hand of that nasty old woman I shall submit a petition, his brow moist with my father in his last moments, cleansed the wound of an injured person, even relationships more intellectual or more anodyne is set up through this system of body signals: the flash of understanding that illuminates the eyes of the Tribune which explains a maneuver before the battle, a subordinate of the impersonal greeting as we passed that froze in an attitude of obedience , friendly eyes of a slave whom I thank for bringing me a tray, the expression of a connoisseur of an old friend before the gift of a cameo greek. With most human beings, the subtlest, the most superficial of these contacts are sufficient, or even exceed the expectation, but if they are repeated, they multiply around a single wrap it entirely up to be, if every particle d ' a human body soaks many meanings for us disturbing as there are features of his face, and if a single being, rather than inspire, at most, irritation, pleasure, or boredom, like music is behind us and haunts us as a problem, if it passes the ends of the center of our universe, and Finally, there becomes more imperative that we, here is the amazing miracle occur, who sees much more in a spirit of encroachment in the flesh than a mere fun of it. "

by Marguerite Yourcenar, Memoirs of Hadrian

Monday, October 11, 2010

Tmj Syndrome More Condition_treatment


Yesterday there was program in a slow session.

More specifically I had to run 20 km to the slow medium + 5km

Unfortunately I arrived a bit 'late to the appointment garden with Claudio G. and Andrea T. and I joined them after my 5k to slow pace: 5 '/ km.

At that point I started talking to Claudio that he ran to his slow.
Too late I realized that my friend made me go slowly in rhythm and in the end it turned out a steady-fartlek of 24 km to 4 '48''and the media.

today rest tomorrow 15km Loose bottom + extensions.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Why Does Alabama Have Anumber 12 On Their Helmet

Riva and derives

Tuesday the resumption of training I ran, as per table, 15 + 5 km slow stretch of 100 meters. The walk is assessed at around the 5 '/ km even if the heart has gone up a bit' too much.

same problem yesterday when I did 3 * 3000 in the evening.
The heart was so high that half of the second I removed the repeated cardio ....

Whatever I did:
12'04 - 12'34''
- 13 '10''.

Meanwhile, 15 days. Castellazzo after a half, I felt like an encore to coincide with the end week in Riva del Garda with friends.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Free Printable Plans For A Dune Buggy

Lido Nations 2010

Yesterday I
, Ro and K. (Photos) we did the triathlon of Nations Lido, near Ferrara.
Finally, I finished the horrible past September, I managed to run a race from start to finish.

Result? 2h, 08 'and push for constant running 4' 15''and the last fraction of 10km.
k. Note that has the 6th fastest time in piedi. Domenica prossima rallentiamo: pranzo a base di tartufo a La Morra.

La classifica di ieri


Friday, October 1, 2010

Blueprints For A Tank

grape harvest, fermentation and # Colfondo1

I can say that the harvest is almost over, almost in the sense that it only remains for me to harvest Raboso, hoping that the sun heats it and let it become a sweet dessert.
I really wanted to make him the withering on the vine, as in 2008, but the vintage balenga makes me think of when it is ready to harvest.

This particular vintage has been quite a while ': between continuous rain which seems to be in the tropics and storm the vintage was saved in extremis by the little-seen sun.
If I look at what I've gathered in the field, I must say that I felt a bit 'strange, as the grapes: the more I looked, the more I wondered how he had to endure all that water ...
The same grape in the cellar and turned into juice fermented fruits gave unexpected good perfumes, shades more than respectable (if a little 'low for my taste in Tocai).
I'm glad to thousands of Prosecco, because he caught the only 15 days of continuous sunshine that have allowed to ripen well, indeed, great.
I like the red color they have and the fact that they are dense; Raboso for them now, I still worry if it rains for several days, but the warm sun makes me think that it will not happen.
So after Ramadan and the fermentation of the grape harvest, due to people like me who know that one month a year si vive in simbiosi con i lieviti e l’uva, finalmente posso parlarvi del prossimo evento dedicato al Prosecco: il #Colfondo1.

Cos’è #Colfondo1?

Il 30 ottobre ad Asolo ci sarà #Colfondo1, ovvero un evento dedicato al Prosecco Colfondo , sulla scia di quelli che sono stati #lambruschi1,2,3,4, #barbera1 e #aglianicodelvulture1 .
Nella cornice del nuovo ristorante Ca’ Derton ad Asolo città , avverrà una degustazione alla cieca di 2 Prosecchi Colfondo rappresentativi di 4 terroir :
• Docg Valdobbiadene: Frozza e Casa Coste Piane
• Docg Asolo : Bele Casel e Biondo Jeo
• Docg Conegliano: Costadilà e Zanotto
• Doc: Lorenzo Gatti e Maurizio Donadi

L’evento è stato organizzato dall’azienda Bele Casel e da Studio Cru, ovvero da Luca e Davide, con l’idea di porre uno sguardo su questo vino che io trovo molto ricco di storia e parecchio interessante.
Non per niente vengono messi a confronto i prodotti di 2 aziende dello stesso territorio per capire se e quali differenze ci sono, sia nel terroir, che nella lavorazione e nella successiva “stagionatura” wine, or aging. Yes, because
Colfondo Prosecco is probably as good a year after bottling minimum, and to refute this thesis will be made to taste Prosecco two-bottom years old, also becoming the subject of "turmoil" will be tasted a Fortana Trebbiano fermentation in the bottle and a company Mariotti Argenta (FE).
Last but not least will be present Follador Silvano with a classic method sparkling wine.
Needless to say, share it tickled by the idea of \u200b\u200bdoing a blind taste our Prosecco, comparing it with altri produttori di zone diverse, ma anche di compararlo con un produttore della nostra zona.
Questo perché riteniamo che il confronto sia sempre utile per crescere e per migliorarci, sempre e comunque vada come risultato.
Insomma l’autunno è iniziato, e sembra che sia “caldo”, nel mentre mi stanno comunicando che il 18 ottobre ci sarà una nuova degustazione… e noi come sempre siamo prontissimi!