Time spectacular
The spectacular time *
time production, time-commodity, is an infinite accumulation of equivalent intervals. It is the abstraction of irreversible time, all of which the segments are on the clock to try their own quantitative equality. This time is, in all its actuality, what it is in its exchangeable character. It is in this time-domain social goods that "timing is everything, man is nothing: he is at most the incarnation of time" (Poverty of Philosophy). It is time devalued, the complete inversion of the time as "the field of human development."
The overall time of non-human development also exists under the complementary aspect of a consumable time which returns to the everyday life of society, from this particular production, such as a pseudo-cyclical time.
pseudo-cyclical time is actually the consumable disguise of the time-goods production. It contains the essential characteristics of homogeneous units exchangeable and suppression of the qualitative dimension. But since the by-product of this time is intended to backwardness of concrete daily life - and the maintenance backwardness of this - must be loaded to pseudo-valuations and appearing in a succession of falsely individualized moments.
pseudo-cyclical time is the consumption of modern economic survival, increased survival, where daily life remains private decision and submitted, no more natural order, but the pseudo-nature developed in the work alienated, and so quite naturally this time found the old cyclical rhythm which regulated the survival of pre-industrial societies. The pseudo-cyclical time is based on the traces of the natural cyclical time, and simultaneously made new combinations counterparts: day and night work and weekly rest, the return of the holidays.
pseudo-cyclical time is a time that has been transformed by industry. The time has its basis in the production of goods is itself a consumable commodity, which includes everything that previously had differentiated at the time of the phase of dissolution of the old unitary society, in private life, economic life, political life. All the time modern consumer society is to be treated as raw material for new and diversified products that are imposed on the market as socially organized use of time. "A product that exists in the form finished and ready for consumption may return to become raw material for another product. "(Capital)
In its most advanced sector, concentrated capitalism orients itself towards the sale of blocks of time" organized whole " , each of which constitutes a single unified market, which has incorporated a number of different commodities. It may appear that way, the economy expanded "services" and leisure, the payment formula "all inclusive" for the settlement spectacular pseudo-collective movements of rental, subscription to cultural consumption, and sale of sociability itself in "challenging conversations" and "meetings with personalities." This sort of spectacular commodity, which obviously can not have progress if not by the increased scarcity of reality corresponding figure also clearly one of the articles in the pilot of the modernization of sales, being payable on credit.
time pseudo-cyclical consumer is the spectacular time at the same time as the time consumption of images, in the strict sense of the term, and as an image of the consumption of time, in all its extension. The time consumption of images, the medium of all commodities, is inseparably il campo dove si esercitano appieno gli strumenti dello spettacolo, e il fine che questi presentano globalmente, come luogo e come figura centrale di tutti i consumi particolari: si sa che i risparmi di tempo costantemente ricercati dalla società moderna – che si tratti della velocità dei trasporti o dell’uso delle minestre in polvere – si traducono positivamente per la popolazione degli Stati Uniti nel fatto che la contemplazione della televisione le occupa da sola da tre a sei ore al giorno di media. L’imma-gine sociale del consumo del tempo, da parte sua, è dominata esclusivamente dai momenti di tempo libero e di vacanze, momenti rappresentati a distanza e desiderabili per postulato, come ogni merce spettacolare. This commodity is explicitly given here as the moment of real life, of which it is waiting for the cyclical return. But in those moments assigned to life, yet you give the show to see and play, reaching a greater degree. What has been portrayed as real life turns out to be just like life really spectacular.
this time that shows itself in his time as a time that is essentially the hasty return of large numbers of public holidays, no time is the same party. What, in cyclical time, it was time for the participation of a community to spend luxurious of life, it is impossible for society without community and no luxury. When its pseudo-parties vulgarized, parodies of the dialogue and the gift, to push an additional economic cost is not the result that the disappointment always compensated by the promise of a new disappointment. In the show, the time of modern survival must lodarsi much more openly as it has reduced its value in use. The reality of time has been replaced by advertisements of the time.
While consumption of cyclical time of the ancient societies was consistent with the actual work of these societies, the pseudo-cyclical consumption economy is developed in contradiction with the abstract irreversible time of production. While cyclical time was the time of illusion-building mission, really lived, spectacular time is the time of that reality is transformed, lived illusion.
What is always in the process of producing new things not found in consumption, which remains the return of the same enlarged. Because dead labor continues to dominate the living labor, in spectacular time, the past dominates the present.
As another part of the deficiency of general historical life, individual life does not have history. The pseudo-events that crowd in the spectacular drama have not been experienced by those who are informed, and also lost in the inflation of their hurried replacement at every instinct of the spectacular machinery. On the other hand, what was actually experienced is unrelated to the irreversible time official of the company, and in direct opposition with the pseudo-cyclical rhythm of the consumable by-product of this time. This individual experience of separate daily life remains without language, without concept, without critical access to its past which is not recorded anywhere. It does not communicate. It is misunderstood and forgotten in favor of the false spectacular memory of the non-memorable.
The show, as this social organization of the paralysis of history and memory, abandonment of history that stands on the basis of historical time, is the false consciousness of time.
The precondition for bringing workers to the conditions of producers and consumers "free" time-commodities was the violent expropriation of their time. The spectacular return of time became possible only from this initial dispossession of the producer.
irreducibly biological parts that are present in the work, both in the natural cycle of dependence wakefulness and sleep in the evidence of irreversible time of the individual wear a life, are only incidental to the modern production, and as such these items are neglected in official proclamations of the movement of production, and consumable trophies which are the accessible translation of this incessant victory. Immobilized in the center of the movement of falsified his world, the spectator's consciousness no longer knows his life is a step towards its realization and to his death. Those who declined to devote one's life no longer has to admit his death. The advertising of life insurance insinuates that he is guilty only to die without having secured adjust the system after this economic loss, and the American way of death insists on its ability to maintain at this juncture the most appearances of life. On the rest of the bombing in front of advertising is strictly prohibited age. Directors are involved in each, a "youth-capital" which, however, for not being mediocre employee who can not claim to actually buy the durable and cumulative financial capital. This lack of social death is the same lack of social life.
Time is the necessary alienation, as Hegel showed, the land where the subject is made losses, it becomes more and become the truth of himself. But the opposite is precisely the dominant alienation, which is sustained by the manufacturer of this stranger. In this spatial alienation, the company that separates the root of the subject and activity that removes, separates him from his first time. The social alienation overcome is the one that has forbidden and petrified the possibilities and risks of alienation living in time.
Under the apparent trends that cancel each other and are reconstituted to the surface of futile pseudo-cyclical time is contemplated, the grand style of the time is always in what is oriented by the obvious necessity of the revolution and secret.
The natural basis of time, the sensory data of the passing of time, becomes human and social capital exist for man. It is the state's limited human practice, work at different stages, which has up to now humanized and thus dehumanized, time, time as cyclical and separate irreversible time of economic output. The revolutionary project of a classless society, a generalized historical life, is the project of a withering of the social measure of time, in favor of a playful model of irreversible time of individuals and groups, modello del quale sono simultaneamente presenti dei tempi indipendenti federati. È il programma di una realizzazione totale, sul terreno del tempo, del comunismo che sopprime «tutto ciò che esiste indipendentemente dagli individui».
Il mondo possiede già il sogno di un tempo di cui deve ora possedere la coscienza per viverlo realmente.
*cap. 6 de La società dello spettacolo di Guy Debord. Il testo completo lo si trova su http://www.marxists.org/italiano/sezione/filosofia/debord/societa-spettacolo.htm#6
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