Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Hacking Bluetooth Usb

Reportage half-serious meeting to Bergamo

I left home, office as an egg, at 5 and something to recover ver know the 6-wine making my friend Liza-heroic. First stop after breakfast I ½ minutes in the bar near his house (a good start!) and then real departure, with solo una tappa in zona Soave (ma all’autogrill doppio però!! cit. Liza) per caffè e varie ed eventuali.

Siamo arrivate a Bergamo alle 9 e mezza, e ci siamo subito cercate un piccolo posto dove piazzare il furgone praticamente nella zona dove avremmo esposto; sarebbe stato bellissimo andare a Bergamo alta e fare le turiste, ma necessitavamo di mettere il biglietto anti multa ogni ora, per cui ci siamo attrezzate a patatine fritte, uova sode, acqua e mazzo di carte e via! Mini torneo di scopa intervallato da soste al bar e da acquisti vari per la nostra postazione e per capire d ove comprare se mancava qualcosa.

At 19 we started to set up our area, to end at almost 23, mom ent when we went for a beer and eat something. The weather was already sambodromo with black feathers in every corner, more or less intent on swill. We thought we'd go to sleep to be active the next day ... good choice, if we had not spent a sleepless night because of our location close to arriving at all hours of the night by a brothel deadly ... read: "Anto! Antòòòò! Mett 'or van there! Arretrat Noooo! And curses mixed ".

we woke up and my face says it all.

We started the samba both Friday and Saturday early morning, 7, to finish at four-thirty in the morning where you very kindly invited the Friends to raise the alpine tents on Sunday started with the alarm is sounded in delay of 1 hour on the roadmap but continued until 17, when we saw that it would rain and we decided to sbaraccare.

This parade went well: they liked the wine, eaten more than white, and Spriz; They loved hard-boiled eggs and pickles and I ttaceti homemade, and have devoured the various sausages we had brought. Above all, we have woven our with their lives and experiences, including a good red wine and a slice of the cup, and the inevitable pack of cards!

The next gathering in Turin ... who knows ... maybe!


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