Tuesday, February 21, 2006

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Chapter 22 - Errata and Updates

September 18, 1940 XVIII -
I refer the hermit of the Church of Vallebona that towards the end of October last year, one evening caused a great storm with heavy thunder and lightning. All of Suddenly, while eras gone to church, he heard a loud crash followed by a loud thud, what happened? A bolt of lightning had hit the highest tower of the old walled town of Vallebona that soared majestically into the garden of the Hermit and the top of it collapsed with a great noise.

1939 - By order of the Municipal Secretary Luigi Meloni was taken out of the iron railings that surrounded the deep basin of the fountain in Rome street near Piazza Garibaldi to be offered the metal to the country.

Following orders from higher authorities, if necessary for the metal to the supreme necessity of Homeland War, the City of Orvinio, did remove today the two drums placed in the bronze clock tower above the Porta Romana and the bell of the belfry of the school building (former convent) adjacent to the Church of St. Mary of the Recommended.
few months later by the bus were taken to Rieti.

E 'dead in Rome, owner of Cremonesi SEFilippo Castle Orvinio

In early 1943 the year 1943 the Castle has changed again Orvinio the owner, was purchased by the Marquis Roberto Malvezzi Campsites ( Pontifical Noble Guard) is said to have three million pounds and a half behind closed doors and including the farm.
order of the new owner, all the furnishings forming the interior of the Castle of Orvinio, were brought to Rome and sold at public auction in the Gallery Giacomini Via Condotti in 1991 and just in the day March 9 to 20, for the story, were sold (on 11) even the two beautiful and historic sedans outside of black leather with gilt arabesques and internally lined with crimson velvet, fringed with gold lace and the 600 to 700, belonging to the Barons Muti, at that time the owners of Castle Orvinio, for the sum of £ .700 each, I present.

June 1940
Fascist Italy (Head of State Benito Mussolini) was allied with Germany (National Socialist or Nazi) led by Adolf Hitler and Japan, declares war on France and England.

After early successes, rather ephemeral, they begin the military reversals that are fixed in the biggest disaster that Italy memories.
England and its allies occupy the first Italian East Africa (made from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea) and then Tripolitania and Cyrenaica.
The United States of America, attacked by Japan, are on the field next to England, as does Russia, because Germany attacked. We
the spring of 1943. While Russia is in charge of crushing the Germans, the Anglo-Saxons occupy the Italian islands of Lampedusa and Pantelleria, advanced sentinels in the Mediterranean Sea, and thereafter is the time starting from the southern coast of Sicily and then across the Strait of Messina is the invasion of our battered peninsula beginning from Calabria.

July 25, 1943
Italy is exhausted from the terrible blows and for the suffering and unimaginable restrictions that have been submitted.
His Majesty Vittorio Emanuele III di Savoia, King of Italy and Emperor of Ethiopia ed'Albania is arrested (in Rome at the Villa Savoia) Mussolini, after having sacked from his post as head of government, naming as his successor, Marshal d ' Italy Pietro Badoglio.
September 8, 1943

SE Marshal Badoglio, after careful examination of the Italian tragic situation, in agreement with Sovereign, calls on the Anglo-Saxons and the Russians the peace that is accepted by the unconditional surrender of Italy (unfortunately there is no else to do).
While almost all aviation units and over one hundred thousand of our Navy are delivered to the English ports of the island of Malta, the rest of our glorious army remained in Italy, through subtle arts and betrayal even with the use of weapons is disarmed and dispersed by the German armies which were scattered a bit everywhere on Italian soil.
In less than a week, the Teutons (che sono sempre degni discendenti ed emuli di Attila) sono riusciti a polverizzare il nostro Esercito occupando l’Italia Settentrionale e Centrale, compresa Roma.

Settembre 1943
Orvinio viene occupato dai tedeschi verso la fine di settembre 1943 da circa sessanta uomini tra graduati e truppa.
Il comando tedesco prende dimora nella casa del cav. Uff. Armando Alessi (ultimo piano del palazzo Morelli in Piazza Garibaldi) mentre la truppa si impadronisce della Fattoria del Marchese Malvezzi.
Successivamente occupano il Granarone del Castello, tutto il quartiere dei Villini e l’autorimessa di Ricci Pompeo sulla strada carrozzabile in prossimità di Carpinetto.
Non ostante che il Castello fosse stato posto sotto l’egida dello Stato neutrale della Città del Vaticano e non ostante che agli ingressi fossero state apposte delle ben visibili tabelle monitrici dai colori della Santa Sede, i novelli Unni non hanno mancato di invaderlo lo stesso; sembra però che non vi abbiano arrecati gravi danni.
Dopo l’occupazione dell’Italia da parte tedesca, il nostro sovrano dichiara guerra alla Germania ed al Giappone, ponendosi a fianco dei suoi nuovi alleati Anglosassoni, Russia, Cina, Brasile e molti altri Stati minori per liberare il nostro sacro suolo dalle orde teutoniche.

17 giugno 1944
Incalzati dalle truppe italiane ed alleate gli ultimi soldati tedeschi abbandonano Orvinio alle ore cinque di sabato 17 giugno1944 dirigendosi verso Rieti dopo aver fatti saltare con la dinamite, alle ore tre il ponticello o chiavicotto detto dello sprofondo o del bottino ed alle ore cinque della stessa mattina il ponte grande in località Grugnaleta (detto Ponte di Orsi – nome del costruttore) prospiciente il Santuario della Madonna SS.ma di Vallebona.
Verso le 5,30, ad opera degli stessi eroi, la stessa sorte è toccata al ponte grande di Poggio Moiano in località Malpasso.
La sera precedente con lo stesso metodo e dagli stessi eroi, saltavano in aria il ponte sotto Roccagiovine e un altro ponte sopra Percile stesso ed il località Fotrani veniva abbattuto un muro di sostegno della montagna con conseguente frana ed ostruzione della strada carrozzabile.
In seguito alle distruzioni suddette, Orvinio è rimasto completamente isolato sia dalla parte della Via Salaria e sia dalla Tiburtina Valeria.
Mentre gli abitanti dei centri vicinori hanno sofferto gravi danni, specie Licenza, Percile e Poggio Moiano, gli edifici di Orvinio si sono salvati miracolosamente.
Non un solo fabbricato è stato distrutto o danneggiato seriamente, non ostane che il Castello, il palazzo Morelli, la casa Frezza e la casa Ricci fossero state tempestivamente minate.
Stante la precipitosa ritirata dei barbari, forse non hanno fatto in tempo ad appiccare il fuoco alle miccie.
Si può pertanto coscenziosamente escludere il Divino intervento della Madonna SS.ma di Vallebona?
Mi viene riferito che qualche giorno prima, Orvinio è stato visitato anche dal Maresciallo del Reich tedesco Kesserling Comandante in Capo delle truppe germaniche in Italia. (Roma è stata occupata dalla V Armata Americana e da reparti di bersaglieri ed alpini italiani il giorno 4 giugno 1944).
Solo il Sommo Iddio è stato testimone (e certamente sarà anche il Supremo Giudice inesorabile) di civiltà a tutte le genti, commettendo un'infinità di fucilazioni, deportazioni anche in massa, saccheggi, distruzioni di interi villaggi e città, vessazioni di ogni genere le più raffinate arti affinché le atrocità fossero più terribili nonché atti di vera crudeltà effettuati con cinismo ributtante non risparmiando né donne, né bambini, né old or sick in bed and even nuns and priests. Even
Orvinio paid in person with two of its best sons and two young Alessi and some innocent boy who was passing in the street, shot for no reason. This
the Italians have to ponder and remember.

8-9-10 September 1943
While the Germans by force and by fraud, are in charge of dissolving as quickly as possible the remains of the Glorious though unfortunate Italian Army after the defeat suffered in North Africa, was still going strong more than thirty divisions, the same fate was sadly put paid to the six divisions to the defense of Rome.
If we exclude the value shown by some small department Body and locations in different weight (you can tell the total) was supported by the ever loyal and unswerving never contradicted Division Grenadiers of Sardinia "(formerly the King's Guard) which had been staggered by Albano at Fiumicino.
The collision occurred in the vicinity of the City tremendous military in "Cecchignola" outside Porta S. Paolo and the desperate fight lasted about 50 hours continuously.
The value of grenadiers was superior to all praise. The superb
Division faced the unequal struggle with the strength of only three thousand men, with no hope, and having endured beyond all human possibility in the face of overwhelming German forces, armed to the teeth and made a hell-fire, the ten days, without the support of guns, surrounded by several tanks, ammunition exhausted and without food for lack of supplies, having proved useless any further resistance, was overwhelmed, despite himself, give .
promptly but was done to rescue the glorious flags onuste glory and full of medals including gold.
The Germans came up with every means, from the flattery to threats, to come into possession of the glorious banners, but failed.
indomitable Division's losses were appalling and that is 1550 units (over 50%).
These figures are sufficient in themselves to document the high value of the bold heroic behavior
Let them know the Italians (remember it and not forget) during the bitter struggle, the Grenadier Guards who fell prisoner of the Germans, these were first stripped, then shot and then thrown naked into the River Tiber: Any comment would spoil.

May 8, 1945
Allied armies operating in Italy, made up of American troops (5th Army), England (8th Army), Australian, Brazilian, Canadian, Indian, South African, French and Polish in addition to six Divisions Italian Army and the competition of our Royal Air Force and Navy at the end of April 1945 had driven back the barbarians Germans from Sicily to the Po Valley.
the night of May 3, 1945 in northern Italy still subject to the heel Teutonic occurred simultaneous general uprising of the bands of Italian patriots controlled and directed by General Raffaele Cadorna occupying almost the entire Piedmont, Liguria, Emilia high and a large part of Lombardy and Veneto, and the main city in the capture of many German units surprised by the unexpected simultaneous uprising. For that reason
commands to quickly flocked to race in support of the Italian patriots and occupied up to the Brenner pass without a fight and the day May 8, 1945 ended the country's expulsion from Italy of barbari tedeschi invasori in una sala del Palazzo Reale di Caserta dove veniva firmato l’atto di resa senza condizioni del Gruppo delle Armate teutoniche operanti in Italia, in Austria meridionale e nella Bassa Baviera fino a Berdsgaden (fortezza e rifugio di Adolfo Hitler.
Per tale avvenimento vi sono stati tre giorni di festeggiamenti in tutto il mondo a cominciare dalla martoriata Londra che ha sofferto come poche altre città.

24 settembre 1947
In compagnia del sig. Firmani, segretario del Municipio di Orvinio, ci siamo recati a Rieti alla ricerca della campana della Chiesa Abbaziale di S.Maria del Piano.
Dopo il dovuto permesso concessoci dal Segretario Capo di quel Municipio, abbiamo ispezionati i locali del Teatro Civico, the Museum and the bell tower above the facade of the Palazzo Comunale, which was supposed to have been placed.
The research was crowned with complete success, because the sacred bronze was discovered in a remote corner of the stage at the Theatre Vespasian.
In an interview granted us by Prof. Sacchetti Sanetti Mayor of Rieti, they confirmed to us that the bell of St. Maria del Plan Orvinio, is actually what is found on the premises of the Civic Theatre. The bell measures eighty centimeters in height, not including the crown, which serves to secure the strain and the diameter of the mouth is equal to the height that is 80 cm, thickness cent. Otto.
outside the top in two rows placed tutt'ingiro Yes Note:

Among Nucula Abba and the Blessed Virgin seated with the Holy Child in her lap suckling (reproducing the Madonna of Vallebona known since that time?) More
under an olive tree with branches , leaves and roots. Under the word
aquilanus there is a golden eagle with its wings half open crown with three bullets in his head (perhaps symbolizing the city of Aquila).
Under the fourth C of the date of the merger a small crucifix (about eight centimeters) to about eight inches from the dome of a festoon of flowers and angelic wings four equally spaced about five centimeters with garlands of flowers.
The rest of the exterior surface is completely smooth. The Municipality of
Orvinio has already started their practice at the Higher Authority, in order to regain possession of her bell, and we hope that the clearance, for a century been so long, do not wait too nice for the bell, from the elegant lines after so long a period of enforced silence, can with his shrill voice, just to appease the resentment of all the undeserved affront Orviniensi committed in April 1849 by Mr. Dean of Rieti. Raffaele Feola.

June 1948 (See 1939) The gate of the fountain, after being uprooted and thrown to the ground behind the local public washrooms, remained there throughout the period War and beyond.
With laudable initiative, the Municipality of Orvinio, soon after she restored, was back at his place, worth a corollary of the monumental fountain.

June 2, 1946
day of national mourning and shame for Italy.
The coalition of political parties of the extreme left, led by communists and socialists from mergers, in conjunction with small parties of action and Republican town, to which is added at the last moment the party of Christian Democracy, (to be at this time the strongest party, bears the brunt of their grave responsibilities) has been imposed on the nation's institutional referendum, that the Italians had ruled, by a vote, if they prefer to continue and then confirm if you intend to be ruled by a monarchy, or prefer the Republican.
Moreover, instead of waiting for a period of coolness, that the Italians had been able to give their vote more thoughtfully and after careful consideration, has decided instead to deliberately, to make a short distance from the end of the terrible war lost, ie when minds were exasperated by the defeat suffered undeservedly, and many continue in this state, the unjust and wicked and quite false propaganda, skillfully made by the activists of these extremists. Add after then, that the Interior Ministry was a certain engineer Romita socialist and fervent Republican in cahoots with extremist clique, has operated to the detriment of the Savoy monarchy so patently obscene and disgusting he really is loved and well-liked by the vast majority of Italians are worthy of the name.
They did the same person to vote multiple times in different sections, the dead children, canceled valid ballots, accepted fake cards, replacement cards during the voting and ballots, intimidation at people, threatening letters, watched the voters at the booths and deceived where they had to tick the card, cards stolen and destroyed (the grocery market in Piazza Vittorio Emanuele in Rome we have been told by many people-wrapped their goods with stolen cards to the seats), seats and urns violated with the consent of agents of partisan Romita etc etc..
were excluded from voting in many ex-Fascists, former senators of the Italian Venezia Giulia, the Italian prisoners held outside Italy, the Italians of the Dodecanese Islands, those remaining in the Italian colony and all Italians abroad and those trovavansi that ships in all oceans of the world, knowing that their vote would go straight to the Monarchy.
Notwithstanding this, the radio reported that the trend of continually announcing elections throughout the kingdom, until about 23 o'clock, they said clearly that the Monarchy was still mainly on republic.
Then for a few hours on the radio was silent, what had happened? And 'certainly have been given the necessary orders to accentuate the fraud, that the great small Romita was put in a position to announce the following official statement, namely: 10,719,284 votes
Monarchy Republic

12,717,923 votes invalid votes 1498 .136.
These official data tailored in such a referendum!
Deacons posterity so that led to this monster of so-called republic of Masaniello.
We hope instead that, before long, can indirsi a new referendum by a free election, then I'm sure the Italians will give a right answer, in repair of onto suffered fatal coercively in June 2, 1946.
This is not to an idea, but only in the interests of all who loves Italy, as always, the House of Savoy and do not forget that we never had a united Italy if the Savoy monarchy at the beginning of the last century, had not raised the cry of pain of all Italians who are oppressed by the yoke of the various small states that were teeming in our troubled peninsula.
It should always be mindful that the Monarchy joins us from the Alps to Lilibeo, while the Republic divides us.

December 8, 1949 (see 1939 - 7/16/1941 to June 1948)
As has been done to replace the fence in the monumental fountain Via Roma, so it was done to recover from the State of cast bronze titled, identical in shape and weight to those seized on 07.10.1941.
The blessing of the sacred bronzes, before being relocated to the place where they were taken, took place today in the square before the church of S. Mary of the Recommended.
The baptism of the bell that was imposed as the Angelus was conducted by the pastor of Orvinio Sarrocco Bishop Don Salvatore; godmother was Anna Sister of the Daughters of the Cross, Superior of the Convent of Orvinio. It 'was put back on its tower at 12 pm on 17.12.1949 speaking for the first time with his bronze voice, the people of Orvinio awaiting anxiously. The new bell weighs Kg.94; on the outside, the center has played an effigy of the Madonna of the Recommended SS.ma that surmounts the high altar of the church next the same name, with the writing of the old bell that is requisitioned AVE MARIA GRAZIA PLENA MDCVIII AD.
up toward the dome of the same five heads of winged cherubs with garlands.
Down at the mouth reads:
few days later were also put in place new timpani clock above the Porta Romana.

November 21, 1949 The Municipality of
Orvinio by order signed by 59 of 21:11:49 Mr. Mayor. Valentino Tani ordered the population to provide within ten days of the removal of remains, buried within the Church of S. Maria del Piano and buried in New Cemetery in voc. Petriana in their family graves, after the deadline, the City has done so at their own expense to transport all the bones within the ossuary in the new town cemetery. Legal meritorious.

July 1951
F.lli Lorioli ten thousand medals minted in Milan from eighteen millimeters in diameter in honor of Our Lady of SS.ma Vallebona with "Madonna SS.ma Vallebona" \u200b\u200bwhile on the other side of the mountain is reproduced Vallebona with the famous sanctuary and overlooking the great tower in the garden near the hermit with the legend "Sanctuary Vallebona - Orvinio.
to have some copy should contact the Parish Orvinio through a free offer for the benefit of the Shrine itself.

Summer 1951 and following
To widen the avenue of a few meters from Rome to the Piazza Garibaldi square opposite the Church of St. James, was made with the cutting of the mountain and the resulting material has filled the basin of Canapine (ex clay pit to the next oldest brick kilns) that are adjacent to the boulevard Rome with these earthworks there was a huge yard very nice for football, to make the threshing of wheat and the rest of the many vacationers.
During the same period were renewed pavement with its climb curbs throughout the village, the cord that leads from the Course Vanenti Gate Arch and rehabilitation of most of the streets and squares of the Districts Casalino, Torricelli and St. James, including preparation of the Avenue of the Boardwalk with special reference to the Tower, however, in my opinion, the work was not performed in a workmanlike manner and certainly the new pavement will resist a short time in comparison to those defeated, that have worked well for an age-old period.
In the same period of time has been patched up the retaining wall of the little square in front of the Church of St. Mary of the Recommended, however, whereas before the retaining wall there was no shelter, have now been erected all'ingiro some stone pillars connected by metal rods to crown the whole extent of the retaining wall itself.

January 1, 1951
were detached from District of Orvinio and aggregates to that of Rieti, the following towns with their villages:
- Collalto
- Collegiove
- Marcetelli
- Nespolo
- Pagan
only to the jurisdiction of the Financial Offices namely Direct Tax Agency and Office of the Register, while that of the Magistrate's Court, will always belong to that of Orvin.

18-22 February 1953
witnesses I learned the details of the ocular total collapse of the entire façade of the Abbey Church of S. Maria del Piano. On February 18, 1953
unexpectedly collapsed the front wall of the upper zone includes the artwork of the facade that is the culmination of the eardrum, the rose window, the window, the two pilasters with Corinthian capitals and their six arches with the two tombstones.
Around 11 o'clock the next Sunday, February 22, with a great noise suddenly ruined the rest of the facade to its foundations, including the portal, giving up to describe the pitiable spectacle that presented itself to my eyes when I went to see ruin . Therefore, I immediately precipitato alla Sovrintendenza Monumenti e scavi del Lazio, in Piazza S.Ignazio, informandola del disastro capitato a S.Maria del Piano; infatti una commissione di ingegneri della stessa Sovrintendenza da me sollecitati, effettuava il 10 marzo 1953 un sopraluogo, redigendo un’ampia relazione per il superiore Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione.
Il 17 marzo 1953 riunione nel palazzo comunale di Orvinio dei rappresentanti della suddetta sovrintendenza, dell’Intendenza di Finanza di Rieti e del sindaco di Orvinio professore Goffredo Liguori per concordare la cessione gratuita di tutto il complesso di S.Maria del Piano, dal Comune di Orvinio verso lo Stato Italiano, giusta Deliberazione n.4 del 30 aprile 1953 del Consiglio Comunale di Orvinio, debitamente approvata dalla Autorità Tutoria; in detta Deliberazione il Comune di Orvinio ha posto a suo carico le spese di registrazione dell’atto di cessione.
Nel frattempo, in seguito al mio personale interessamento, avendo ottenuto dalla Direzione Generale delle Antichità e Belle Arti presso il Ministro della Pubblica Istruzione, un primo stanziamento di fondi sul bilancio 1953 di detto Ministero, nella misura di cinque milioni di lire, ai primi di giugno 1953 infatti si sono iniziati i tanto sospirati lavori di restauro cominciando dalla torre (vedi fig.22 e 23 a pag.62 A) campanaria .
I lavori saranno lunghi e pazienti e speriamo di vedere presto l’opera compiuta in modo che la bella e importantissima Chiesa Abbaziale di S.Maria del Piano, vanto di Orvinio e dell’intera Sabina, torni a splendere quale fulgida gemma, del suo antico splendore.

S. Maria del Piano dopo il crollo della facciata della Chiesa avvenuto il 18 e 22 febbraio 1953.

S. Maria del Piano dopo il crollo

Giugno 1953 – Inizio dei lavori di restauro della torre Campanaria di S. Maria del Piano

L'Osservatore Romano - December 24, 1954

The restoration of the bell tower of St. Maria del Piano in Orvinio

Tradition has it that the abbey of St. Maria del Piano near Orvinio was built by Emperor Charlemagne in gratitude to the Virgin to get back to those places a great victory over the Saracens in the march from Ancona to Rome where he would in the solemn coronation S. Peter. While paying any faith in what legend has flourished in a region that while he sees in his story the appearance of the Franks, one can not help but see items and specimens style in the construction of the abbey, which is very close to the rough period and are narrated in the legend dating at least in part, the abbey and the church with the bell tower for ages before the eleventh century.
However, the first document on S. Maria del Piano, dates back to 1015 and remembers how the magnates of the place gave the territory of Farfa in Sabina "on the spot here to nominatur illa plana, est ubi ecclesia aedificata Vocabulaire Sancta Maria." The importance of the abbey
touched the highest point in the Middle Ages, and then began to decline immediately after the Renaissance from grade to grade until it was abandoned in 1869, sold to the City of Orvinio, who created a small cemetery.
Through several centuries of complete abandonment of the three nuclei the wall structure suffered heavy damage, culminating months ago with the collapse in two days of beautiful facade of the church in the Romanesque style with lancet Abruzzo carved below the rose window and portal fifteenth overlapped a second time to the original style.
Lately the only thing that kept some integrity was the bell tower. Longitudinal lesions throughout its height it threatened the stability and did decide the prof. Ceschi, Superintendent of Monuments of Lazio, starting with the restoration of the surviving remnant of what was once a powerful and wealthy abbey.
The direction of the work was entrusted Ing. John of Geso. After freeing the base of the tower by the thick wild vegetation clinging to the walls and after collecting and selecting the material lying around and fell from the tower itself, is to establish a strong bridge of service, all around the perimeter of the tower, and containing function, along with six alternate cerchiture iron to the top of the building, supports safety in the event of any settling movements of the tower. Such moves are settling
feared when he was released from the interior of the tower material and debris from the roof and most were operated inside sbadacciature security in view of the total sputtering the mortar between the blocks and hence the increased sensitivity to external pressure and internal walls. It was then resumed the work of the four walls of the tower piers, two of whom had a significant misalignments. In the delicate work was used all the original material found at the foot of the bell tower and represented in large part from Roman bricks and blocks, some of which bear engraved writings undoubtedly part of ancient carved gravestones in the Roman period.
Subsequently it was provided to the unblocking of the opening bell, and the mullioned windows with three lights, relocating in place of the original columns and capitals found in the material fell and accumulated on the ground and rebuild the roof completely missing, four raining, interpreting the behavior of any style. Thus in November 1954 put an end to the restoration of the tower started in June of 1953, restoring the ancient monument, the striking characteristics of his era. In the centuries-old Benedictine abbey
, outside of the tower that remains is a set of decrepit walls and ruined the whole of which could hardly be traced to fundamental architectural motifs. The bell tower stands restored and renewed its precise contours that stand at the base, on the uncertain whiteness of the ruins.
And the ancient abbey also expects to reach her the day of the miraculous resurrection to give back to the bell tower complete original and for many decades to hand down to posterity the tradition that is half history, half legend of the Frankish king, Charlemagne.


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